
Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk

Hey Guys, this story is written by Sinyk on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied Sinyk's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter and the 7 angers), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on patreon. Pisses me off to no end. Art is by CruderFive1 on DeviantArt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guys and... guyettes, This one is of epic length. And by that I mean really really long. For those who sent me a note about 'Four Heirs' and thought it long - well, this one blows that one out of the water for length. So, if something only up to - say - 150k words is your cup o' tea, then this isn't for you. No sir-ree! This story hits approximately 480k words. To stop all the whining and bitching right now - yeah, like that's ever going to happen - you'll figure out this is a 'Haphne' story; Dumbledore is (somewhat) good but still manipulative as per canon; Ron's an ineffective non-entity; Snape tries to keep sticking his beak in - and get's it repeatedly thwacked with a rolled-up newspaper; McGonagall gets over her hero-worship of DumDum (I mean, Dumbledore); Hermione is a good friend; Sirius is free; kids are kids; and teenagers are walking bags of hormones. The story follows canon a lot; and I've even included many quoted sections out of the books. I didn't do this to pinch JKR's works. Rather, it's in there to demonstrate similarities while being a different story. So, no biatching about that, either. You've been well and truly warned. Yours, Da crazy bastard who thinks he's an author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H3llhound2dea1h · Películas
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87 Chs

Chapter Twelve – Meeting Ron

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Twelve – Meeting Ron




Harry should have considered his words as those of a seer. At that same time, Cygnus was almost cackling with glee.

"I could kiss that boy!" he called out. "If he wasn't already betrothed to Daphne I would have offered him a contract, anyway! Merlin, I might also offer him Astoria to go along with her!"

The noise brought Isabel into the room. "Cygnus?" she asked. "What in Merlin's name are you so excited about?"

"Harry!" exclaimed Cygnus. "He's just pulled off the most Slytherin stunt I've ever seen. And, against the Head of Slytherin House, no less! Ha!"

Speaking soothing words, Isabel said, "Perhaps if you were to calm down and explain it to me..."

"Here!" said Cygnus, offering her a slip of parchment. "Read this! I've got to floo Augusta!" And he practically skipped out of the room.

At the fireplace, Cygnus had dashed in some floo powder, barked out, "Longbottom Hall," and stuck his head in.

"Augusta!" he called. "Augusta, are you there?"

A little elf popped into view in the parlour of Longbottom Hall and said, "Mistress is in the sitting room, Mipsy will get her," before she popped away again.

The next thing Cygnus saw was Augusta walk into the parlour with Amelia on her heels.

"Cygnus?" asked Augusta.

"Augusta! Harry's sent us a memory. You've got to see this! It's like - a gift from the Gods, themselves! It's manna from heaven!"

"Well, Amelia's here..."

"Bring her! She can see this, too! She'll love it!"

"Alright, Cygnus; I suppose we've got the time..."

"Yes! Come through!" and pulled his head back out of the flames. Without even thinking about it he drew his wand and banished the soot that had collected about his shoulders, face and hair.

The flames flared to life again and he was soon joined by Augusta and Amelia. Both of whom used their wands to banish their own soot and ash.

"Welcome; both of you!" he said, before he spun on his heel and walked away. "I've got my pensieve set up in my study..."

Leading the two ladies into his study while rubbing the palms of his hands together in glee, he said, "Alright. Harry sent me a letter and a memory about something that happened in the Great Hall this morning at breakfast." Looking to his wife he asked, "Izzy, can you show them the letter?"

Without a word Isabel handed the letter off to Augusta. With Amelia looking over her shoulder, she read:

Lord Greengrass,

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Greengrass

It is with an angered heart I must write to you concerning an incident that occurred during breakfast, this morning, in the Great Hall at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Potions Master Severus Snape has, in a most vile manner, attempted to interfere with my betrothal with your lovely daughter, the Lady Daphne.

I find myself so enraged by the event I cannot put quill to parchment to describe it to you. It overturns my stomach. Instead, I have included my memory of the despicable act so you may judge for yourself the seriousness of the crime.

I ask that you witness the event for yourself. Then, as a concession to me, negotiate a time with the Dowager Lady Longbottom, Regent Potter, for her to view same.

Though the infraction by Potions Master Snape may be considered minor, as it is a betrothal between two Noble and Most Ancient Houses, I feel it sirius enough it must be dealt with by your good selves as members in good standing of the Wizengamot. I feel even Dumbledore, as Chief Warlock and who attempted to intervene at the time, is not worthy of judging this matter.

Have fun!

Mr. Harry J Potter

Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

"Overturn, concession, negotiate, minor, serious misspelled, Wizengamot, Dumbledore," mused Augusta. "Why did he underline those words?"

"I believe I know," replied a grinning Cygnus. "Watch the memory with me and I'll explain."

The four adults then dipped into the memory and remained motionless for a while.

About ten minutes later, they all stood back up straight again and stepped back.

"Oh, dear!" exclaimed Augusta.

"Ha!" exclaimed Cygnus again. "Did you see what he did? He escorted that young, brown-haired Gryffindor witch into the Great Hall, sat her at the Hufflepuff table with young Susan and Hannah all facing the Slytherin table, whispered something to the three of them and young Neville that had them grinning like loons, and then went and sat next to Daph and Tracey, who were clearly waiting for him, at the Slytherin table facing them!

"He had it all planned out in advance!" he exclaimed again. "I don't know how he did it, but I know the boy tricked the Hat into sorting him into Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin. I'm sure of it! I even witnessed the sorting; and it was one of the longest I've ever seen or heard of!"

"Yes, but perhaps now you can explain why he did it to us lesser mortals," said Amelia. "Though I think I might have an idea."

"It's the letter," said Cygnus. "Overturn - instead of turn - concession, negotiate, minor, sirius - not misspelled serious - Wizengamot, Dumbledore.

"Don't you see? We can use what he did. As Harry is a minor, Augusta and I can overturn the apology and use the incident to negotiate and wring concessions out of Dumbledore within the Wizengamot. His last line, have fun, tells us to do exactly that! And the name Sirius, for Sirius Black, being included tells us he hopes we can use it to wring concessions for Sirius's freedom!"

Laughing, Cygnus said, "Dumbledore is going to do everything he possibly can to save his precious spy. We can use this to get what we want out of him. He won't dare try and block us; lest we then formally challenge Snape. We've got him by the nads, and Harry gave him to us!

"The boy, in one fell swoop, negated Snape's influences within the school and hamstrung Dumbledore from blocking us! And he used the laws of the old ways to do it. It was a most guileful Slytherin move!"

"Oh, my," Amelia softly said. "He did, didn't he?"

"On top of that, when I escorted Harry into Hogwarts last night, it was easy to see the rest of the student population were either just scared, or flat-out terrified, of him," said Cygnus, breathing heavily from laughing too hard. "Now, he's just given a very powerful warning to everyone else that Daphne is not to be bothered by anyone - or else! And the faces on the boys sitting at the Slytherin table showed they well understood the message. That girl just became the safest witch in Hogwarts! No one will go near her now!"




After lunch, Harry had a class on Herbology with the Slytherins. So, he was able to share a table with Daphne next to a table shared by another Slytherin witch and Tracey. He quickly learned that Daphne had quite the in-depth knowledge of potions and potion ingredients, of which many of the plants in Herbology filled. Together, they had fun repotting bubotuber seedlings from trays into small pots while Tracey and her partner were repotting common dittany from small pots into slightly larger pots.

"Damn!" Harry said softly after sniffing one of the seedlings. "These things smell like petrol."

"Petrol?" asked Daphne.

"Yeah, it's the fuel used by automobiles. You know, muggle transportation device with four wheels people ride inside of?"

"I know what an automobile is, Harry," she replied in a condescending voice.

"Sorry," replied Harry. "I just know that some magicals aren't all that up-to-date with muggle technology and the sciences."

"I daresay these would be quite flammable," he mused.

"They are," she replied. "But the pus you extract from the nodules on the fully matured versions of these have a wide range of medicinal purposes. In the raw state, though, you need to wear your protective gloves when handling them. The pus is pretty corrosive and can cause burns and boils on bare skin."

"Five points to Slytherin, Miss Greengrass," spoke Professor Sprout who had come up behind them, "for that wise and correct counsel on the safe handling of bubotuber pus. Well done." Before she moved off again.

Before long their chore was done and both were able to clean up their workstation and themselves. They were quickly dismissed from the greenhouse and the weekend was theirs.




After their final Friday class, Harry and Daphne approached the door to the office and personal quarters of Harry's Head of House, Professor Flitwick, and knocked.

When they heard, "Come in!" from within. Harry opened the door and allowed Daphne to precede him into the office.

"Ah, Mister Potter and Miss Greengrass," said the diminutive Charms Master. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Sir, I have been asked by a number of Ravenclaw students to provide lessons on wizarding etiquette and traditions," said Harry. "I've come to ask permission to form a club for that purpose as per student rules."

The professor looked back for a second before gesturing to the other side of his desk and conjuring a comfortable love seat. "Take a seat and we'll discuss it," he said.

The two of them split around either side of the seat and Harry waited until Daphne was seated before taking seat himself. As soon as he did Daphne grasped his hand in hers.

The gestures did not go unnoticed by the Professor.

"So," the Professor began. "Tell me about this etiquette and traditions club you want to start."

"Well, after what happened this morning, I was approached by a couple of our 'Claws who wanted to know what I meant with what I said; and it meant, in general. From that discussion, where I gave an overview of the wizarding Houses and how they - tiered; the various Heirs and Heiresses, both Apparent and Presumptive; what a betrothal contract entailed, and about the one involving Daphne and I; and hinted at the many more traditions and standards of etiquette within the wizarding world; they, pretty much, ganged-up on me and asked me to teach them.

"If I'm going to teach them then I want to do it properly. I'll sponsor the club out of House Potter funds, provide texts, draw up lesson plans, and formalise the instruction as best I can before I even start."

Professor Flitwick was sitting back in his swivel-type office chair and was gently twisting it this way and that. He leaned forward, placed his elbows on the edge of the desk and cupped his chin in his hands. "Every now and then we get someone who wants to teach the muggleborns about the wizarding world," he began. "More often than not, the club that's formed usually dies a lingering death after a few months.

"Before me I now see a pureblood and a half blood who was raised in the muggle world wanting to do the same thing. Plus, both of you are Heirs to Noble and Most Ancient Houses; and that's significantly different from before; and I'm sensing a sense of Noblesse Oblige at work here." Looking directly at Harry, he said, "I'm also quite impressed by your knowledge of the matter, especially as you were muggle-raised."

With a blush, Harry said, "I'm a very fast learner, sir."

Sitting back again, Flitwick said, "As it is not going to cost Hogwarts any of our limited discretionary funds, we've got classrooms to spare for you to base your club. Based on your little - display - this morning it is clear you have knowledge of at least some of the traditions. As there's also two of you wanting to work together to make it a success, I'm happy to be the staff member to sponsor your club.

"However, I'm going to want to see a decent set of lesson plans that cover the first half dozen at least classes you want to hold, in advance of formal approval. And the club is to be open to all students, including the purebloods."

Seeing the look on their faces from having to allow the purebloods in, he said, "I understand you may think there are some individuals among the purebloods who would only attend to - disrupt - the class. However, it is a requirement that such clubs be open to everyone unless age is an issue."

Harry and Daphne both gave the Professor nods of agreement.

"That being said, and as long as you agree to my requirements, I cannot refuse you from going ahead and making an initial start on creating the club," said the Professor. "There, you have my permission in principle."

Very shortly after, they were out the door and on their way to the Great Hall for dinner, before heading on to the library. Both had homework and, besides the Great Hall, it was the only place for students of different Houses to sit down to tackle it together.




Once homework was out of the way, they both moved on to writing up what they needed for the club. Daphne was thinking up subject matter while Harry moved into the stacks to see what books the school library held on the subject. There were actually quite a few. He grabbed them and returned with his arms loaded to the table he and his betrothed had snagged at the back of the library.

As he approached, Harry could see Daphne had been joined by Neville, Tracey, Susan, Hannah, and Hermione. He also had a sense they were becoming such a tight group of seven it would soon be recognised by those outside of their little clique.

"What homework is everyone working on?" asked Hermione.

The others replied with what they were working on except for Harry and Daphne. "Daphne and I have permission in principle from Professor Flitwick to advance plan a school sanctioned club allowing us to teach muggleborns and muggle-raised about the wizarding world traditions and customs. We've already completed most of our homework so we're going to be spending a bit of time working out lesson plans and the like."

"And that's what that great stack you've got in your arms and are seemingly trying to hide behind is about?" asked Susan.

"Yeah," replied Harry. "I'm looking to see if there's a book that would be better suited as the text I want to purchase for all those who want to learn, other than the ones I already own."

"You want to pay for them out of your own pocket, Harry?" asked Neville.

Harry nodded and replied, "Yeah, I don't want them to have to pay for their own. They've already paid more than enough for the text books for Hogwarts and it would be unfair to burden them with another. Don't worry, though, I think the Potters can afford it." He grinned.

"Oh! that reminds me," said Hermione. She reached into her bookbag and drew out the two books Harry had loaned her. "Thank you for the loan. But I may come back and borrow them again for a refresher some time, alright?"

"Alright, Hermione," replied Harry. "All you need do is ask when you want to borrow them again, you know that."

While the others were working on their homework, Harry and Daphne poured over the texts Harry had brought back from the stacks and started to get a feel for how they were going to proceed. After skimming through the texts, Harry quickly realised he might need two different books; the same two he initially loaned Hermione, 'An Introduction to the Wizarding World' and 'Noble Etiquette'. The only text that could challenge those two was 'Wizarding World Etiquette and You'. But the book looked quite old. He wasn't sure if it'd be still in print and, even if it was, if it had been updated enough to be worthwhile.

So far he was just going to stick with 'An Introduction to the Wizarding World' as the text. Any information he needed from 'Noble Etiquette' he'd provide by way of presentations. The vast majority of muggleborns didn't need to know all the etiquette, such as formal duelling practices, because it wouldn't apply to them.

An hour later and Daphne had compiled a list of subject matters to break down into manageable lessons. And Harry had devised a set of rules for them to abide by in forming those lesson plans.

Switching, Harry picked up what subjects Daphne thought they should cover while she read what he wrote. He frowned down at the sheet and thought about what else to include. He knew the first four of the subjects she listed could be covered by a single hour long session each. Transport and communication wouldn't take all that long, nor would Business and banking. Those two could follow one after the other in a single lesson. The last two could take many lessons, depending on how many such customs they wanted to address. Some etiquette was linked directly to a certain custom, and vice versa.

With only an effective eight months of the school year, it was clear they could not hold the classes on a monthly basis. So, Harry started to think of them needing to be held once per fortnight.

He then offered the sheet to Hermione who, he could see, was just antsy about getting to see what they'd written. She grabbed it eagerly and he went back to scanning through the last of the books he had left to peruse. He watched through his bangs and Hermione scanned through the list worrying at her bottom lip with her upper teeth as she did so.

When she'd finished, she handed it back.

"Anything to add, Hermione?" he gently asked.

She frowned and said, "With that much you're going to need to hold - club meetings - at least as often as once a fortnight."

Without a word, Daphne then handed over the list Harry had drawn up. As Hermione took it from her, Daphne turned to Harry with a grin, which he returned.

Sliding the sheet of subjects to a space between them, Harry said, "E and F can easily be merged into one - club session. There's more than enough time. However, Hermione's right in that we should aim for the club meetings to be held either once per fortnight, or on - say - the second and fourth Sunday of the month.

"That gives us about eighteen meetings between the start and end of the school year, with only one meeting being missed, the one over the Christmas break. So, we can start with - let's see..."

Harry quickly wrote out a curriculum for the first few months of the year.

"That can cover the next three to four months," said Harry, once he'd finished. "Which means, we've met Professor Flitwick's requirements."

"Hmm..." said Daphne. "And there's no requirement to run the classes - club meetings for the whole school year, anyway. After all, the concept came about because you want the muggleborns to understand the wizarding world and try to ensure that they won't unknowingly offend. It's not about filling a school year with extra-curricular activities.

"Plus, this allows us to spend an extra week, or even two, on a specific subject if we need to. I'm sure there's going to be the occasional subject that's going to require we spend more time on it than we originally allocated."

Nodding, Harry said, "Great! Then that just leaves which book we want to use as the text for the club. Probably, and only because I'm already more familiar with it, I suggest we stick with 'An Introduction to the Wizarding World' for the first few meetings. And I think I will also go ahead and purchase a latest copy of 'Wizarding World Etiquette and You' via owl post from Flourish & Blotts. If it proves to be as good as I hope it is, then I'll purchase a copy for each 'club member' who makes it past and sticks around after the first couple of months. How does that sound to you?

Daphne leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and said, "Most generous."

When Susan noticed what the time was, and that it was rapidly heading towards curfew, the seven packed up what they were working on. Daphne gave Harry a hand to reshelve the books he'd pulled, and then he joined them in leaving the library.

At the Grand staircase, Harry, Hermione and Neville headed up; and Daphne, Tracey, Susan and Hannah headed down.




The next day, Harry took Daphne for a walk around the lake, the banks of which the Hogwarts castle was perched.

For most of the time they just walked along holding hands. They chatted about what Daphne had learned of her dorm and Year mates, and of the Slytherin House, in general. For his part, Harry told her about his first night in Ravenclaw. And how practically the whole House was waiting for him in the common room when he returned from meeting her in the passage just off the Entrance Hall.

He told her he had considered pranking his dorm mates on the very first night; but, had decided against it due to how tired he had become explaining everything to his House mates.

Harry asked her about her classes; who the teachers were, with which House she was sharing them. Though, with the last he could have easily figured it out for himself based on his own timetable.

She told him she found Professor Flitwick to be nice, as he'd experienced when he met the diminutive professor the afternoon before; Professor McGonagall was strict but seemed to be distracted at the time; Professor Dumbledore was currently teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts - and was clearly very knowledgeable about the subject - Binns in History of Magic was so boring he could drone a banshee to sleep without even trying; and Professor Sinistra clearly loved her subject of Astronomy. Of course, Harry spent the afternoon with her in Herbology, the final subject.

She went on to tell him how the others in their small group had all banded around her during the days Harry was in hospital to lend her their support. And how Neville very 'Gryffindorishly' told her he was willing to chaperone her about the castle until Harry returned.

She told him how Malfoy had tried to 'come on' to her on the Monday while she was walking between classes. And how it was Tracey that told the blonde ponce to look at her, Daphne's, ring finger. And how the blonde ponce took one look, blanched, and rapidly left with 'the two bookends' in tow.

She told him how another Slytherin boy, Theodore Nott, tried something at lunch the same day. But, she'd merely raised her left hand showing him the back of her fingers. However, it wasn't until she actually pointed to the ring, did the boy back off again. She also told Harry he was the boy who muttered 'Oh, bloody hell' when Harry was 'having a go' at Professor Snape.

And she told him how quite a few people, almost entirely girls, had approached from across the Houses to ask to whom she was betrothed. She had fun keeping it a secret.

Harry immediately apologised for ruining her fun. She, in turn, told him she'd had her fun, and the morning of the previous day was a perfect time to 'come clean' with the mystery boy's identity.

It took a while to walk all the way around the lake. It was, after all, quite large. But, to Harry and Daphne, it felt as if they'd only just begun their trek when they were back; this time on the other side of the castle.

"Well, that was quite the invigorating walk," said Harry. "Shall we venture back into the castle and partake of lunch?"

Daphne giggled and said, "With pleasure, kind sir."

"And at which table would my lady like to partake her lunch?" he mischievously asked.

Stopping for a moment she turned to Harry and, with a wicked grin, said, "Let's join Neville and Hermione for lunch."

With a laugh in reply, Harry said, "Gryffindor, it is!"




When Harry, Daphne and Tracey joined a surprised Neville and a grinning Hermione at the Gryffindor table, they found some of the Gryffindors slid down the bench a little to give them room. Or, maybe, it was just fear.

Neville, seeing his year mates slide away, rolled his eyes at them. However, the resultant gap also allowed Susan and Hannah to join them.

What none of them saw was Professor Flitwick glance over at Professor McGonagall with a smirk and, holding his hand palm up before him, rub the ball of his thumb across the ball of his two next fingers in the age old gesture of 'pay up'. In response, Professor McGonagall gave a weary sigh and nodded her head in acceptance.

The seven had just settled down when Ron Weasley came into the Great Hall, intent on his own lunch. When he approached the end of the table closest to the head table he stopped in shock.

"What're those filthy snakes doing here?" he yelled, pointing at Daphne and Tracey.

He was immediately accosted by all seven suddenly standing and pointing their wands at him. He turned white in shock with his mouth gaping open.

"Mister Weasley!" yelled Neville right back, beating Harry to it by half a breath. "Were you not paying attention to what happened at breakfast yesterday morning? Has your hunger so befuddled your mind as to strip it of all sense? The Headmaster made it quite clear that students are allowed to sit at any House table with the exception of the Sorting and Leaving feasts!"

"Excuse me, Mister Longbottom," said Professor McGonagall, coming forward. "I'm sorry to interrupt; but I find I need a most urgent word with Mister Weasley, the youngest."

"Of course, Professor," replied Neville in a calmer but no less carrying voice.

"With me, Mister Weasley," said the stern Professor in a no-nonsense tone, grabbing him by the upper bicep and half carrying, half dragging him back out of the Hall.

The seven, seeing the youngest Weasley dragged back out of the Hall, again took seat.

Just as they did so they were joined by the Weasley twins who stood just a little apart.

"Our apologies on behalf of House Weasley to you all," said one.

"... But, most especially to you; Lady Tracey, Lady Daphne and Lord Potter..." said the other.

"... Our idiot brother appears to have taken one too many bludgers to the head..."

"... That, or he was dropped on his head as a baby..."

"... Be that as it may..."

"... Yes, indeed..."

"... We will attempt to curb him from making such utterances in future."

Together, both bowed slightly before moving off again.

"What is his problem?" asked Harry of Neville.

"I think he had his heart set on becoming the friend of the Boy-Who-Lived," replied Neville with a small smile. "At least, that's the impression I got, having to listen to him in the Gryffindor common room and our dorm. He was really not happy to discover you're not interested in befriending him."

"Oh?" asked Daphne.

Neville nodded and said, "Last night, he was saying something about how it wasn't right the Boy-Who-Lived was with a snake. And how her family must be using dark magic on Harry to turn him dark. And how he should be with a 'Light' family such as, of course, the Weasleys. I get the impression he wants to rescue him from the clutches of the dark families before it's too late."

Harry snorted and said, "In other words, he's barmy."

Neville gave a bit of shrug in response.

"He has at least the girls in my dorm upset," said Hermione. "I think a couple of them even fancy you, Harry."

Thinking a bit, Harry said, "If he opens his yap about me and Daphne again, please make sure you tell him - in public - that Daphne and my betrothal contract was drawn up and signed by our parents when we were infants. And - that it would be very unwise to stick his freckled beak in where it was both unwanted and unwarranted. The Noble and Ancient families will not stand for it; be they 'Light', 'Dark' or in-between. That should also get the girls to calm down."

"Alright," said Neville with a firm nod.

"Actually," said Daphne, "See if you can have a chat with his twin brothers. They seem to be fully aware of the customs, so may be able to talk some sense into their brother."

Neville nodded again.

"Was this another of those situations where you could have killed that boy?" asked Hermione, clearly a little worried.

Firmly shaking his head, Harry replied, "No, definitely not. First, he only called Daphne a 'filthy snake', which is something a lot of the other houses call, or refer to, the Slytherins. Besides, they're also known as the House of the Snakes, and they wear the snake motif on their robes as part of the House Crest.

"Secondly, Mister Weasley the youngest is a minor. He is not considered to be entirely responsible for his own actions. I could have had a go at his father, though; for not educating him properly on etiquette when dealing with the Noble and Ancient Houses.

"Thirdly, as Professor McGonagall is seen as his Head of House, even if it is only his school House and not his family House. And that she is considered to be in loco parentis - in effect, his parent - while here, at school; I'm willing to allow her to address his - behavioural problems - for now," he said, before dropping his voice and grinning, "as I have no doubt she is currently doing with great - energy."

That made the others laugh.




Professor McGonagall currently had the aforementioned red head in the same disused passageway as Daphne had ushered Harry into two nights previous.

"Of all the ill-thought, idiotic, stupid things you could have done, Mister Weasley; even I doubted you could possibly have done something so unwise as I just witnessed in the Great Hall," she ranted at him. "Did you not see only yesterday morning what can happen when you interfere in the betrothal practices of an Ancient House?"

"But, he's Harry Potter, Professor!" spluttered-whined the boy. "He can't be with someone like a Greengrass! They're Dark!"

"Irrespective of your views on the matter, Mister Weasley," she snapped at him. "He is betrothed to her, I assure you. The Headmaster has gone direct to the Ministry and has seen a copy of the betrothal contract for himself! It is unbreakable!

"If they even think you're attempting to interfere in the betrothal, the Ancient Houses will not hold back in coming after your family!" she ranted again. "You know this, so stay out of it!"

"It's not right, Professor," snarl-muttered the boy.

"I don't care!" she shouted. "Stay out of it and keep your opinions to yourself! It is very clear Mister Potter takes his role of protecting Miss Greengrass very, very seriously. If you attack her, in any way, he will come after you with the power of the Ancient Houses behind him. At that point I doubt I'll be able to protect you from your own idiocy!"

With a heavy sigh, the boy sullenly muttered, "Yes, Professor."

Professor McGonagall visibly calmed herself down and said, "Heed me well, Mister Weasley. And that will be twenty points against Gryffindor for your behaviour. Plus, you will write a twelve inch parchment researched into the rights of the Ancient families regarding betrothals. It will be due in two weeks.

With that, the Professor stormed back out to the Entrance Hall heading back to the head table in the Great Hall.

She left the silently fuming red head behind in the corridor. A boy who was rapidly coming to the conclusion you shouldn't mess with Harry Potter.




Once again this is not my work. Original work is written by Sinyk on fanfic.net

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