
Anime mashup with omnipotent system

What if we reincarnate a anime weeb in a anime mashup world with a omnipotent system? It should be fine....I think? ------------------------ The story revolves around a normal human who reincarnated into a anime mashup world with an absolute omnipotent system. The system is absurdly overpowered. It's a story about how an absolutely strong being, growing much stronger, lives his life. The story will have world travel and MC can also buy many other systems. Story will have many things done without any reason. Like killing one of the important characters I added before but don't like him/her anymore. Mc's personality is based on mine so it would keep changing. In short, this story makes no sense. If you are searching for a serious story with a strong plot and relatable characters, it's not for you. But, if you want to pass time and have some fun moments in this boring life, you should read this story. Starting chapters are not much fun because I was new to writing at that time but newer chapters keep getting better than before.

Only_omnipotent · Cómic
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93 Chs

The another world

"What the fuck..."

My name is Tianzhu Jason. A normal person living in a normal blue planet which is famous for having life. My mother was American while my father was Chinese.

Atleast that's what I was until a few minutes ago.

"Let's recount what all happened..."

I remember that I was just walking home from my daily tuitions. It was a completely normal day. The only thing different was...

A vending machine...

There was a new vending machine on the streets.

Coincidentally, the streets were completely empty. There were no cars, no people, even the buildings were empty.

Coincidentally, I found a coin on the street.

Coincidentally, I forgot my water bottle at home so I was thirsty right now.

Coincidentally, that coin was all I needed to get my favourite orange juice from the vending machine.

With such coincidences, there was nothing stopping me from buying the drink.

Coin entered the vending machine and I felt my head getting heavy.

Last thing I remember is the wierd sound I heard in my head before opening my eyes here.

[Original host has decided to end his life. System will find new host.]

[Located a singular empty soul roaming in the forgotten world.]

[The soul is 99.9% matched with the original host.]

[Omnipotent system has binded itself to the new host.]



Finally, I opened my eyes in this room that I am not at all familiar with.

The room looked quite plain if you ask me.

Simple blue walls, a shelf for books, a study table, a video game set, and a single-person bed. That's all this room has.

"Could it be some kind of prank?" I looked around to look for some kind of hidden camera but I couldn't find any.

"Maybe they are recording from out of the room?" I gulped as I thought of going out of the room.

Somehow, I am feeling extreme anxiety from the thought of exiting this room. Even my legs started to shake.

Should I move or not?


[Would you like to buy skill : adaptation for 1point?]

Skill? System? Point?


[A great morning to new host. I am the omnipotent system.]

Omnipotent system? You mean system like those novels and mangas?

[Not exactly. I am a the real system. The only real system that exists beyond any fiction or reality.]

So I really recieved a system!

What a minute. If you are a system, then you must have a creator right?

[Yes. I do have a creator. My master did create me but I have never seen him. I only know that I was created for the purpose of helping a person to reach the absolute omnipotence. That person will then rule all the omnipotents and will take care of this Omniverse that my master created by mistake.]

Ah. Is that so.

[Yes. Now you are the person I binded with.]


But if I am bounded to such a treasure, then won't thousands of omnipotent people come to kill me?

[Don't worry about that, host.]

[The moment you bounded to me, you have recieved 9 privileges.]

[Omnipotent perk #9 : No omnipotent would be able to harm you. No omniscient would be able to find you. No omnipresent would be able to exist near you.]

That does help very much. Thank you.

Now then, system buy that skill you showed.

[Successfully bought skill : adaptation for 1 point.]

As soon as the skill was bought, I felt a wave of calmness rush through my body. The anxiety I was feeling earlier had completely disappeared.

Well then, before going out of the room...

System, show me my status.

[Yes, host.]

[Status opened

Host : Haruka nanase

System points : 199890 (1 per hour)

Omni-gacha : 16 (1 per year)

Skills : none

Shop (open)

Inventory : empty. ]