
Chapter 7: Untitled

When we went in the King was shocked. He knew who she was. His sister-in-law! He ran up to hug her. "I'm so glad you are alive!" He said crying. Once he calmed down he said, "Don't worry about telling me what happened. I'll take you to get cleaned up and meet your siblings. Hannah!" "Yes your majesty." "Come clean her up. This is my sister in law we thought was dead." "Ok right away sir." "Oh and don't tell anyone! If you do I'm sure you know what will happen." "Yes sir." Then she rushed her upstairs.


"So what happened?" I told him about the monster in the woods and how she protected a little girl. Even mentions the nickname fluffy. Haha. I told him about a witch casting a spell on her until she could accept what happened. Also that she hid us at the time and that my aunt found us. "I see. Did she tell you if my brother survived?" "I'm sorry uncle. NO he's gone." Let mom tell you the story. She told us but its better if mom does. She can go into more details if you have questions." "Yes that's a good idea. Sigh. OK. Well the invitations are sent out. I'm going to go gather her siblings and my brother. Gotta go in the bigger room than the parlor room. Like the living room area. We will go get mom's siblings. You go get your brother. Uh uncle? Please don't blame mom for what she is about to say. She has been punished enough." "Cace. No matter what happens. I won't. I know how stupid my brother was. Whatever he did, he did because he wanted too." "Thank you." Then we all left to get the people we needed and they brought the kids as well.


About an hour later we gathered everyone. Once everyone sat down I made an announcement. "Now that everyone is here, I have a very special surprise for Cole Zane and aunt Talia. It's a biggest surprise of all time. An answer to prayer I would say. Now Everyone close your eyes and don't open until I say." They did as they were told.


I told my mom to put her hands on her sisters eyes and say guess who. She put her hands around her sisters eyes like she was told, "Guess who!" "S-Sister? Is that really you?" "Ok everyone open your eyes!" "It really is you! Oh my god your alive!" Then Talia and her brothers came rushing over to a group hug. Zayan already knew that his brother was no long around he wouldn't blame her either.


Once everything calmed down, King Leo spoke. "Now Raina. Just so you know we won't blame you no matter what happened back them. We know how are brother was. He gets too crazy and does stupid things. So no matter what you tell us we won't blame you." She starting crying silent tears. "Thank you very much. All I will tell all of you now is that he protected me. That is why he isn't here right now. I will tell you what happened Leo when you have time. Is Fawn by any chance here?" "Oh she should be back any minute. She is off to see someone." "Oh a boy perhaps?" "Yeah pretty much." "Oh and who are these handsome boys?" Zayan introduced his kids and so did Cole and Zayan. Oh and Talia did hers as well. "Let me guess Fawn got some from there as well? Oh yeah here they are." "Uncle!" They all said. Were they behaving themselves?" "Somewhat." Then uncle introduced Fawns kids her.


I forgot to mention. Cole had found a couple of readers. They both had their own corners like outcasts so he decided to talk to them. He asked them his name and one of them said his name was Ash and the other also couldn't speak so Ash spoke for him. His name was Acer. Acer was 11 and Ash was 14 years old.


"Ok now lets all let Rainer take a rest up in her room ok?" But before anyone said anything Fawn came into the living room with a shocked face after she saw my mother. "R-Raina? Is that really you?" She ran over and punched her shoulder. That is how that played around then she hugged my mom tight. "I'm happy your alive!" "Yeah me too and thank you." "We were just about to let her rest. Tomorrow I will have her come to my office when she is well rested and tell me what happened. Then I will tell you in a family meeting." So Hannah escorted her to her room to rest.

"How is she alive! What the hell happened? Our brother?" said Fawn. Then everyone shook their head. "I see. I told that idiot not to do anything wreck less and got himself killed. Dammit! Oh sorry kids. How were my kids being? They ok?" "Oh yeah they were great." "Oh good. Anyway Leo I have to talk to you." "Ok everyone, get back to business. (Sorry by the way this was the next morning after we found her. It was dark when we found her before.)


The next morning after that morning Raina was getting ready. She got up and dressed, then headed down to King Leo's office. Once she was announced, she went in. It was just the Uncle and I inside. She was relieved. "Ok Raina. Please tell me what exactly happened? Where have you been for 16 years wait that isn't right. For 17 years. You left when you were 18 years old." "Sigh. Ok I'll tell you. If you need to ask a question in the middle go ahead and stop me. I need to get this off my chest. Ok. Well I don't know where you were but I told some people something they didn't want to hear. So we ran because they told us that they would tell the king something that will get us locked up. So He and I Ran. A year and 1 year later I found out I was pregnant. We ended up having twins. I hid them in hopes someone might find them while we were on the run. I heard voices. So I ran toward them so they didn't know about the babies. Before they could even know of their existence. He warned me not too because they would Kill me. I didn't care. What they didn't tell me was your brother would have been tortured if he went back. I didn't listen. Before they could touch me with the sword your brother stepped in. I had to run. I apologized to him before I left. I ran until I got to the place the babies were but weren't there. I'm glad my sister found you both. Then I collapsed and found myself the monster in the forest. That is what happened. Are you sure you don't blame me?" "Well after hearing that I definitely don't. If you heard what would happen to him you would definitely change your mind. That idiot brother of mine. Always keeping stuff to himself. Sigh. Like I said I don't blame you. The others won't either. So where is my brothers body?" "Well after I turned into the monster, I buried him near the cave where I turned. This afternoon I can show you. Then if you want to, you can bury him closer." "Yeah I think I will do that. Thank you Raina. Again its not your fault. Do you know who killed him?" "Y-Yes you know him well. It was-was Krioff. Yes from Starr kingdom." "Sigh. Its not surprising. He did say one of these days he would kill him. I just thought it was a joke. They were rivals. I don't think he wanted to either." "I don't think so either. I think he was threatened or controlled." "What do you mean?" "Well he was the one that told me about what would happen to him if he got captured. At first I thought that is why he killed him. But I don't think it was. He could have gotten him out. So I think he was being controlled by a witch of some sort." "A witch huh? I wonder who?" "That is something I don't know." "Sigh. It's a good thing that woman went home for now. Great now I have something else on my plate. Well we are having a ball for welcoming Cace if you want to join. Here is an invitation." "Thanks." "Sure. After the ball I will go meet up with Krioff and see what happened back then." "Thank you Leo. By the way, you look like you've been ruling pretty good here. I'm glad we made you the next King." "Aww thanks Raina." Then it was time to leave the office.


"Hey mom wait up!" "Oh hey sweetie what do you need?" "Nothing I just have some things to tell you." "OK sure. Lets go to my room. The docs say I need a few more days of sleep. Then I should be fine." "Ok sure." So went with her.


Once mom got settled I told her about my gifts I had. "OK so mom. Uncle Leo told me about them but I have gifts. The one where I can sense if someone is trustworthy is one of them. Uncle told me not to tell anyone but you and my guards and uncle Leo are the only one's who know. Then when I went to the forest for the first time because a sound brought me there, I realized my other two gifts. I could talk to animals and I have night vision." "Yes. I figured you might. Sigh. You are such a grown boy Cace. I'm sorry me and your father couldn't be there for you." She rubbed my face. Then I hugged her for awhile. When I let go I asked her. "Mom why didn't you tell me about Keely in the letter? NO one told me, I found out her name by myself and when I first saw her it was in the art store." "I see. So since you knew Leo must have told you. If Talia found you then she must have told Leo and then he told you. Sigh. Yes you do have a twin sister. As you have probably heard she was born first. My sister knows because the first born is usually a little bit bigger and healthier than the second." "So when can I meet her? Now that you are back can I meet her soon?" "Not yet Cace. There was a reason I couldn't take you to the castle. When you meet your sister all will be revealed." "Not fair. You sound just like uncle Leo. Sigh fine. Its just this pull is driving me crazy." "Yes it would. My sister and I had it growing up too. since we grew up together we were pretty much inseparable. Its probably worse since you never knew her." "Mom do you think Keely has any gifts?" "I'm not sure Cace. I guess we will see when we meet her." "So mom. Growing up what made the pull stronger?" "Hmm let me think. I guess it would be when we are excited, emotional that kind of thing. I noticed when we were calm it wasn't so bad. Although when you become in your 30's it starts weakening. It doesn't mean that anyone is dying or anything its just age." "Oh yeah mom. I never grew out of that sickness where I get too excited I get dizzy or pass out." "I see. So I suppose you take medicine right?" "Yeah I always have to have someone with me or I can't do it. I have to have the Syringe stabbed into my chest." "I see. I did as well. Since I became a monster I haven't had that issue for 16 years." "I just wish it would go away." She hugged me. "I know sweetie. It just depends on your body. It may go away as you get older or stay with you for life. Either way you will be fine. We can try to see if another method or medicine can help as well so you don't have to keep getting shots in the chest." "Yeah thanks mom." Then I left her alone to rest.


It was now the weekend. I talked with uncle on if he made a date with Hazel or not. "Hey Uncle. Have you set a time and date to meet Hazel?" "Oh that. She said she is free Tomorrow. She said around noon sometime should be good." "OK perfect." The weekends are the only time I have off from crown prince duties. That is when I went to the forest to check on the animals.


I got to the forest and looked in the cave but no one was there. "Good it looks like they got the memo." As I was walking I saw Graine. "Hey Graine!" "Oh Cace. Good to see you again. Thank you for chasing the monster out." "Actually it was my birth mother who had a curse put on her she was friendly just attacked when she felt threatened." "Oh I see. I'm glad everything worked out." "Yeah me to. I at least got one parent back." "I'm sorry Cace." "Oh its fine. So how are the others?" "Oh they are good too they went home to their families." "That's good. I have a day off today. And tomorrow I have a meeting with someone." "Oh who? If I may ask?" "Everyone apparently knows her. She is from the Starr family. Her name is Hazel." "Ah Hazel Starr. Let me guess is to meet her as an arranged marriage?" "No cause she put a spell on me and the castle witch took it off." "I see. Well then, good luck with her." "Uh before you go Graine, can you tell me a bit about her?" "Ha Ha yeah. You look nervous." "Yeah I totally am." "Well anyone is when they meet someone for the first time. Well let me see. I meet her when I was still a toddler. We loved to play. In fact we still do. Just not as much anymore since she trains. Anyway she was one energetic kid growing up. She is usually bored and likes to cause trouble kind of girl. When she is bored she usually comes here or causes trouble. As for what she does for fun, I'll let her tell you that." "What do you think she will think of me? Also what do you think I should wear?" "Well her favorite colors are blue and purple. As for the outfit, you would want to wear something casual. Ruffle up the hair. Oh and she likes to meet at pubs. She is too young to drink but she likes hearing gossip. In fact, I think that is how she found out about you." "Ok thanks Graine. I'm going to finish walking here." "Ok have fun."


I walked pretty far and I came upon a two bedroom cabin. "Huh? I wonder who lives here?" "That is the home of the people who helped you that day you passed out. The mans name is Kiran. The son Cyan." "I see. I guess since I have nothing better, I can go over and thank them." "Lets go then." Said Ryker. "Yeah." Agreed Sean.


We Knocked on this door (Knock Knock) "Coming!" I heard a man voice say. He opened the door and was shocked to see us. "Please come in. All of you." "Thanks." I said. So we all sat down and I spoke up. "You must be Kiran. Thanks for saving me. I have a bad condition. I'm sure they told you about it." "Yes they have. I'm glad you are ok." "Thanks. Oh where is Cyan?" "Oh they must have told you about him too." "Cyan! Cace is here!" He came running out of his room. "Hey there. I'm Cyan. Glad to see you are ok. I'm 17 years old. Only a year older than you." "Oh cool. Someone my age to hang out with here. You want to hang out sometime when I am not busy with prince duties?" "Yeah I'd like that." He looked at his dad. "As long as your chores get done you can. As long as the king says so too." "Yes sir." "Oh Cyan I also wanted to thank you for saving me too." "No problem." We hung out there until it got late enough to head back before dinner.