
Anime Mashup: King of Music

Before dying, he created a song so great that even Death liked it. "Give me your song rights and be reborn!" This fanfic is about a reborn musician, in an anime world full of dangers, weird anime effects and an Omniverse web browser?. -f3f3 *********** Anime in this world: NANA Runway de Waratte Beck Kids of the Slope Detroit Metal City Paradise Kiss Blue Period PPPPPP K-ON! Megalo Box Hajime no Ippo Baki God of High-school Kengan Ashura And a lot more!.

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31 Chs

Plans and proud brother.

The Nakano family was again sitting at the table.

They had been speaking about the future and what Kanae was going to do. The two biggest problems were living arrangements and the school examination.

It was Nakano's father that moved things along, "So, why don't we first look for the examination? And see what is it about?"

The three of them nodded their heads and started doing quick research together.

It was Azusa that had the idea of looking for videos on I-Tube.

"Onii-chan, look! He is playing the song that makes him enter the school!"

Hearing this, the family got behind Azusa and started to seriously look at the video.

The kid in the video had pink hair. A normal person or at least normal for this world standard were people could be born with colourful hairs.

He made a quick introduction while telling the viewers that he was going to play 'Shostakovich- Piano Concerto No.2: II. Andante' (A/N: Look that song on YouTube).

Before playing he also told any students watching that if they were going to take the exam—whatever piece they choose, it needed to be something that could show emotions, because Sakura school didn't care about difficult pieces.

After finishing speaking he started playing.

While the family was entranced by the song, Kanae was thinking that the student played okay but the song lacked feeling, as if he was a machine that only wanted to play perfectly.

'Funny, you just told us that the song we choose needs to show emotions…'.

If this was the level of the exam it was going to be easy.

After six minutes, the song finished.

"Waaaaa so beautiful!" Azusa was looking at the student with stars in his eyes. Making Kanae feel a little jealous, "It's okay…I think it lacked emotions"

Hearing this the rest of the family looked at him with a weird gaze.


"You don't know how to play the piano! How do you know he lacked emotion! I think it sounded beautiful"

Hearing his mother defend the kid he pouted and while stomping the ground, to show how offended he was, he went to look for his guitar.

After a minute of looking for his guitar, he was sitting again on the table.

Seeing that he was going to play Azusa's eyes sparkle more than when she watched the video made him feel proud.

"What are you going to play?!"

"Your onii-chan is going to play a song full of emotions!"

He was going to play one original song of his called 'Two moons'


(A/N: The real author of the song is [Toe - Two moons] The version that the mc is playing is a cover by [Soni Cheng]. Youtube video title: Toe - Two moons|#GuitarCover Jam by Soni@GDJYB.

Four bands are going to be 'originals of the mc and future band.

Meaning, that they didn't exist in his world and he is the 'real' author of the songs. I will put it on the story when he is Stealing some of his favourites songs so don't worry.

The bands if you want to listen to them are Toe, Tricot, Porcupine Tree, The Mars Volta.

Of course, I might put some other popular song that will be 'originals' of the mc).


Kanae, position himself comfortable and after a couple of seconds, he started to play.

The moment he touch the first string, the whole room become quiet and a Lullaby-like guitar started to sound.

Kanae was now playing with his eyes closed and pulling all of his feelings on the song.

This song was the first song that he was playing in this new world. And the best of all? It was for his new family. A family that loves him dearly.

Meanwhile, the Nakano family had been transported into a galaxy full of bright stars, the melody of the song had transformed into colourful lights that were accompanying them at the front while they floated in this galaxy. Just like a guide.

It wasn't until the middle of the song that Kanae started to play with a little more intensity that they started to free fall.

Every couple of seconds a ghost-like note would appear and pass through their body making them quiver inside. The feeling was almost surreal, full of calmness and quick emotions.

The song continue for the whole four minutes and when Kanae played the last note the whole family appeared inside the room.

Kanae opens his eyes and looks at his family like a puppy crying for affection.

The family on the other hand were looking at him as he was some weird creature.

This look make him flinch a little, thinking that his music was bad. Maybe his music was good enough for this world? Did he forget how to play music? were they going to leave him too?

His head started to fill with depressing and anxious thoughts.

It was his little sister while jumping from her seat and grabbing his hand that screamed, "That was amazing! I Feel Like Flying!"

Hearing this, the parents nodded their heads.

Kanae didn't understand what they were saying but he could feel that it was a compliment so he smiled, making his dark thoughts vanish in an instant.

Seeing the dumbfounded face of the family he put on a smug face and asked, "So, this one is better than the piano kid, right?"

Azusa was nodding like a little birdie while his father sighed in amazement, "Yes it was son, if you always play like this I'm sure that you won't have a problem making a living"

His mother on the other hand hugs him while mumbling, "My son is going to be a superstar!"

After the small show, they started with their research again.

Kanae could see that his parents were a little more relaxed knowing that the Exam wasn't going to be difficult for his son.

Anyway, they didn't know exactly what was the exam, only that they needed to choose a piece. It was after entering the Sakura Web Site that they find out.

The exam for the music examination consisted of playing a chosen piece and reading a Radom music sheet given by the teachers.

Lucky for them the inscription for the Special Talent exam was easy to sign up to.

They only needed to select a date and time of the allowed days on the calendar. Send an email to the school with all their information and what examination they will take.

They could choose between, design, music, painting, dancing, drawing and acting.

There was another group that say 'Special' but they dint pay attention to that.

The rest of the paper documents and payments needed to be given in person.

Another good news for Kanae was that the school was half the price for Art Talent examination students making it cost only 471,000 yen a year (A/n: Almost 4k USD) instead of the 1,300,000 million yen.

Both Kanae and Azusa sign up for the Music department.

The date was going to be two months from now, on the 1st of April, two weeks before the classes started.

Another good news was that Azusa as a first-year only needed to take the first part of the exam but her grades needed to be good enough. Not really a problem for her over archiving sister.