
Anemone Agency

A wonderful skilled woman: powerful moves, battle strategy, all the way to exquisite skills. That's why the agency sent her on their most difficult mission yet: to retrieve the Anemone Prism, an object of great power! Surely, this must be a breeze for a pro like Eclipse? But things get complicated, and enemies are stronger than ever! Fragments of the Anemone Prism are spread around the world. Can she finish her mission... Or will she die by her enemies hands?

Aviryon_nr1 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 5: Future life

"Very well then. Now listen closely to what I'm going to tell you." He looked at Freya, waiting for a response, his figures frozen in place. When she realized, she quickly nodded. The Overseer was happy with the reaction, so he started talking again.

"Years ago, I made two researchers work together on a project. What they had to do was really important to the agency and those two were the best at their work. So, I put them together, because i truly trusted them. Mysteriously, an explosion was created and we all had to evacuate. When I looked around, the two employees were nowhere to be found. I wanted to go inside the building and find them, but the entrance got blocked by big parts of concrete right before getting there and all the other ones were already collapsed.I had to make everyone else leave before the building would collapse on all of us. Unfortunately, when everyone left, the building had entirely collapsed." He looked really sad. Freya knew that the two researchers were probably as close to him as she was. After saying that, he paused and turned his gaze to the floor, he seemed emerged in thought.... work was so important to him, all his friends were there it meant everything.

"Sir- I mean, Mr Evans, I'm sure they had a good reason for not making it out. Maybe that explosion was created by them, and if it really did, they were probably dead before the building collapsed. Right...?" After she said all that, Freya suddenly felt like she was just making things worse for him. So, she decided to shut up and not say anything besides answering the Overseer's questions. Better of in a 'didn't say anything and let the silence be' type of awkwardness than in the 'just said something dumb and made things worse' type.

"Yeah, that is true. Anyways, back to what matters most. After the building collapsed, all the magical creatures we caught before, ran away. Those weren't the only things that got out though. I was the unlucky person to see everything that I ever worked on and invested in, get destroyed. So, after seeing the creatures get out and the building collapse, I also saw something else. Not something, some things. They were shining in the sun, glinting, but I didn't know what they were, until some days ago." Mr. Hunter raised his head, locked his hands together and rested his head on them. He was looking at the girl again. This time, he was showing no emotion.

"Some days ago? But that happened years ago! was the sun blocking your view or something?" But she held herself in time, thinking there it was again. The moment destroyer and the best awkward making speech. Something that Freya was a genius in.

"They were too far and yes, the sun did make things more difficult. But that doesn't matter now. What I wanted to say is, I found out that the thing my two special employees had to do, was made. And those shiny things, were parts of it. A precious stone with eight sides shaped like a rhombus and the color of blood." That surely wasn't easy to make, or find out how it looked even with so little clues.

"Mr. Evans, how did you find out about it? It's been many years already and, are you implying that I have to find all the pieces?" This was truly mysterious at the moment. How in the world would she manage. And why would her boss want Freya to find all the pieces of something that was surely forever lost.

"It was all because of you and a little research Eclipse. The little stone you're wearing on your belt is a part of that crystal. That thing gives you powers and had the right color, isn't that right?" Mr. Evans then pointed at her belt, so she looked at it and there it was. The precious stone he was talking about.

"Well, even so, how in the world am I supposed to get all the pieces? The crystal could have broken in hundreds in pieces. They could be anywhere!" Freya was starting to worry. If her boss really was going to make her find all the pieces, she would die of old age before finding them all.

"You don't have to worry about that miss Freya. Since that part of the crystal can give you powers, then if people found pieces of it, it's going to be easy. Even if they didn't, they're going to be easy to find due to their high number of magical particles. We even have our first clue!" After being serious for so long, Mr. Hunter finally began smiling again. Just like Freya remembered him.

"We do? But, I'm still not sure about this. I've been sent on many missions, some were hard, some were long and others were easy. But this, it's not only going to be long, if some people actually found them a long time ago and they knew about the powers, then there might be murders, which I don't really approve of. The mission is already long. I don't see why it should be me..." Freya was worried for what could happen. Even if she worked on missions, she'd never been outside the continent. She wasn't sure if accepting this was the right choice.

"Because I can't risk anyone finding out about the prism, that's why i chose you, you're the only one with enough experience in this field. However, don't worry, it's alright. I understand how this feels. I'll give you a week to think about everything you need to, but remember, if one piece gets in the wrong hands, then this might become a bigger problem. It's up to you weather you want to help or not. I'm sure you'll make a wise decision." He said with a strange look in his eyes, that Freya had never seen before. Afterwards, the Overseer called for his secretary to escort miss Freya back to her workspace.

When she got back, poor Eclipse felt something heavy on her back. There wasn't something material on it. What she felt was stress, making her feel worse by the minute. Freya needed time for herself, to gather all her thoughts and make them all have logic. She continued the rest of her day, in a chair, asking herself whether to get a week long vacation or forget about it until the timer ends.

I'm late again. I really can't keep this consistent. T^T

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