
Ancient Artifact with a Customization Feature

Alex had not descended from a god or godly figure, so getting an artifact was only a dream to him. That was until he found an artifact among his grandmas things, one with an incredible feature. If only it wasn't so weird. -------------- I post a new chapter every Friday. Hope you enjoy this story that I simply can't get out of my head. Follow my blog at https://meridiannovels.blogspot.com/ for updates on this story and others I plan on writing in the future.

Isaac_Peck_8083 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 3, Off To Adventure

Graduation was strange to say the least. Normally the vice principal would hand out the diplomas to the graduates but he was absent. One of the normal teachers handed them out today, Alex guessed it was the gym teacher. He practically had the students running across the stage.

The students with artifacts were each approached by the principal and given words of encouragement. The principal approached Alex, took a look at his butter knife (to which Alex had taken to calling Excalibutter) and simply said "Don't die" before moving on to the next student.

Afterwards Alex found Markos with Dianna. Markos was with his mom and siblings, while Dianna was with both her parents.

Alex approached Markos who was wearing the Nemean Lion pelt, the top half of the lion's head on his own like a hood, its front legs tied around his neck while the rest of the lion hung on his back.

"Alex! We're graduated now!" Markos said, taking Alex in a headlock.

"Eyup" Alex said, gasping for air. Thankfully Markos released him before Alex suffocated.

"Adventure is just over the horizon, we'll be taking my family boat to the east. I heard that's a good place for new adventurers to start" Markos smiled. Alex couldn't help but smile too, he was so close to the life he always wanted, he just had to wait one more day.

"I'm looking forward to it" he smiled, punching Markos' shoulder, which hurt his hand more than anything else.

"Sounds good, pack tonight. We set sail at dawn!" he shouted.


Alex was packing when his mom walked into his room.

"Is there any way I can convince you to stay?" she asked, still standing in the doorway, holding her stomach like she felt sick.

"I'm sorry mom but no I don't think there is anything you can do to stop me at this point, short of tying me to a chair and forcing me to miss the ship in the morning" Alex smiled though it hurt him to see his mother so worried.

"Don't tempt me, I just might" she gave a weak laugh.

"Don't worry mom, I'll be fine" Alex reassured her.

"Okay well I'll let you get your rest, you have a big day ahead of you" She smiled again before shutting the door.

Alex took a break and pulled out the knife.

"Caledfwlch" Alex said, holding up the knife, again nothing happened. He had tried many times to activate the butter knife to no avail.

"Caledf##k" Alex muttered, tucking the knife away. He was sure he had pronounced it right, and he knew the meaning of the word in English (Hardship). Alex finished packing and set three alarms for the next day.


Alex walked up to the docks, having just made it by sunrise. The last alarm had woken him finally after he had snoozed it a few times. He still felt groggy in the morning light.

"Alex! I was beginning to worry you wouldn't show!" Markos shouted happily.

"Don't talk to me until noon" Alex snapped smiling all the same. Markos was talking to Dianna, Alex wondered if she would be joining them, but she was folding her arms, her face a shade of red. Markos seemed to be in the process of breaking up with her.

Alex couldn't hear their quiet conversation from the boat but she grabbed him by the front of his shirt, looking like she was trying to lift him by it but Markos was too tall for it to work. She kissed him angrily and stormed off.

Markos boarded the ship with a confused look on his face.

"What happened? You break up?" Alex asked.

"That's what I was trying to do…"

"So you didn't?"

"She refused, told me we were going to try to do a distance relationship, then left"

"Well that's an interesting turn of events" Alex remarked, setting down his things to rest his arms.

"I think she's the one"

"Dude you have known her for two weeks at most, give it time before you rush right into things" Alex laughed.

"Maybe you're right" Markos rolled his shoulders, the confused look vanishing. "Alright, time to set sail!" He shouted running to the front of the ship and scaling the pole at the front. He looked both majestic and silly looking off into the horizon.

The captain relayed the order and the sails lowered the ship taking off from the port.

Alex found the sleeping quarters and stowed his bag. He returned to the deck of the ship and looking over the bow joined Markos in looking at the horizon for a while.

As noon approached Markos descended the pole.

"Okay to talk to you now?" He asked.

"We've already had a conversation, you know I was just tired" Alex said leaning on the rail.

Markos laughed, "I don't get how you can't like mornings."

"I don't get how you CAN like mornings" Alex retorted.

"Fair enough. You learn anything about the knife?"

"Nope. Any advice?"

"None at all, it will come to you when you need it I'm sure" Markos patted his back before leaving to talk to the captain.

Alex pulled out Excalibutter and checked its stats.


Unnamed Artifact

Properties: Magic Resistance


Damage: 1

Value: 750 Pp.

This piece is one of seven reforged shards of the holy blade Excalibur, made by the pale lady, enchanted by the fiend Merlin, and wielded by the True King Arthur. Invulnerable to the magics of Morgana and the strikes of men. This weapon grows with the wielder who speaks "Caledfwlch" and understands the meaning of it.


Nothing had changed from when he had it appraised.

"Caledfwlch" Alex muttered under his breath. Nothing happened. Alex stowed the knife and realized the sky was getting darker. Wasn't it just noon he thought. Looking up he saw clouds forming.

Suddenly the waves grew in size and the ship began to sway wildly. Everyone on the ship began to run about making sure the ship wouldn't be capsized by the storm that now surrounded them.

Alex made his way to the captain.

"Captain! Where did this storm come from?" Alex shouted into the howling wind.

"From below! We have a monster comin for us" he growled.

Markos ran to the edge of the ship and pulled a great axe out from thin air, The Nemean Lion pelt wrapped around the arm he held it with. Alex pulled out the butter knife suddenly feeling silly.

The whole ship lurched to the side and an enormous figure rose from the water. Alex had heard of mermaids and this creature somewhat fit that description though it must have been over 10 meters long with horns at least as long as a human arm.

The creature swung its arm, taking one of the sailors off the ship.

"It's an Akugyo, we're all dead" The captain said.