
Anime Mashup: King of Music

Before dying, he created a song so great that even Death liked it. "Give me your song rights and be reborn!" This fanfic is about a reborn musician, in an anime world full of dangers, weird anime effects and an Omniverse web browser?. -f3f3 *********** Anime in this world: NANA Runway de Waratte Beck Kids of the Slope Detroit Metal City Paradise Kiss Blue Period PPPPPP K-ON! Megalo Box Hajime no Ippo Baki God of High-school Kengan Ashura And a lot more!.

f3f3_2 · Cómic
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31 Chs

Girls Talk.

Azusa was currently sitting in the kitchen with Nana and Hachi.

After talking with his brother and thinking for a while, she remembered that Kanae was going to tell the girls to talk about the music industry. So, to not bother his brother she decide to ask herself.

They had been talking for a while now.

She has gotten angry with her brother again after she found out how he makes the two cry.

"Kanae baka! He can't go around making every girl cry! I won't speak to him anymore!" Azusa pouted. Her brother was a dumbass.

Hachi nodded her head, "Yes! Baka!…. He does look handsome when playing tho…"

Azusa's angriness changed into jealously really fast.

Hormones were a scary thing.

Azusa looked at Hachi with a nasty glare, "You can't have my onii-chan!"

Nana chuckled a little, Azusa was such a cute girl. And she could say with honesty that she would also be over-protective of her too.

Thinking about her cuteness wasn't an excuse to not jest a little with her, "I thought that you won't speak to him anymore?"

Azusa pouted and mumble, "This and that are deferents things…"

Nana looked at Azusa with a gentle smile while saying, "Sigh~ I think we all went on the wrong foot. He already apologized. And as much as it hurts he had good reasons to get angry"

"Waaa~ Traitor! You can't defend the enemy!" Hachi was pointing at Nana.

"You know that they own the house, right? I mean I have money but not to live in a place like this" Nana had the money. The band was selling well. But she didn't want to leave her. This neighbourhood was really nice, had great security and most important it served as a good excuse to not move out with Ren and leave Hachi alone.

She might love Ren with her life, to the point that she needed something as dumb as rent to shackle her and not run to him, but Hachi had become equally important to her.

She saw in Hachi the girl that she could have been if life didn't screw her over. She loves her dearly. And Hachi had given back that affection two times over.

"Don't worry I will tell mom to not do anything!"

Nana was thinking about what to say to Azusa.

The conversation that she had with Kanae made her understand that he was no-nonsense when it was about his sister. And she knew that he would throw them on the street if they didn't follow the rules.

Most importantly, the things he said, without any filter. Crude and to the point. Had made her really think about her life.

And he was right. None of them had been trying to be better. And why would they? The people that surrounded them didn't care. The fans didn't care. They were the 'bad' type. They should act the way they did. They were encouraged to keep with their current lifestyle.

It was fun to read in interviews, fun to listen to, and their crumbling life was entertaining.

And the worst of? They had chosen this path by themselves.

It was a little weird that a younger person was doing what any adult hadn't done in her life. And she knew that if it was any other brat she would beat his shit and do whatever she wanted. Especially, after he had said something as cringe as 'I will destroy you' It was only his eyes that make her understand that, as funny as he sounded, he was being serious.

Thinking about Kanae makes her think about the song that he was playing in the garden. It was beautiful and if the lyrics have some reality to it he was also a brat that was scared.

She didn't know much about music, she wasn't a composer and her guitar play was more learned from repetition after the others composed the songs. She was an interpreter and a songwriter.

But, she also knew how hard it was to compose an original son and understood really quickly that Kanae was a genius musician. The way he sang, the way he make the world change with his music. It was effortless. And make her want to talk with him about music.

After thinking for a while she decided to be a better person and put her life together. For the first time in her life, she had three people around her that didn't have any addiction problems. Nos smoking, no drinking, no drugs.

It was the best moment to change. She hoped that Kanae would give her a chance and start having a friendly relationship.

She looked at little Azusa, she honestly like her. The cute thing was like a combination of her and Hachi.

"Where is your brother Azusa-chan?"

Azusa put on a worried face and shook her head, "He say that his head hurt and was going to sleep"

Hachi put on a worried face, "Is he fine?"

This made Nana chuckle a little, as angry as Hachi was for the sake of her. She couldn't stop worrying about others. She was really a Hachiko.

"Don't worry, he can take care of himself. Your brother looks like a strong person" After saying that Nana noted that Azusa wanted to ask something, "Ask away"

Azusa nodded her head, "Onii-chan say to ask you about the music Industry. How it is in reality."

Hearing this Nana looked at Hachi that also put on a worried face. She could see that Hachi dint want to tell her. Even Hachi, that was always with her head on the clouds, understood that the music industry was not a nice place to be.

She had even cried on Hachi's shoulder while being worried about Ren's drugs problems. It was not a nice story to tell. Especially a 15-year old that didn't know much about life.

Even so, she knew why Kanae wanted them to tell her about it. It was better to whip off that romanticized movie version of fame and rock stars.

Nodding her head at Hachi, she started to tell Azusa about her career.

She told her about how she met Ren. How they knew the band Trapnest and how many problems the label was giving them. She told her how the managers would try to give them drugs to have more energy when playing multiple dates on the same day. Or how they put them in situations of wild parties to make them spend their money on alcohol and illegal things.

The funniest thing was, that most of the people that organized the party, that sell them illegal substances, etc. Had business deals with the labels. She even tells her their suspicions that the music label was stealing money from them.

She explained how most labels would try to scam their artist. How they would enchant you with expensive clothes, and cars, and treat you like a queen without telling you that you were paying for all of that. Drowning you in debt.

A music label didn't care about their artists. They cared about the product. And once the product was done you weren't needed anymore. After all, they had other hundred artists waiting with great songs too.

She told her how they had been lucky enough that Yazu, their bald drummer, was actually a lawyer. So he could fight for more things. But even he couldn't do much about a lot of things. When you wanted to change things in a contract they would just not sign you in. It was to sign or be forgotten.

And the contract was crap, she again said how lucky they were with Yazu. He had fought to make the contract for as little as five years only. Still, when it was actually profit, they earned little compared to the label.

She also tells her again, how lucky Azusa was to have Kanae with her, The importance to have someone to make you put your feet on the ground and not let you fly away from reality.

Fame was like poison. You could sleep with fame but never married her.

Seeing that Azusa was pale and a little scared she started to tell her about the good things too.

How the fans make her feel cherished and how she thought of them as the family she never had. The passion and heart-pounding emotions that playing live gives her. And the important that was singing for her.

Hachi on the other hand went on a rant about her love life.

She gives Azusa advice, like, Never accept love, at first sight. Don't be with married men, and watch out for Nana when she is drunk. Apparently, Nana was a kisser.

By the end of it, Azusa had a lot to think about.

Suddenly she understood why his brother got angry, and for what Hachi and Nana told her about the song he played in the garden, scared. She felt a warm feeling inside while also getting a little annoyed that he could have told her all of this without yelling and while being alone. Is not like she was going to go running away with Nana's band on a world tour.

'Maybe he panicked?' Azusa though.

She took a deep breath and while looking at Nana and Hachi said, "Thanks for telling this."

She really means it. It was different hearing things for girls that were actually leaving her dreams.

"Don't worry Azusa-chan" Hachi say with a great smile that makes her radiate with good feelings.

Nana on the other hand looks at the time and says, "I think we should go eat something out? There is a good Ramen place close by"

The group of three went to the front door and after putting some shoes on went away.

Behind them, Kanae appears looking at their backs. He was thinking about a lot of things. But the most prominent one was that he had really judged Nana in a bad manner. He now felt guilty and thankful at the same time.

Tomorrow he would use the whole day to laze around and do nothing. Maybe leave take-out for a couple of days until the stuff arrived at the house. He really needed to think about a lot of things.

"I really should not judge them."

Kanae pour himself a glass of water and started to write a text to his parents. He wanted to tell them that everything was alright. That he had misjudged Nana. And that there wasn't anything to worry about.

As he was writing the text he looked at the phone and mumbled, "It's so weird to have parents, a family..."