
Ancient Artifact with a Customization Feature

Alex had not descended from a god or godly figure, so getting an artifact was only a dream to him. That was until he found an artifact among his grandmas things, one with an incredible feature. If only it wasn't so weird. -------------- I post a new chapter every Friday. Hope you enjoy this story that I simply can't get out of my head. Follow my blog at https://meridiannovels.blogspot.com/ for updates on this story and others I plan on writing in the future.

Isaac_Peck_8083 · Fantasy
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Chapter 4, Akugyo

The words of the captain cut deep into Alex's mind, he wasn't ready to go, he hadn't even started his adventure.

Before Alex could be further caught by despair, Markos jumped over the side of the ship howling like the wind.

Markos swung his axe and cut some of the Akugyo's fingers off. The creature howled back to him but otherwise seemed unfazed. Many of the crew cheered but they didn't see the fingers of the Akugyo grow back.

If they wanted to really kill it then they would need to do a whole lot more damage. Trusting Markos to keep the creature distracted Alex ran to and began to load one of the cannons.

The creature swung its claws at Markos but only managed to get its claws stuck in the side of the boat. Markos in turn, hanging from the side of the boat, swung at the wrist of the creature cutting it clean off. The creature's eyes almost seemed to glow with anger.

Aiming the cannon slowly Alex struck the cannon with his butter knife causing sparks to light the fuse. The cannon kicked back, throwing the aim off. The cannonball sailed into the sky behind the creature. Which seemed to be re-growing its hand. Markos jumped off the side of the boat, Wildly swinging the axe as he flew at the creature, the creature moved to the side avoiding him. Markos fell into the churning water.

Swearing Alex reloaded the cannon, taking aim and bracing the cannon, lit the fuse again. Again the cannon missed causing Alex to fall over. The creature reached over the railing and grabbed a sailor, bringing them to their mouth and eating them.

The creature paused as it noticed Markos climbing its side, which he then swung his axe down, opening a large gash on its side. The creature swung a clawed hand at him striking him, opening a large gash on his chest which looked fatal. Markos smiled and roared at the beast.

With shaking hands Alex got up and reloaded the cannon. He fired the third cannonball, which nearly took Markos off the beast. Thankfully not hitting him but unfortunately not hitting the Akugyo either.

Alex stood in shock not understanding why he couldn't do anything right, he clenched the butter knife in hand and almost threw it at the creature before stopping mid swing, he looked at Excalibutter and took in a deep breath.

"Caledfwlch" he let out a shaking breath. The blue square appeared in his vision.


Unnamed Artifact

Properties: Magic Resistance



Damage: 1

Value: 750 Pp.

This piece is one of seven reforged shards of the holy blade Excalibur, made by the pale lady, enchanted by the fiend Merlin, and wielded by the True King Arthur. Invulnerable to the magics of Morgana and the strikes of men. This weapon grows with the wielder who speaks "Caledfwlch" and understands the meaning of it.


It looked almost exactly the same but now there was a plus sign under the customization feature. He tapped it with his finger. A new page opened and Alex began to type.

The creature struck Markos again, almost taking his arm clean off. Now holding the axe in one hand Markos struck the creature again, opening another gash next to where he had just struck, though the first strike was almost healed.

Alex finished with the typing, a warning sign popped up but he ignored it, holding a cannonball in his hand he lightly touched it with the tip of Excalibutter, pointing both right at the creature. As soon as the knife touched the cannonball it flew out of his hand as if it had been shot from the cannon itself just barely striking the creature. One of the creatures arms was blasted clean off taking the shoulder with it. The creature screamed in pain, a look of fear covering its face.

The creature flung Markos off it and sank into the water, swimming away. The storm receded soon after. The remaining sailors pulled a nearly unconscious Markos back onto the boat along with the arm of the creature which was almost as long as the row boat tied to the side of the ship.

Markos was patched up to the best of the crew's ability and everyone celebrated the victory. Alex was pulled into the kitchen and with the chef, they used a large amount of the Akugyo's arm in the food. Alex was surprised by how good it tasted and it sparked an idea. Could Alex gather exotic cooking materials to send home?

Alex retreated to bed, feeling exhausted from the fight.

Waking up the next morning the feeling of exhaustion had not gone away. Regardless Alex got out of bed and went searching for Markos, he needed to figure out how his injuries were coming along. Alex found him in his room, doing one handed push ups.

"What the heck are you doing!? You're supposed to be resting!" Alex shouted, Markos was still wrapped in bandages, one arm tied to his chest as it was the arm he had lost use of in the fight.

Markos paused mid push up, "Nah I feel great. What about you, you look exhausted" Finishing he continued.

"I do feel exhausted but I wasn't the one who nearly lost his insides as his chest was cut open!" Alex exclaimed sitting on Markos' bed.

Markos let out a chuckle, "Yeah it was pretty bad" Finally he stopped doing pushups and sat on the ground, "we still have a few days of our journey so I should have plenty of time to heal fully, assuming there are no broken bones" Markos smiled, stretching his arm.

Alex laid back, "Hey… Do you miss home?" Alex asked.

"Not in the slightest. Miss my family, sure, but not home. I never felt more alive then when I was moments from death, and that's something I can't get back home"

"You're crazy Markos, you know that" Alex laughed, Markos shrugged but only smiled.

"Oh while you're here I got to know what you did to that creature?" Markos asked after a minute of silence.

"I found out how to customize Excalibutter" Alex said, pulling up the screen for the artifact.



Properties: Magic Resistance

!Cannon Fire!


Damage: 1

Value: 1800 Pp.

This piece is one of seven reforged shards of the holy blade Excalibur, made by the pale lady, enchanted by the fiend Merlin, and wielded by the True King Arthur. Invulnerable to the magics of Morgana and the strikes of men. This weapon grows with the wielder who speaks "Caledfwlch" and understands the meaning of it.


"I was able to add a new feature called cannon fire, It allows me to touch a spherical object weighing no more than 15 pounds and shoots it at a target dealing 60 damage. I can only do it once a day though" Alex explained.

Markos whistled, "60 damage is a lot, still didn't kill the creature unfortunately but it sure scared it off"

"True" Alex mused looking again at the screen. Why did the Cannon Fire have exclamation points next to it, he wondered. Alex tapped on it and the warning label popped up again, he hadn't had time to read it yesterday.



You have used 1 XP to customize "Excalibutter", as this was your only XP point you have gained a level of exhaustion in its place. This exhaustion will be removed either when you earn a new XP point or for as long as this feature lasts.


"Caledf##k" Alex muttered.

"Sorry, what was that?" Markos asked.