
An Undead in the Multiverse

Read as Axton, Our MC gets embroiled in an Eldritch God's plans which somehow fails leading to this fun..? journey. ---------- This is my first novel. So, do give feedback that will help me improve. ---------- p@treon.com/NightBlade66 ko-fi.com/nightblade66 paypal.me/nightblade66 ___________ Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to Deadman Wonderland or any anime. CoverArt: Made by AI

NightBlade66 · Cómic
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

I finally found the middle school where Ganata lived, I think. The classroom looked the same as it was in the manga. Today was a holiday, I was just gonna wait inside the school I guess, and practice my hemokinesis somewhere.

Even for a short fight with the wretched egg, I will have to have a decent level of control of my blood. Thankfully, she is not fully powered, otherwise, there was no way I could fight against someone who could sink the whole of Japan if she wanted. Even physically she was at least 6-C which is 2 whole tiers above me. Let's not even talk about regeneration, she was an absolute monster in that just think of Wolverine's regeneration.

Her power was not just simple blood control. That was just one of her powers. Her special ability with her Branch of Sin was called the "super compression of matter through high-speed blood flow" in the Manga.

She could compress objects to the point of causing them to disintegrate, doing so on a molecular level.

She could even cause large-scale explosions through the compressive nature of her Branch of Sin if she so chooses, these explosions are large enough to sink 30% of an entire island in a casual usage.

I couldn't dare to imagine what she could do with years of practice. Since she should be unaging. Maybe even create black holes.

Ganta was only able to beat her because of the Anti-Wretched Egg properties of his Branch of Sin, Whatever that means. Not that he wasn't powerful, but he was also at least 6-C physically in the later chapters of the manga.

'Enough thinking, this is getting nowhere stop thinking and plan this otherwise I am gonna be here for ages just describing their powers and feats and whatnot '


[Mimi's POV]

Today was also going like every other day in the School. Me and my friends Ganta, and Yamakatsu were talking about usual things.

After the class ended I saw Ganta watching something on his phone.

"What are you watching Ganta?"

He showed me some pictures of us in the Waterpark where we went on our previous school trip.

"Going to a jail on a school trip is so lame."

Looks like Ganta was very unhappy that we were going to Deadman Wonderland on this school trip.

We all talked about the trip some more until we somehow started talking about the Great Tokyo Earthquake that happened 10 years earlier.

But suddenly some man who looked slightly pale entered the classroom in a hurry.

"All of you get out of here as fast as you can."

"There is a Red Man outside the window but our classroom is on the 2nd floor…"

I could hear Ganta talking about some Red Man.

Feeling that something was wrong I started running while holding my friends.


[Axton's POV]

'Fuck, I was late. It was not my fault I kind of overexerted myself during training and I did not have any way of knowing when Shiro was gonna fly here except for the camera I set up 2 blocks away from here in the direction of the Wonderland.'

'But She was too fast, maybe because she was excited to meet her childhood friend.'

My regeneration was working fast in generating the blood I lost during training. But I was able to make blood bullets that could go supersonic, so it was not a total waste of time.

I hurriedly entered the classroom and told everyone to get out of there.

I know at first I planned to just strike at the last moment but after practicing my control over my blood I was confident in at least surviving all the bullshit that Shiro could throw at me while being restrained by the 'Mother Goose System'.

And I didn't want to be with the guilt of children dying on my conscience.

I hurriedly took out a big concrete block in front of the window from my Inventory and covered the whole concrete and the windows with my blood so that Shiro couldn't see anything that was happening inside and I hoped it would stall her for some time.


Oh well, It was one-shotted out of the way. Not gonna lie it looked cool as hell though…

Still, her goal should be Ganta. If I can just get the red diamond from her and stall for time till the MGS recovers then everything should be alright.

She is probably gonna barge into the place and start looking for Ganta.


Or she could just destroy the whole building. I guess that works too. Maybe I should remind her how fragile humans are. She killed everyone here in the manga because she was jealous of Ganta's friends and forgot how fragile humans are.

'This is all so fucked up.'

"Oi, Shiro or Wretched Egg whoever is in control, Do you wanna kill Ganta? Did you forget how fragile humans are? Don't you remember Ganta is just a 'normal child'."

I emphasized the normal child part cause I know what happened in her childhood and wanted to remind her. Even though It may seem cruel. I didn't have any other option.

And it worked, she stopped destroying the building. She floated down fast and I didn't understand at first but It suddenly clicked in my mind.

'Here goes nothing.'

I punched down hard on the floor and the floor broke down but before It could fall on the children I created a kind of net using my blood control and reached fast towards the red diamond that I could see in Shiro's hand.

'She may be powerful but she doesn't have any experience fighting someone.'

I sprayed blood on her eyes or where I thought it should be on the abomination of the armor she was wearing. I made a long blade made out of blood at a speed that should have been impossible and cut her hand off.

At least I thought I did but she was somehow able to dodge the blade by moving her hand in a way that shouldn't be humanly possible.

'Fuck, Now that she knows what I want, She is gonna be extra careful. But that move was cool. It reminded me of Kaneki in Tokyo Ghoul rotating his ankles. But this also shows how far away from any human she is.'

I could feel that this was gonna be an annoying battle by the way this was going.

I couldn't think of any idea so I did the most idiotic thing I could think of. I just jumped at her but she dodged it and I fell on the ground from the second floor.

'All according to the plan.'


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