
Ancestor: The Rise Of The Yuki Clan In The Naruto World

Captain Liu Wei an Ex-Special Force agent got reincarnated into the Naruto World as a member of the Yuki Clan during the Warring States Periods. Watch as he grow and develop his Clan to a level close to that of The Otsutsuki Clan. Later, in the future, just the mere mention of his name will send fear across the Universe. This is the birth of a Legend. This is the Rise of a Clan. ............................................................................................................................................ Disclaim: The Naruto/ Boruto Universe and most of the characters from this Fan Fiction are not my creation. If you like this Fan- Fiction you can show your appreciation by giving power stone or commenting. This will let me know what you think of this Fan-Fiction. Thank You.

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14 Chs

Chapter 13: Frozen Ambitions

The Yuki Clan made the monumental decision to relocate to the Land of Snow under the guidance of young Tatsuya Yuki. With the war escalating across the continent, the clan understood that survival would require not just strength, but strategy. Tatsuya, with his wisdom far beyond his years, had proposed the move after intense deliberations. Now, the clan was ready to act.

As the Clan Wars—also known as the Warring States Period—raged on, the Yuki Clan dispatched a vanguard team to the Land of Snow. This team, handpicked by Tatsuya and his father, Kaito Yuki, was tasked with assessing the land, securing a foothold for the clan, and negotiating with the Daimyo of the Land of Snow.

-The Daimyo welcomed the Yuki Clan's emissaries cautiously. Aware of the ongoing wars in the other lands, he saw the Yuki's migration as both an opportunity and a potential risk. Yet, with Tatsuya's foresight, the clan offered the Daimyo something unique: in exchange for the protection of his territory from rival shinobi clans, the Yuki would offer their Ice Release techniques to bolster the country's defenses. After intense negotiations, the Yuki Clan secured the purchase of vast lands within the Land of Snow, enough to sustain their people and ensure they could build a stronghold.

-The land acquisition in the frozen north marked the beginning of a new era for the Yuki Clan. Not only did they establish diplomatic relations with the Daimyo, but they also strengthened their position, far removed from the chaos consuming the mainland.


Meanwhile, back in their original territory, the Yuki Clan finalized the sale of their fertile lands. These lands were prime real estate during the turbulent war, where resources were scarce, and any edge over rival clans could be the difference between life and death. They carefully negotiated with various shinobi clans and regional lords, ensuring they received not only wealth but valuable weapons, food, and treasures that would further cement their dominance in their new home.

The sale of their homeland did not go unnoticed, especially by the major clans of the era.

Reactions of the Great Shinobi Clans:

Uchiha Clan: As one of the most fearsome clans of the Warring States, the Uchiha initially regarded the Yuki Clan's move as a sign of weakness. To them, abandoning the battlefield for isolation in the frozen north was tantamount to retreating. However, as the Yuki began to demonstrate their growing strength—mastering Rokushiki techniques and fortifying their position in the Land of Snow—the Uchiha took note. Some within the Uchiha even coveted the Yuki's former lands and began plotting ways to claim them.

Senju Clan: The Senju, known for their diplomacy and strength, took a more measured approach. Butsuma Senju recognized the Yuki Clan's strategy for what it was: a move for survival. The Senju, busy with their ongoing conflict with the Uchiha, didn't challenge the Yuki Clan directly, but they kept a watchful eye. Later, Hashirama Senju would reflect on the Yuki's isolationist stance, using it as inspiration for how to secure peace.

Hyuga Clan: The Hyuga Clan, with their Byakugan, were intrigued by the Yuki Clan's decision to retreat into the harshest environment possible. They saw it as a sign of confidence. However, the Hyuga didn't see the Land of Snow as particularly valuable and refrained from engaging too much, although some among them speculated on how the Yuki Clan could have become a powerful ally if they had stayed.

Uzumaki Clan: As distant relatives of the Senju, the Uzumaki were more inclined toward a cooperative relationship. Recognizing the value of the Land of Snow's isolation, the Uzumaki extended offers of friendship. They proposed sharing their sealing techniques in exchange for access to the Yuki's newly secured resources, and over time, the two clans began a fruitful alliance that would strengthen both.

Inuzuka Clan: The Inuzuka, always more focused on tracking and hunting, saw little interest in the frozen wasteland. Their ninken would be at a disadvantage in such extreme conditions, so they chose to focus their efforts elsewhere. They viewed the Yuki Clan's departure as a curious anomaly but nothing that concerned them directly.

Shimura Clan: The Shimura Clan, pragmatic and opportunistic, saw the Yuki's isolationist move as a clever strategy. Though they harbored no animosity toward the Yuki, they monitored the clan's growing power and considered alliances or possible future confrontations as the wars escalated.

Akimichi Clan: Similar to the Hyuga, the Akimichi saw little value in the frozen north. They, too, chose to focus on more fertile lands and didn't interfere with the Yuki's relocation.