
Ancestor: The Rise Of The Yuki Clan In The Naruto World

Captain Liu Wei an Ex-Special Force agent got reincarnated into the Naruto World as a member of the Yuki Clan during the Warring States Periods. Watch as he grow and develop his Clan to a level close to that of The Otsutsuki Clan. Later, in the future, just the mere mention of his name will send fear across the Universe. This is the birth of a Legend. This is the Rise of a Clan. ............................................................................................................................................ Disclaim: The Naruto/ Boruto Universe and most of the characters from this Fan Fiction are not my creation. If you like this Fan- Fiction you can show your appreciation by giving power stone or commenting. This will let me know what you think of this Fan-Fiction. Thank You.

strelking · Cómic
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14 Chs

Chapter 4: The Legacy of Ice


In a beautifully adorned room with walls lined with ancient scrolls and clan relics, the newborn boy lay swaddled in a finely woven blanket. His father, Kaito Yuki, stood by the cradle, his imposing figure a testament to his position as the clan leader. His eyes, a deep azure, scanned the room with both pride and a hint of concern.

Kaito was the most powerful shinobi in the Yuki clan, known for his unparalleled mastery over ice techniques and his strategic acumen. The weight of leadership rested heavily on his shoulders, and he knew the challenges that lay ahead for his newborn son.

"He's here," Kaito said softly, a rare smile gracing his stern features naming his son .... Tatsuya Yuki.

Beside him, his wife, Ayame, watched with a fierce yet tender gaze. Mei was a formidable shinobi in her own right, her skills in combat and strategy rivaling even those of her husband. Despite her strength, her eyes softened as she looked at their son, her heart brimming with love.

"He will need us both," Ayame replied quietly, her voice steady but filled with emotion. "We must be strong for him, especially with what lies ahead."

In a dimly lit chamber, the old patriarch of the Yuki clan, Elder Hiroshi, lay on a low futon, his once-mighty frame now weakened by age and injury. His breathing was shallow, and his movements were limited, a stark contrast to the powerful shinobi he had once been. The wounds he had sustained during a dangerous mission for the clan had left him in this state, but his mind remained sharp, and his spirit unyielding.

Hiroshi's eyes, though clouded with pain, held a fierce glint of determination. He looked towards his son and daughter-in-law, his voice a hoarse whisper, but filled with authority.

"Kaito... Mei... The clan's future rests on ... Tatsuya... now," Hiroshi said. "My time is drawing near, but my heart is at ease knowing you both are here."

Kaito approached his father, kneeling beside the futon with a look of respect and sorrow. "Father, you have given so much for the clan. We will honor your legacy."

Ayame stood quietly by Kaito's side, her gaze fixed on the elder with a mixture of admiration and sadness. "We will ensure that Tatsuya inherits not just our skills, but also the values and strength you have embodied."

Hiroshi's hand trembled as he reached out to touch the clan emblem that hung around his neck—a symbol of the Yuki clan's enduring strength. "Tatsuya... he will need more than just our power. He will need wisdom, courage, and the will to forge his own path."

The Clan Leader and his wife nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the elder's words. They had witnessed the horrors of the ongoing conflicts and knew the challenges that awaited their son. Yet, they were resolute in their belief that Tatsuya would grow to be a beacon of hope for the Yuki clan.

Ayame looked down at her sleeping son, with a mixture of pride and concern in her eyes, without knowing that inside her son lay hidden powers that will send shiver down the spine of any beings across the Naruto Universe. (Because of the Twelve Zodiac Talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures are in his soul. They are able to hide and seal his power. No one is able to detect his powers, as long as he doesn't want to.)

"I will protect you with everything I have," she promised, her voice a soft murmur. "The world we live in is harsh, but with our strength and love, you will thrive."

In the silence that followed, the Yuki clan's legacy seemed to breathe with renewed vigor. Tatsuya Yuki arrival marked not just a new beginning for his family but also a beacon of hope in the turbulent times of the Warring States.