
An Owl's Rise

Evelyn had a normal happy life until the untimely death of her mother. Her loving father soon became an abusive drunk that would constantly beat her and her older brother Mason. After years of abuse one day Evelyn and Mason managed to escape the terror of their father, when Evelyn finally snapped and killed him. Unfortunately, even though they escaped their rotten father, their lives came to a violent and early end at the hands of a cruel fate. However, when Evelyn woke up after dying, she found herself in a dark damp place. And when she broke free from what confines her, she finds herself reborn as an owl. Follow along as Evelyn lives her second life as an owl in a world of magic and mystery, as she aims to rise up and become the strongest. So, no one can ever dictate her fate again. Warning: This novel is going to be very dark in places, especially the prologue. If you are faint of heart, I recommend you not read this novel. Artwork By Radiopaque.

MegaC · Fantasía
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455 Chs

Chapter 63 Evelyn’s Record

With Melisandre's curious gaze bearing down on her, Evelyn felt herself beginning to panic again.

She was not sure what to say about her gravity magic being discovered, but just like wind was one of her affinities apparently it was now too.

Apparently, the Aethersphere had even changed her body enough for he to be considered a new species, and as she looked back on the way her body had been rearranged when divine item was introduced into her body she understood why.

'I suppose she was going to find out eventually anyway.' Evelyn thought.

She then nodded her head and both Dara and Melisandre made a magical connection with her to hear her answer.

"Yes, I do have another magical power. I am not sure exactly what it is, only that it lets me lower or increase the weight of things.' 

Naturally Evelyn did not fully explain what she knew and kept it as vague as possible while giving her explanation.