

Seated around a round table, everyone indulges in their drinks, while I have plain old water.

"Still, why did you not just leave the piss can in the car? Why bring it with you?" Luna asks, her face red from the alcohol.

"It... was a mistake, probably," I respond, looking down at the table.

"You have a habit of carrying around your piss? Weird," she remarks, taking another sip.

Maybe, it's because of the lack of my trusty dagger that I'm unconsciously trying to hold onto something, or it was just a mistake. Either way, what has been done is done.

I glance towards my right, noticing Oliver, his head hanging low just like mine.

"Well, now that I know everything… Oliver!" Luna calls out, and Oliver 

quickly stands up, frozen in place.

"Yes, boss!" he exclaims.

"You are a twenty-two-year-old adult, so act like one!"

"Yes, boss!" Turning towards me, he leans down, his hands placed on the 

ground. "I'm very sorry for lashing out at you, Kade. Please forgive my lack of judgment!"

I know I shouldn't be feeling like this, but seeing him grovel on the ground does give me a strange sense of satisfaction.

"I-It's okay, it was my fault too," I forgive him, distancing myself.

All of a sudden, a wonderful aroma of food fills my nostrils, overpowering the smell of alcohol. My mouth begins to water as I gaze at the delectable dishes laid out on the table. The unique yet enticing meals sparkle in the light.

I glance at Luna, my hands hovering above the plate, and she nods in approval. Without hesitation, I eagerly grab the food and take big bites, almost more than I can handle. Overflowing with flavors - savory, sweet, and salty - each bite only made me even more ravenous.

I continued to eat, one plate after another, all while the time ticked away. When I finally came to my senses, the night had already fallen.

Looking around with a heavy stomach, I realize that everyone else has already departed, leaving just Luna and me. She rested her arms on the table, her chin perched upon her hands, observing me.

An unexpected burp escapes my lips as I quickly cover my mouth, suppressing the rest of it. "Um... thank you–"

"Now you have to pay me back," Luna interjected with a mischievous grin.


"Just j-j-oking!" Luna burst into laughter, leaving me momentarily speechless. Though she had meant it as a jest, her words held a certain truth.

I continued to eat, one plate after another, time slipping away unnoticed. When I finally regained my senses, the night had already descended upon us.

My stomach was heavy, filled to the brim, and I surveyed the now-empty surroundings. Everyone else had departed, leaving only Luna and me at the table. She leaned on her arms, her chin resting in her hands, observing me with a hint of amusement.

Suddenly, a burp escaped my lips, and I quickly covered my mouth, suppressing the rest of it. "Um... thank you–"

"Now you have to pay me back," Luna interjected with a mischievous grin.


"Just j-j-oking!" Luna burst into laughter, leaving me momentarily speechless. Although her words were meant in jest, they carried a hint of truth.

"Huh? Why d-do you look down? I was just feeling k-kind!" With stuttering words, she awkwardly gets up, her steps unsteady as she drunkenly walks, letting out a few hiccups along the way. "Anyways, see t-tomorrow Kade."

Was she going to be alright by herself? Then again, she probably lived like this every day and was used to it.

I glanced at the reception desk, and the lady was still there, sitting with her eyes closed, perhaps taking a nap. The scene around me was chaotic, with displaced seats, leftover bits of food, and people sleeping on the floors next to the wall.

it could be because I had slept for a long while in the car, but I barely felt sleepy right now. Though, the nocturnal lifestyle wasn't anything new to me.

Leaning back in my seat, I noticed that the once-occupied toilet was now free. 

"Guess I'll take a shit," I muttered to myself as I got up. In my haste, I accidentally hit my knee on the table, causing a nearby book to fall from the edge.


I stoop down to pick up a book, realizing it's the one Albert had gifted me. After pondering over it for a few moments, I hold the weighty book in my arms and make my way to the restroom. Once inside, I shut the door and sat on the chilly seat, reading to alleviate my boredom.

It was pretty clear from reading the first page that the book was about the workings of this world, almost as if it was made for someone like me.

This world was something out of a typical fantasy story. brimming with mythical creatures and whimsical landscapes. However, it also harbored monsters that dwelled underground in dungeons. All the while the demon lord posed a constant threat, and the inhabitants of this world battled for their freedom using the power of magic. 

As I continued reading, a single question multiplied into many.

"How is this possible?"

A fantasy world was supposed to be fiction, a genre of storytelling, not an actual place. So how had it become real? From where did all these elves, beast men, and vampires come from?

"Maybe I have been transported into a fantasy novel."

But then again, this raised the same point. How had I been transported, not to mention, there was literally someone awaiting me, anticipating my arrival.

"An Isekai novel…"

Luna did say I was 'summoned,' as if I were a main character of an Isekai story. But if that were true, then was I technically a main character? Am I 

a part of an author's story?

No, Luna also mentioned that others like me were summoned before me. So were any of them the main characters?

Wait, if a fantasy world was real from the very beginning, then did the one who invented the genre of fantasy books know about this? If so, why didn't they say anything? In fact, why did they make a story out of it?

Sinking my hands into my head, I crouch down, trying to control the millions of questions boggling my mind. I focus again on the book. Perhaps, it has the answers I'm looking for; I just need to read it.

One thing was sure though, it was going to be a long night.


Standing outside the guild, I observe two women standing next to a car, clearly awaiting my arrival. I recognize them as the people who were with Luna just yesterday.

"You sure have some sore eyes there," one of them comments. Her short, light yellow hair and her stance give her an almost tomboyish appearance. 

The other woman beside her wore a similar outfit but with a buttoned-up coat. She had straight dark hair. Holding a long, sheathed curved blade at her side. She wore a bucket hat and round sunglasses, with gloves on her hands, giving away little about herself.

"Anyways, get in." They both pull me into the car, and I find myself sandwiched between them as the vehicle takes off.

"Hey, where are you taking me!?" I protest.

"I was observing. Miss Luna has taken quite a liking to you, huh?" The blonde woman moves closer, maintaining eye contact. "Who the hell are you, and what business do you have with my boss."

"How is that my problem? She's the one after me." I pull myself back.

"After you, my ass. She would—"

"Never do that? Why don't you ask her then?"

"That is the problem. I did, and she won't say anything." 

"It's okay, Rory," a familiar voice enters my ears as I look at the driver's seat. "I will make sure to drop him off in a place where no one can find his body." Olivier gazes back at me with vengeful eyes.

"That jerk—"

Caught aback, the car suddenly stops. Quickly glancing towards the front, 

Oliver's expression quickly changes.

"Shit!" Oliver and the blonde lady exclaim as they observe Albert standing in front of the car.

Without uttering a word, he calmly walks to the side, pointing at the door.

"Ah..." Oliver nervously unlocks the car, letting in Albert as he takes his time to position himself into his seat. 

"A-Albert... I can explain." A stuttering Oliver pleads, but Albert ignores him.

"Just so you know, this was Oliver's idea, h-he bribed me!" The lady exclaims.

"Wait, you were the one who told me to help you!" Oliver responds in astonishment.

"I didn't do anything." The other, dark-haired lady talks, catching me by surprise.

I stare at her before glancing back at Albert "Um... I didn't do anything either--"

Albert lifts his hand, holding a piece of paper between his fingers, causing a silence before speaking "As per Miss Luna's orders, I'm here to give you an offer on her behalf. A relatively new dungeon has been discovered in the east, but those who went in have vanished. She wants Kade to go there, solo."

"So... a commission?" I ask.

"Correct, find and help those people get out."

"What if they are dead?"

"Just bring a piece of their remains or picture for proof."

"So what is the offer here?" Oliver inquires, taking hold of the paper.

"If he fails the commission, you can do whatever you want with him. But if he succeeds, he can do what he wants with you."

"...I want to know the truth about him." The blonde lady insists.

"Truth!?" I exclaim, "You mean about my--"

"Don't!" Albert's stern command silences the conversation, catching us all by surprise.

Now that I think about it, ever since I arrived here, no one reacted much to my presence. For someone who is from another world, I expected there to be some sort of response.

A loud honk from the car behind us interrupts the silence, erasing the tension.

"We are causing traffic, let's keep moving." Albert suggests.

"You said we can do anything, right?" Oliver presses on the pedal, quickly accelerating "Then I will just force open his mouth."