
Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk

Hey Guys, this story is written by Sinyk on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied Sinyk's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter and the 7 angers), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on patreon. Pisses me off to no end. Art is by CruderFive1 on DeviantArt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guys and... guyettes, This one is of epic length. And by that I mean really really long. For those who sent me a note about 'Four Heirs' and thought it long - well, this one blows that one out of the water for length. So, if something only up to - say - 150k words is your cup o' tea, then this isn't for you. No sir-ree! This story hits approximately 480k words. To stop all the whining and bitching right now - yeah, like that's ever going to happen - you'll figure out this is a 'Haphne' story; Dumbledore is (somewhat) good but still manipulative as per canon; Ron's an ineffective non-entity; Snape tries to keep sticking his beak in - and get's it repeatedly thwacked with a rolled-up newspaper; McGonagall gets over her hero-worship of DumDum (I mean, Dumbledore); Hermione is a good friend; Sirius is free; kids are kids; and teenagers are walking bags of hormones. The story follows canon a lot; and I've even included many quoted sections out of the books. I didn't do this to pinch JKR's works. Rather, it's in there to demonstrate similarities while being a different story. So, no biatching about that, either. You've been well and truly warned. Yours, Da crazy bastard who thinks he's an author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H3llhound2dea1h · Películas
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87 Chs

Chapter Seventy Six - Explaining Things

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Seventy Six - Explaining Things




After paying Dewey a quick visit and bringing him up to speed with what was happening, it was he who recommended Harry strike while the iron was hot and take up the Lordships of the two founders Houses at the next available Wizengamot session.

"If you move immediately," he counselled, "it won't give anyone time to mount a defence against you acquiring those seats."

"Can I do that while Gran's acting as my proxy?" asked Harry.

"Certainly," replied Dewey. "The Wizengamot see each House seat as a separate entity. You take each seat, and - if you like - you can have a proxy for each. You can also have one or more people hold multiple proxies."

"Hmm," mused Harry. "So I can add Gryffindor to Sirius, Slytherin to Cygnus and activate Gaunt House differently once it achieves Noble status?"

"Yes, precisely," said Dewey. "But, first, you have to take those seats in your own right. Which means, you have to attend the next Wizengamot session in person."

Harry sighed and said, "At least we'll be on summer holidays, by then. And, thankfully, it will be before our wedding in August." Harry suddenly sat up and said to Dewey, "Oh, and keep Saturday, the 7th of August free on your calendar. Daphne and I are getting married on that day and, because we're both under seventeen, it would be best if my favourite legal-eagle is there."

"Favourite legal-eagle?" asked Dewey with a smile. "I thought I was the only one."

"You are," replied a cheeky Harry. "That's why you're also my favourite."

Dewey just chuckled.




With business finally concluded, Cygnus escorted the two teens back to the Entrance Hall of Hogwarts. A quick 'see you in just over a week', and he was off, leaving the two to track down their friends.

Harry cast a quick tempus and saw that lunch was not that far away. Thinking a bit, he said, "I think we should go see Headmaster Flitwick and let him know what's going on, first."

Daphne nodded and sighed, "Yeah, you're right. We should."

Together, they headed to the Headmaster's office.

Approaching the gargoyle guarding the entrance to the stairs, Harry said to it, "Hey. Open up."

The gargoyle leapt nimbly to the side.

The two teens looked at one another before Harry shrugged and Daphne smirked. Together, they ascended the stairs.

A quick knock on the door, and a called response of "Come in!" in the Professor's lilting voice, Harry and Daphne entered the Headmaster's Office. Headmaster Flitwick was sitting at his desk.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, nearly falling out of his chair. He quickly rose and came around his desk. "Mister Potter - Miss Greengrass - what a most pleasant surprise!"

"Hello, Professor," smiled Harry as Daphne did the same. "We have important news. Do you have time to hear us out?"

"Oh, yes," he happily replied. A quick conjuration and he had a large loveseat sitting high before his desk.

Harry assisted Daphne to sit and took seat himself as the little Professor went back around his desk and took seat.

Once he appeared comfortable, he called a house elf to bring them tea and some light snacks; which were delivered immediately.

"Now," said Harry, balancing a saucer on his knee in his usual style. "You are clearly aware I was kidnapped from the school grounds, night before last?"

"Yes, of course," replied the professor. "We were also informed you had been rescued and had spent the night and yesterday in medical care. We know little else than that, I'm afraid."

"That's because information concerning what happened is being kept under wraps, for the moment," replied Harry. "However, I insisted you be told so you understand."

"Thank you, Mister Potter," replied the Professor, gravely. "I appreciate your trust."

Harry nodded and said, "In a nutshell: I was kidnapped by a plan of Riddle's - Voldemort's - masked morons; his Death Eaters."

Flitwick gasped but otherwise remained silent.

"I was kidnapped because they wanted to use me in a ritual to resurrect Riddle. The first part was to have my blood taken unwillingly; and, once Riddle was resurrected, he then wanted to kill me, personally.

"Well, the ritual worked. Riddle was resurrected. However, his intent to kill me by his own hand - didn't go as he planned," Harry smirked.

"Instead, in a one-on-one duel between him and me, I kicked his arse and killed him."

"Language, Harry," Daphne scolded him.

Glancing askance to her, he said, "Yeah, but it was apt."

"You faced Voldemort in a one-on-one duel and defeated him?" asked a shocked Professor Flitwick.

"I sure did!" smirked Harry.

"How?" exclaimed the professor.

"Professor!" exclaimed Harry, mock-hurt. "How little faith you have in me."

The professor snorted and said, "Don't get me wrong, Mister Potter; I do have faith in you. But, this is a bit much to take."

"Well," replied Harry. "It was a combination of things that led to my victory. One - I interfered in his resurrection ritual, which I believe led to him being unknowingly magically weaker. The Unspeakables agree with me on that point. Two - Do you remember that paper I wrote for you last year about the Weasley twins having the same wand cores from the same animal, and how that 'effect' developed?"

"Yes, they demonstrated it for me, remember?" replied the professor.

"Yes, of course," replied Harry. "Well, I never told anyone I knew this, but I knew that Voldemort - Riddle - and I shared the same wand cores. We both had a tail feather off the same phoenix as cores. And, as so happens, our wands locked up the same way when our curses collided during the duel.

"Riddle wasn't expecting it, while I - sort of - was. When it happened, and I was able to push the spell bead back into Riddle's wand, it caused a most unusual Priori Incantatem effect. It caused the shades of people killed using that wand to be brought forth - including my parents."

"Oh, Mister Potter," said the little professor, clearly feeling for Harry. "I'm so sorry to hear that."

Harry took a sip of his tea and waved off the Professor's concern. "As well as my parents, it caused to be brought forth three other shades. With their help distracting a clearly shaken Riddle, I broke the connection and immediately fired an overpowered Blasting Hex right into the middle of his chest. The shades had gathered in front of him, blocking his vision, so he never saw it coming. When it hit, it blew a large hole right where his breast bone sat. Very soon after that, he was dead.

"The third point - my rescue party had already arrived and were waiting for me to get into a position where they could rescue me without me being killed by all the masked morons surrounding Riddle and me. That came when the Priori Incantatem effect kicked in. While I kept our wands locked, and had the protective spell cage around the pair of us, my rescue party blew the living hell out of all the masked morons. None of them survived."

"How many were there?" asked the professor, concerned.

"Sixteen," replied Harry. "And, I regret to inform you, one of them was Severus Snape."

The little professor sighed. "Some of the staff will be very sorry to learn that."

"And they will," said Harry. "But, you may only tell them he is dead; not how he died. Not yet, anyway."

"Yes, I understand," nodded the Professor. "Thank you for telling me that."

"What you can be happy to take away from this, Professor," said Harry. "Is that Voldemort is truly gone, this time. The prophecy sphere that foretold Riddle and I would face each other; and that one of us would die at the hands of the other; has been completed. The Unspeakables assure me it's over. No more Voldemort, ever."

The Professor looked at Harry in shock, "There was a prophecy that foretold you and Voldemort would face each other and one of you would die?"

"Yes, Professor," said Harry, taking the blackened orb out of his pocket. "It was told to Dumbledore by Trelawney in late 1979 or early 1980. Dumbledore knew it and had been trying to control it - and me - ever since. That's why he sent the Longbottoms and my parents into hiding. That's why Riddle attacked my parents. That's why the Lestranges and Crouch attacked the Longbottoms. That's why he hired such a ditz as Trelawney, in the first place. And that's why Dumbledore was so bloody interested in me, personally, when I first turned up as a student here in September 1991.

"The prophecy was: The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches - Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies. And the Dark Lord will mark him as equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not - And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies."

"Sweet merciful Merlin!" Flitwick exclaimed. "That is what this has all been about?"

Harry simply nodded.

"And it's really over?" asked the professor.

Harry held up the sphere and nodded with a smile.

The little Professor sighed in relief and not a little contentment. "Albus kept telling us he knew Voldemort would be back. He just wouldn't tell us why he believed that. Now, I know."

"Dumdum still doesn't believe it, though," said Harry. "Not even when the Unspeakables showed him that the orb is now black and smoky. The man has this grand plan for what's supposed to happen, and now it won't. But, he doesn't truly believe it."

"Albus was always of firm conviction in what he believed," said Flitwick. "No one could ever shake sense into him."

"And you'll be able to tell the rest of the staff the truth in a few days," said Daphne. "However, there's more to tell you."

Looking back sharply, the Professor gestured and said, "Go on."

"First, because Harry had to claim emancipation to escape participation in the Tri-Wizard Tournament," she said, "it - enacted - a clause in our betrothal contract that states we have to be married this summer. That wedding will take place on the 7th of August; and you'll receive your official notification, shortly."

The little professor practically jumped for joy. "Ha!" he exclaimed. "Minerva - Professor MacGonagall - is going to be owing me big for this!" Calming down a little he said, "There was a bet among the staff as to when you'd actually be married. I had laid my bet you'd marry this summer due to a clause in your well-known betrothal contract."

"Betting on your student's romantic involvements, Professor?" smirked Daphne. "For shame."

However, the little half-goblin professor wasn't the least ashamed. "So, you'll be needing married quarters next year."

"Yes - and, no - Professor," replied Daphne.

"Oh?" he asked, curious.

"That brings us to the next piece of news," she replied. "When Harry killed Riddle, the Unspeakables made him claim his Houses by right of conquest. At Gringotts, this morning, it was confirmed Harry is now also Lord Slytherin.

Flitwick - who was taking a sip of his tea at the time - sprayed his mouthful of tea across his desk.

Harry looked amusedly at Daphne and said, "You timed it that way on purpose."

She just smirked back as the little professor tried to apologise and vanish the mess.

"That's still not all, Professor," said Daphne.

Flitwick hesitated for a moment before Harry saw him deliberately setting his cup aside. "Go on."

"When we confirmed that Harry was the rightful Heir of the Noble and Ancient House of Slytherin," she said. "The same test also showed that he was the rightful Heir of the Noble and Ancient House of Gryffindor by primogenitor; and the Head of the Ancient House of Gaunt by right of conquest.

"As of right now, Harry holds three Lordships - he will add a fourth when Gaunt is soon elevated to Noble status - a possible fifth when my father passes away - and a possible sixth if Sirius Black dies without naming a different Heir."

Harry started. He'd forgotten all about the House of Black. He'd now try and get Sirius married off as soon as he could.

"Of course, as he's now the Lord of two of the founders Houses - and the two senior member Houses, at that - he also owns Hogwarts. You now work for Harry, here, Headmaster. And, when we return for our Fifth year next September, we'll be taking residence in the owner's chambers for either Gryffindor or Slytherin - probably Gryffindor."

Flitwick looked utterly dumbfounded. Harry rose from his seat and leaned over the headmaster's desk. He allowed, first, the Gryffindor ring to show; then, the Slytherin ring to show. He then retook his seat.

The Headmaster shook himself out of his shock and said, "Well, that's a turn up for the grimoires. When do you go public with that last bit?"

"That depends on Luna Lovegood and her father," replied Harry. "I'm hoping the next edition of the Quibbler isn't released until after the students depart for the summer. If it's due earlier, I'm hoping they'll either delay it, or publish the news in the next edition."

Daphne said, "We don't want to shock the student population with this. If we can hold back on the news until after they leave, that'd be fantastic. However, if it is discovered sooner, we won't deny it."

Flitwick nodded and said, "Then that'll give me time to ensure the staff aren't just as - discombobulated - by this as the students."

"Tell them earlier, if you like," said Harry. "You just can't tell them about Slytherin or Gaunt until the story of Riddle's ultimate death is released. That shouldn't be too long. But, by all means, tell them about Gryffindor."

"Oh, and a final point," said Harry, getting quite serious and a little sad. "At least four of your students lost their fathers two nights ago."

Flitwick sighed and drew out a sheet of parchment and a quill, "Go on."

"They are: Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle - that I know of. There may be others. But, those are the ones I know of who had fathers at Riddle's resurrection and were killed on the night. In Mister Malfoy's case, he also lost his godfather; Severus Snape. There may be other relationships, there, that affect other students and of which I'm currently unaware. Such as uncles."

After finishing their teas and wishing the headmaster well, the two teens headed down to the Great Hall to see if their friends had arrived for lunch. If not, they'd head up to the seventh floor and hoped they'd not pass each other on the way.




Entering the Great Hall, Harry and Daphne saw the group sitting at the Hufflepuff table, and headed over.

"Hi team!" said a very upbeat Harry. "Miss me?"

"Harry!" exclaimed Hermione, who jumped up and gave him a Hermi-hug. She was joined by the other girls, including Luna. Not wanting to be left out, Neville only hesitated just a jot before also moving in for the group hug.

When the group backed off, Hermione fired questions at him. "Are you alright? Is everything okay? When did the healers release you? Are you in any trouble? Does your family know? Do you know if you can sit the exams you missed?"

Harry suddenly raised both hands and exclaimed, "Woah! Hermione! Breathe, girl!"

Hermione's jaw snapped shut with an almost audible click before she blushed bright red.

Harry smiled and replied, "Yes, yes, last night, no, yes, and I don't know."

If anything, Hermione's blush turned even darker before she suddenly grinned and poked her tongue out at him, as the rest of the group laughed.

"Lady Hermione!" Harry mock-scolded. "That is no way for the Lady of a Noble and Ancient House to behave."

"Oh, yes it is," said Hannah. "Least. It's the way for a lady to act towards Harry. "

Then it was Harry's turn to poke his tongue out.

Once they finally retook their seats - and, in Harry and Daphne's case, for the first time - they settled down to eat lunch. They were interrupted by a few various well-wishers who dropped by to ensure Harry was alright. But, so far, none of them understood the true danger Harry was in - or just didn't really care.

For the most part the conversations went like this:

"What happened to you, Harry?" asks the well-wisher.

"I was kidnapped by a group of masked idiots," replies Harry.

"Oh, that's terrible!" they'd exclaim. "How'd you get away?"

"I was rescued by family, friends and law enforcement who tracked me down," he'd reply. "I didn't get out of medical care until last night."

"Well, you look alright now," they'd say.

He'd give a shrug and say, "They fixed me right up."

And then they'd move off. Lunch - which should have taken them only about forty minutes from start to end - ended up taking over an hour and a quarter. As soon as they could, the group made a run for the seventh floor.

Once everyone - including the twins who met them on the way - was settled down, Harry went through everything that happened in greater detail; including what happened at Gringotts.

"So, wait..." said one twin.

"You're now Lord Gryffindor..."

"... and Lord Slytherin?"

"Yes," replied Harry, with a grin.

"And Lord Potter, and soon-to-be Lord Gaunt," said Daphne.

"Plus, you'll one day - probably - be Lord Greengrass, and - maybe - Lord Black," said a grinning Neville.

"So, get out these debt lists," said Hermione, sitting forward and eager for more work. "Let's go through them. You said the Unspeakables want you to move fast, on this, didn't you?"

Daphne grinned while Harry groaned. However, he pulled the lists out of his bookbag and placed them in three piles on the table before them.




"Alright, then," said Daphne, after they'd gone through the lists. She picked up the new sheet of parchment she'd written upon and said, "We - that is, Harry - calls in the debts for Avery, Bagman, Carrow, Crabbe, Crouch, Dolohov, Gibbon, Goyle, Jugson, Lestrange, MacNair, Malfoy, Mulciber, Nott, Ogden, Parkinson, Prince, Rosier, Selwynn, Snape, Travers, Umbridge, Wilkes and Yaxley. Where necessary, he cancels debts out due to how much he owes that family.

"And, you want to excuse the debts for Abbott, Black, Bones, Croaker, Dagworth-Granger, Davis, Diggory, Greengrass, Longbottom, MacMillan, Marchbanks, Peasgood, Smith and Weasley. And leave 'as is' for the rest. Correct?"

"Correct," sighed Harry. "I feel that, excusing those debts, shows those Houses I'm an honourable and forgiving man; and someone who would make a good ally.

"Now, since I have to move substantial funds around, anyway - to put enough into the accounts for House Gaunt to elevate it to Noble status - I may as well move funds about for the other Houses, while I'm at it. Hell, the Potter accounts are so massive no one would have a hope of even spending all the interest, let alone the principal, in ten lifetimes. I think I can put it to some good, this way."

"Alright," said Daphne. "I'll draft up the letter to send to Bloodfang of the goblins and get things moving to recover those debts."

"So fast?" asked Susan.

"Yes," said Neville. "If I was to be a betting man, I'd say the Minister will try his damnedest to seize the vaults of the deceased Death Eaters - masked morons, as Harry calls them - before Harry would get a chance to claim back the debts."

Daphne nodded and said, "They did it in the past during the last war. And, take a look at what they did to House Dagworth-Granger. Most of the funds from that House, I guarantee you, would have ended up in the private vaults of the dark families."

"Which brings me on to the next point," said Harry, as he glanced at Daphne. "Partly because I was very nearly killed two nights ago - and, because I don't want to see the situation where the Ministry gets its sticky claws into my various fortunes - Daphne and I are agreed that I need to name some Heirs Presumptive.

"I also hope that these titles will also only be temporary, as I hope - we hope - we'll start having children in a few years that we can pass these titles on to."

"First," he continued. "Neville; I'm officially recognising you as Heir Presumptive for the Noble and Ancient House of Gryffindor."

Neville started in shock and spluttered, "What? I? Pardon?"

"We checked, Neville," smiled Daphne. "You - or, rather, your father - is likely the Heir Presumptive for Gryffindor. Harry's just skipping your father and appointing you, directly"

"I..." he said. "Wow! I - just, wow!"

Harry grinned and asked, "Are you alright with that, Nev?"

"I - yeah," he replied, still in a little shock.

"Thank you," said Harry.

"Second," he said, moving on and looking at Hermione, "I'm officially recognising Hermione as Heir Presumptive for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter."

"Eep!" she exclaimed, even more startled than Neville. "No! Harry - just, no. I - why?"

"Again - we checked," replied Daphne. "You're more than eligible for the title due to your relationship through your ancestor marrying a Potter. However, Potter is one of the titles, at least, that will be passed to our first son or daughter."

"Are you alright with that, Hermione?" asked Harry.

Still in shock, herself, Hermione replied, "As long as you promise me you'll have children to pass these titles on to - that they're only temporary - then, yes, I accept; thank you."

"Good," said Harry. "And, thank you."

"We still have to go through the bloodlines for Slytherin and Gaunt," said Daphne. "However, as both Houses are now 'conquests', Harry can name whoever he wants as Heirs; irrespective of bloodlines and primogenitor."

"Just so," said Harry. "That's why I'm naming Sirius as Heir Presumptive for Slytherin - and Aunt Amelia as Heir Presumptive for Gaunt."

Susan's eyes widened in recognition of the honour. "Why?" she asked, almost as startled as the other two.

Harry smiled and said, "It's in recognition of the place the House of Bones has in the hearts of the House of Potter. Aunt Amelia was named by my parents to be one of the choices for my guardianship.

"I'll need to have a Will drawn up but it cannot really be lodged until after the wedding, anyway. Any existing Wills, at that time, could be overturned because marriages tend to negate a lot of things like that. So, we'll be sitting with Dewey as soon as school winds up for the year and we'll have the relevant clauses inserted into the Wills. At the completion of the wedding ceremony on the 7th, I'll then sign the new Will."

"I'll also be having mine drawn up and sign mine at the same time," said Daphne.

Harry nodded and said, "I want to see Daphne complete her education before we start having children. And, if she's intending to undertake a post graduate study of some form - such as an apprenticeship - children will not be coming until after that without the permission of her Master or Mistress."

Daphne leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"So, it's going to be a few years, yet, until we have children we can switch to new Heirs Presumptive," continued Harry.

"So, to wrap things up," said Daphne. "News concerning the ultimate defeat of Riddle is being withheld, for now. However, with the number of people who were involved, that night, it'll break any day. I'm surprised it hasn't already, concerning how poorly the Ministry are able to keep secrets.

"We know that Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Nott, at least, lost their fathers on that night. I suspect that news will break either tomorrow morning or on Monday. It's unfair to withhold that sort of news from them - even if they are complete wankers."

"Language, Harry," said both Daphne and Hermione.

With a shrug, Harry continued, "I believe Aunt Amelia's people have been running about yesterday and today informing the widows. And those widows will want to inform their sprogs. The information blackout won't last much longer after that. As majority shareholder of the Daily Prophet organisation I have a responsibility to the other investors to consider.

"And that reminds me," he said, turning to Luna. "Dear Luna; I owe you an interview for the Quibbler. If it's alright with you, I'd like it to cover what happened two nights ago, and what it means concerning Riddle and his masked morons. Can we get it out of the way, now?"

"Oh, yes, Harry," she brightly said, quite pleased. "There's an issue due on Friday, the last day of the school year. I suspect daddy may want to bring the issue forward with news like that."

"That would be perfect," smiled Harry. "But the longer he can hold off distribution for the week, the happier it'll make my life, here."

"Shall we use the dicta-quill and begin now?" she asked.

"Well, if no one else has any other questions; why not," he replied.

Harry and Daphne, with Hermione providing the part she played, gave Luna the exclusive on what happened. It took almost as long to tell about as it took to happen. However, the three of them found it quite cathartic to speak about it. Harry also included details about the prophecy, and how the prophecy was determined to have been satisfied by showing the now darkened orb.

Luna asked if she could have young Mister Creevey take a photo of Harry holding the orb. And, maybe, take a photo of the Little Hangleton graveyard where it all happened. Harry gave his approval.

When the interview was finished, Luna excused herself and moved over to one of the study carousels to write it all up.




The next morning, Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, Parkinson and a few others disappeared soon after breakfast. It wasn't too much longer before Daphne and Tracey reported to the others that the missing students were now aware of the deaths of their fathers and other loved ones. They'd been taken home and would likely not be returning until the next year.

That evening, Headmaster Flitwick made the announcement only that the missing students had lost 'loved ones' and had gone home in their grief, nothing else. However, Harry did receive a message from Professor Babbling that the Headmaster wanted a word with him after the meal. He nodded to her that he understood.

He and Daphne, after the meal, walked to the Headmaster's Office. Again, as they approached the gargoyle, Harry called, "Oi, you! Hop aside!" and the gargoyle did just that. Daphne giggled.

Entering the office, Harry saw that a large open space had been cleared before the desks. Within, was a circle of chairs, with a single loveseat. Harry almost laughed when he saw that the loveseat had the crests of Potter and Greengrass proudly displayed high up on the backrests in the centre.

In the office was Headmaster Flitwick with all the professors. They waited, quietly.

As Harry was assisting Daphne into her seat, she said, "Harry, I do believe you may be facing the inquisition."

"Naw," he replied with a grin, as he took seat himself. "They just want to ask a few questions; that's all."

Headmaster Flitwick was grinning back. "To bring you up to speed with what I've had to inform the staff, Mister Potter and Miss Greengrass, they're aware of the following facts: You were kidnapped on the night of the third task, the offenders were Death Eaters, you were then rescued by friends, family and law enforcement, and the Death Eaters were killed during the rescue.

"Next, they're also aware you've been in to Gringotts to have a more in-depth analysis of your rightful Lordships and have discovered - as well as being Lord Potter - you're also Lord Gryffindor and Lord Slytherin..." that caused a few of the Professors to squirm a little in their seats. "... And that goes with your status as Heir Presumptive for the House of Black, soon-to-be Heir Presumptive for the House of Greengrass, and that you're the current Head of House Gaunt; a House soon to be elevated to Noble status. Do I speak true?"

With a nod and a smile, Harry replied, "You do, Headmaster."

"How is this possible?" exclaimed Professor McGonagall.

Harry chuckled and said, "To learn that, I'm - we're - going to need oaths from you all. The oath will only exist long enough for the official news to be released by us, or the Ministry; which should be no more than about five days."

There was a fair bit of grumbling - especially from the newer staff members - but they each gave their oath.

"To start," Harry began, "I need to take you back to late 1979 or early 1980, and how Professor Trelawney - over there - during her interview with Albus Dumbledore for the then vacant Professor of Divination slot, unknowingly dropped into her Seer state and gave a prophecy..."

Harry and Daphne then covered how they'd been working with a few people and the Department of Mysteries to hunt down the 'soul fragment containers' (they withheld using the word horcrux), what happened on the night of the third task, what Croaker had him do the next day, and going to Gringotts.

While they were then being questioned, they explained that Dumbledore knew all about the prophecy, Harry's part in it, the real identity of Voldemort, the soul containers, and everything else.

Together, they then explained how they were getting married on the 7th, and - instead of moving into student married quarters - would be moving in to either Gryffindor's or Slytherin's owner's suite on their return to school next September.

"But, no one knows where they are, or even if they actually exist," said McGonagall.

"They do, and I know where they are," said Harry. "Its part of the information contained with the rings." And he held up his hand, displaying each of the two rings, in turn.

"So, you own Hogwarts?" asked Professor Dinwaddy, the Potions Mistress.

"I and the other two rightful Heirs do, yes," he simply replied. "However, as the other two rightful Heirs have yet to be identified, I automatically act as proxy for them when it comes to Hogwarts' business.

"And, to answer the next question before it's asked - yes, that effectively makes me your boss. However, before you get upset about it, I have no intention of taking the position from Headmaster Flitwick - Or, interfering, in any way, with the academic running of the school - That's entirely Headmaster Flitwick's and Deputy Headmistress Sprout's job.

"Instead, I'm going to be disbanding the School Board of Governors, during the break, and replacing them with an Advisory Board of my own choosing. The existing Board will be cut down and replaced with people I trust to advise me. Now that two of the Heirs have been found - even if both are a single student - there's no longer any need for Governors. The Board will be informed of their - disbanding - once this all becomes public.

"At that time, one of the first orders of business I will be taking care of, will be to make the positions of Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress for Professors Flitwick and Sprout permanent; unless, of course, they don't want it. But I'll discuss that with each of them privately at another time."

By the expression on the little Professor's face, Harry could already tell Flitwick would accept. He wasn't so sure about Professor Sprout.

After discussing a few other points, Harry promised to return the next day to provide them with more information. For now, the time was getting late.

Leaving the Headmaster's tower, Harry stopped Daphne and asked, "Do you want to have a look at each of the founder's suites right now?"

No," she said, after thinking about it for a few moments. "Let's wait until tomorrow and invite the group to go and have a look with us?"

Harry nodded, smiled and said, "Good idea. I'm sure they'll pester us about them if we don't take them with us."

Daphne smiled back and said, "My thoughts, exactly."

Harry then escorted Daphne back down to the Slytherin common room before heading for the Ravenclaw tower.




Once again this is not my work. Original work is written by Sinyk on fanfic.net

H3llhound2dea1hcreators' thoughts