
Anemone Agency

A wonderful skilled woman: powerful moves, battle strategy, all the way to exquisite skills. That's why the agency sent her on their most difficult mission yet: to retrieve the Anemone Prism, an object of great power! Surely, this must be a breeze for a pro like Eclipse? But things get complicated, and enemies are stronger than ever! Fragments of the Anemone Prism are spread around the world. Can she finish her mission... Or will she die by her enemies hands?

Aviryon_nr1 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: The call

After One hour and a half, Freya was approached by the secretary. A tall hard and cold women with a long sharp chin and mousy hair pulled up in a tight bun. She informed her that the meeting with the Overseer was in a few moments. After making the announcement, the secretary turned on her heels with a screech and left the room and went back to her business. As for Freya, if it weren't for the secretary, she wouldn't have remembered the meeting. She didn't really want to go, but she was curious about whatever the boss wanted to discuss with her and she had to do as he said.

Freya left her working space and went straight to the Overseer's office. But on the hallway, right before getting to the office door, she was stopped. The one who stopped her was an old, crippeled, toothless man. By the suit he was wearing, it looked like he was a janitor. Freya was confused as to why the janitor would stop her out of all people.

"Is there something wrong? Did I get something I wasn't supposed to dirty?" Freya surprised herself, she actually felt her stomach shrivel back in fear, she was even starting to sweat a little due to the stories and gossip she'd been hearing in the lounge about the janitor. Supposedly, the janitor was a very sensitive person. He got angry out of anything and if you dared to be disrespectful, he could actually kick you out in one way or another. They said he always found a way, some thought that he was hired so that the overseer could watch over anyone disrespectful, thus everyone was scared of him because of the 'incident' that happened a few years ago. Freya reminded herself that rumours were only lies told by those who had nothing to do, she took a breath and calmed herself...''how stupid could you be to believe that someone would actually disguise as a janitor just to fire people?''

"Are you here to meet the boss?" His voice was deep and intimidating, waking her back to reality and the way he was staring at her seemed as if he was struggling to burn holes through her forhead. She tried avoiding his gaze, but it was too late for hiding the fear she felt, apparently a deep breath wasn't enough.

"Y-Yeah! Why are you asking? It's not that I want to be mean! I'm just curious." Talking suddenly became hard. Anymore time spent with that guy and she'll have to go to school again and learn how to talk and spell. There was something about his presence, she knew it. Freya was usually in complete control, and in a second she lost it all.

"Listen closely to me and make sure you'll remember this no matter what problems you may encounter! What you are going to experience in the future will be something only one person ever did. You know better than anyone else what powers mean, you just haven't realized how to unlock that memory yet." As he said those words, he grabbed her by the shoulder and kept a tight grip on it. It seemed as if his eyes were hypnotizeing her, his nails digging in her flesh. She couldn't avoid his horrible stare. Then she felt a breeze in the hallway and something that sounded like walking behind her. She turned around, glad to have an excuse to break contact, but no one was there and no window was open. Freya felt the janitors hand release her shoulder, she felt like a huge weight had been lifted from it. Freya looked back to the person, but he wasn't there anymore. The women freaked out and was unable to move, but in a way she was relieved. He was only a janitor, so how could that guy be more scary then her boss?

She tried not to think about it and just go back to what she was doing. Freya then approached the door leading to the Overseer's office. She knocked three times and then heard a man's voice say "Ah, finally. Please, do enter!"

Freya opened the door, got in and closed it behind her. The room was pretty big and spacious. The walls were painted in dark blue with black zigzag lines. The ceiling was Dark brown with an elegant chandelier hanging from it. There were some deskshelves with different colorful books and materials, some cabinets and also some busy drawers. The Overseer's mahogany desk was on the opposite side of the door, facing it. Behind the desk was a huge window, from top to bottom. On the desk were a lot of work papers spread messily around, a lamp, a book, some old caramel candies and a revolver. Freya looked around, sucking the view, the unusual combination of things thrown together, then she turned her curios gaze towards the man in front of her and he was smiling warmly.

"Good morning sir! I've come as you requested. What is it that you want to tell me sir?" After the encounter with the janitor, Freya couldn't relax. She was a bit stressed because of the meeting, but that idiot just made it worse.

"No need for such formalities. We've known each other for a long time now. Just call me Mr. Evans, or Mr. Hunter if you wish." He said with a calm smile spread on his face. He wasn't scary, but Freya still couldn't calm down. It seemed like she couldn't even take a deep breath anymore, like she was slowly choking.

"I've been sending you on many missions and you never disappointed me. I think you're better than the other agents at almost everything. That is precisely why I wanted you to come." Mr. Evans's smile faded. He had a serious look now and Freya knew this was going to be another of those hard missions.

"I see. But even so, why didn't you tell me like you always did? Why did you have to make your secretary go all the way to my work space? You could've just called me in the usual way. Wait, did the phone break?" Freya had a lot of questions in her confusion, and the encounte rjust turned everything upside down. She knew this mission would be hard, but even with hard missions, Mr. Evans was never so serious. He liked smiling a lot and usually made jokes to cheer the agents up. But this was totally different. Before she could ask any more questions, he interrupted her.

"Enough Miss Freya Myers. I have my own reasons for doing everything the way I did. So, for a short explanation, it's because this mission can't be known by just anyone. This is really important, Eclipse. What I am going to tell has to be kept a secret, understood?" His tone wasn't welcoming at all, it seemed cracked and hurried. Freya was stunned. The boss was never this serious, nor had he ever called her by the full name. Something was clearly wrong and she wasn't sure if she really wanted to hear it. Just because of this, her stress meter went so far up that the meter was barely holding on, chills running down her spine. Sadly, she had to answer.

"I understand Mr. Evans. I swear on my life, I will not tell a soul unless I have to." Her voice was shaking, but filled with loyalty at the same time. This mission was surely going to be the end of her. Maybe she should go to school real quick, before going on the mission. She wouldn't want to mess things up just because she forgot how to write and speak. What was she supposed to do?

If you see anything that's out of, please tell me. We're still new after all.

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