
Anime mashup with omnipotent system

What if we reincarnate a anime weeb in a anime mashup world with a omnipotent system? It should be fine....I think? ------------------------ The story revolves around a normal human who reincarnated into a anime mashup world with an absolute omnipotent system. The system is absurdly overpowered. It's a story about how an absolutely strong being, growing much stronger, lives his life. The story will have world travel and MC can also buy many other systems. Story will have many things done without any reason. Like killing one of the important characters I added before but don't like him/her anymore. Mc's personality is based on mine so it would keep changing. In short, this story makes no sense. If you are searching for a serious story with a strong plot and relatable characters, it's not for you. But, if you want to pass time and have some fun moments in this boring life, you should read this story. Starting chapters are not much fun because I was new to writing at that time but newer chapters keep getting better than before.

Only_omnipotent · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Testing the system.

Wow. I am Haruka Nanase? That one from free! anime? That nice. Atleast I didn't occupy the body of some ugly character.

Considering the other characters, Haruka can be said to be one of the hottest anime characters.

I re-opened the system interference and opened the shop












It has many options but I chose object.


Aphrodisiac powder - a powder that can arouse anyone (including nigh-omnipotent)

Cost - 1 points for 500 tons

Book and pen - a book and pen of death note. (Additional feature of shinigami eyes for free.)

Cost -1 point for 3 stacks

Magic mirror - ask it and it will tell your beauty level. It can also reflect any attack.

Cost - 1 points for 100 sets.



Handkerchief of space-time : A handkerchief woven from the threads of space and time. (Contains 100,000 universes inside.)

Cost - 3 points




My eyes widened at seeing the handkerchief. A handkerchief with 100,000 universes is sold for just 3 points!?! Just 3 points!?!

"Son, your food is ready!" A voice came from outside the door.

The voice belonged to a female so I assume it might be my mother.

I walked out of the room without any anxiety and walked down the stairs.

A women was preparing the table downstairs. The woman looked around forty so she might be my mother.

"Good morning mother." I sat on one of the chairs.

"Ah! G-Good M-Morning..." She got confused for a second before responding.

The food was soon served and I ate it quickly.

My mother's food is quite good.

In my previous life, my father was one of the richest man on the planet and my mother had died a year after my birth. I never got to meet my father in real life and only got to see him in television and internet. He just sent me a hundred million dollars everyday.

What I am trying to say is, I have never eaten home-made food before. The food in home tastes completely different from those in seven star hotels.

[Discovered skill God's tongue [beginner] would you like to get it for 1 point?]

'Yes.' I said in my mind as I had gotten used to the system thanks to adaptation skill.


[Name : Haruka nanase

System points : 199887 (1 per hour)

Omni-gacha : 16 (1 per year)

Skill(s) : God's tongue [beginner] [+]

Extra skill(s) : Adaptation

Shop (open)

Inventory : empty. ]


After finishing my food, I walked back to my room.

"Oh! Haruka! Just as you said, we had registered you in the school. Be prepared for tomorrow." I heard mother's voice from downstairs.

Wait a minute?! School!? Does every novel need to have a school arc?!


I sat on the bed inside the room and picked up the diary that was kept on the table.

I flipped open the diary but it was empty.

Every page was empty until I reached the last page.

The last page had a note written down in English.

{Good morning Andrew. If you are reading this, then it would mean I have failed again for the infinith time. I didn't even get to see his face.

You might have recieved the omnipotent system. If you did, then it would mean I have decided to quit this life, again. I didn't actually die so there is no need to mourn for me.

You will learn about the reason for my 'Death' later on. Until then, you can just enjoy the system and life.

This world is a mixture of many animes that you have seen in your past life. There won't be much fun but this world still has many thing to give.

Also, remember this advice. When you get my memories as a system reward, it will activate some of the restrictions on the system. You won't be able to access the complete memories due to the interference from 'him' but you would still recieve enough. Remember to delete or seal those memories.

Lastly, I am going to say that you must succeed this time. You won't be able to fight 'him' even after becoming the absolute omnipotent so don't even try. Try to negotiate if you can.

Good luck.}

The letter ended with a good luck.

Looks like my predecessor was really someone strong. I would have loved meeting him in real life.

I opened the system interface and opened my status.


Host : Haruka nanase

Age : 16

Skill(s) : God's tongue [beginner] [+]

Extra skill(s) : Adaptation

System points : 199890

Omni-gacha : 16

Shop (open)

Inventory : empty


I clicked on the plus sign again and again until it disappeared.


Host : Haruka nanase

Age : 16

Skill(s) : God's tongue [monster]

Extra skill(s) : Adaptation

System points : 199870

Omni-gacha : 16

Shop (open)

Inventory : empty.


Suddenly many types of knowledge about food came to me. My tongue stinged a little and changed a bit. I could now sense my tongue much better. Just by tasting a dish, I can identify it's complete recipe down to the single grain of salt.

Stages of skill are,

Beginner - 1 point

Intermediate - 1 point

Advanced - 1 point

Master - 2 points

Grandmaster - 2 points

Prodigy - 3 points

And lastly, monster - 5 points

It looked like extra skills were not able to evolve.

And so the testing is finished. Let's sleep. I don't want to be late for my first day at school.
