
Anime Mashup: King of Music

Before dying, he created a song so great that even Death liked it. "Give me your song rights and be reborn!" This fanfic is about a reborn musician, in an anime world full of dangers, weird anime effects and an Omniverse web browser?. -f3f3 *********** Anime in this world: NANA Runway de Waratte Beck Kids of the Slope Detroit Metal City Paradise Kiss Blue Period PPPPPP K-ON! Megalo Box Hajime no Ippo Baki God of High-school Kengan Ashura And a lot more!.

f3f3_2 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Five days later...

It had been already five days since the whole drama happen.

Nana and Kanae had talked about things while sharing a little about each other's life. It wasn't part of the plan, but Nana was a great person for conversations.

He had apologized for the way he had said things and for basically ruining her image to his mother.

But again make her clear that no drugs addicts were going to enter the house or speak with his sister. He wanted a safe space for her sister who was having so many changes. Plus he also needed the time to slowly adapt to his life outside the hospital.

His new memories had helped him alone when feelings were needed. But his 16-year-old self also had a lot of problems to deal with. And the package was a full one.

He honestly didn't care about drugs at all. He had abused some 'legal' drugs inside the hospital. Especially to keep playing the piano when he was full of pain. But he was twenty-one years old, paying for his stuff and about to die.

Most important he was the only one being responsible for his actions. Even Roxy, as much of a friend she had been, didn't take care of him. The only ones that could do that were the ones that he pay them a salary.

Azusa was not only 15 but had also lived a pretty pampered life. If she got sick one of them would need to take her to the hospital, pay for her bills, internet, food.

You couldn't be dependable on people for only the thing that you liked. There was a big reason why most adults got tired of living with their so parents easily.

In his mind, if you wanted to choose how to live your life. Then you needed to be responsible for those choices. Economically, physical, and mentally.

Anyway, Nana and Him were now on the same wavelength.

Not totally friendly as having a brat telling you a cringy ass thing like "I will destroy you" when he was looking like future crime manslaughter to happen. Would make people, not like you and be a little scared.

Or in the case of Nana laughing her ass off and never letting you forget about it.

'Kanae-kun, are you going to the bathroom? Destroy it well, okay?'

'Kanae-kun can you destroy these tomatoes for the sauce, please?

'Kanae-kun you are destroying that song!'

All of these jokes were always accompanied whit the laughter of Hachi and Azusa.

It had been an embarrassing week.

This makes him think about why he had been so angry and edgy. And reached the conclusion, of being way too defensive, scared and hormones.

He wasn't sure about the part about the hormones. But, he could now use it as an excuse for everything wrong in his life.

Why did you get angry? Hormones!.

Did you forget to buy the milk? Hormones!.

Yout still didn't leave the house for a weird-ass trauma of not having good enough clothes to use? Hormones!.

The last one was being a problem.

But apart from his hormonal excuse. The biggest part of his attitude problem was that he lacked experience interacting with people as a normal person.

When he was sick and about to die he could speak without filters.

After all, he was the sick genius.

People had pity for him, while everything bad he could say to them would meet the with thinking 'The bastard is going to die anyway' or 'He is probably jealous of us' and that made him a little too resentful to others.

But now he was healthy…more than healthy.

The excuse of 'I'm going to die' wasn't going to cut it anymore.

He didn't want to be an asshole. He wanted to be better.

Kanae chuckled with self-mockery and mumbled, "For someone that speaks so much about actions and consequences…is time to change"

Yes, he needed to change the way he looked at people and treat them. He wasn't to change his whole personality tho.

He knew that not having a filter, being angry, and bitter were parts of him.

And honestly? He didn't care much if people like him or not.

He was an opinionated person that hopefully could back up with actions what he said; and in the end, he was used to people not like him.

Another talk they had with each other was about bringing people to the house.

He again had made it clear of no drugs addicts were allowed in the house. Something that bummed Nana as Ren was having problems again.

Still, the relationship with Nana had been clear.

The problems with each other had been laid on the table like proper adults.

Now was about waiting and to back those words with actions.

He thought that he had been doing a pretty good job for it. Especially with his sister.

They had already unpacked most of their things the day before.

The only problem had been the lack of furniture.

He currently was using his pc on the floor, while his clothes and random objects were still inside boxes. It was good that he decided to pack his fluffy bean couch and har a comfortable place to sit.

The same was for Azusa. She still had things inside the boxes. And most of the time she would sleep in his bedroom or Hachi's.

They had become inseparable lately. Going to have dinner together with Hachi or buy groceries together. And unlike him, Azusa liked to leave the house.

It was nice that Azusa could find a role for older sister in Hachi. She wasn't perfect but she was a motherly and trustable person.

Anyway, after seeing her sister missing her room they decided to design one together. The final sketch was a cool looking bedroom for her.

This had been enough for Azusa to cheer up and start looking forward to her new bedroom.

What he didn't tell her was that they were going to contract an interior designer. Azusa was still thinking that they hadn't any money yet.

His parents had given him free use of his University savings.

Or at least his part of the savings.

He didn't want to use the ones for Azusa anyway.

The saving account was loaded with a deep 500k USD. 250k for him.

It was a lot of money. So doing the room for her sister wasn't going to be a problem.

His guilt about using the money had banished after seeing her sister sad about losing her past bedroom.

In any case, he was planning to return double the money.

So seeing that he now wasn't as dumb with the use of the bank account, he could start a shopping spree.

His parents had already given the green light. The only reason he was being dumb about it was that he was too prideful. Especially, about taking care of himself.

But, he was trying to change. Accepting that he had a family to lean over and give back in return.

He also was going to buy a new laptop for writing, a proper bed and all the things needed to film good MeTube videos.

It was going to be expensive, especially all the things that he wanted to have a proper musical channel. What he needed was not only a Music studio but a youtube one too.

He had a long list of music recording devices to buy and he still needed to research on the internet about brands of this world.

But 2010 was an era where Blogs Pages were thriving. Full of useful information still not fully contaminated by drop shipping pages and Ads.

Another thing he had done was finish writing the Little Prince and Charlotte's Web on his pc.

He still needed to buy all the art supplies to make the drawings. He wanted good professional artist quality paper. Some 300gr and full %100 cotton paper would do.

He wanted the illustrations to be preserved for framing or future use.

And for that %100 cotton plus high-quality were needed. Plus good papers and ink pens were always a pleasure to work with.

And today was going to be the day.
