
An Average Chad from Ostdeutschland

Erich is not your average Joe having been killed by immigrants, making him turn a villain in his next life, with a love for both football and politics he'll become a master in this field and prevent refugees from coming in the future, But that doesn't stop him from sleeping with Turkish hoes ( I know it's terribly written

Marin_Margarine · Otras
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6 Chs

Recruiting subordinates


December 6, 1967, Turin, Italy.

Me and my Mother Khloe are currently watching a match between AC Milan and Juventus. Watching football at this time is pretty much comparable to watching a 3rd division football in the future, Referees make poor decisions, no VAR, though the dribbling lacks Brazilian elements to it, guess I need to be a pioneer. Anyways the match Ended in 2-1 in Milan's favour with Pierino Prati bagging in 2 goals in the, 33rd and 57th minute, while Gianfranco Leoncini scored the only goal for Juventus at the 76th minute of the game. Tactics that were used throughout the match was pretty boring to watch Unlikes Pep's Guardiola Tiki-Taka and Jurgen Klopps Gegenpressing. After the match I asked Pierino Prati for his football shirt and signature which he gladly give me. Happy to receive his shirt I then said thank you before going back to the house with my mom

As they arrived home from the football match Mauricio directly went to his room, he then took out a list containing names of certain individuals.

'For my future Mercenary group, Erich Von manstein seems to be the perfect man for the job, as a former general of the third Reich he can shape them to competen mercenaries. Currently he lives in Munich, West Germany I'll pay him a visit this Christmas and put him under my control. I remember there seems to be an apartment in Munich that was found with a thousand of stolen WW2 paintings, I might pay a visit to him and get the paintings for my collection hehehe. I would also need to recruit my teammates for me to win a world cup with East Germany! I don't plan on winning just one world cup, I plan to win 4 to cement my Legacy, Van Basten, Koeman, Schmeichel, Ruud gulit, Lothar Matthaus, Baresi, Roberto Baggio, Rijkard. With these super team I will win it all,.. no I must!' Erich maniacally laughs as he imagined those painting hanging in the walls of his future Baroque style manor in a private Island along with a trophy cabinet of everysingle trophy possible to win in Europe and Serie A.

Eversince I've picked that golden lire from the library 4 months ago, I've managed to duplicate it to 70 Metric tonnes, which equals closed to 600 million$!, Fuck I'm rich asf. Well now it's time for me to kidnapp- I mean adopt subordinates


In an isolated orphanage in italy, three people are walking by while children's can be seen playing around. Khloe can be seen discussing with a nun about adopting children while Erich is playing with them in the distance.

Rebecca look at the nun and explained their intentions saying "Madre, I plan to adopt children here in the orphanage, My son Erich has been pretty lonely eversince arriving here in Turin, he left a lot of friends back home in Dresden and me and my husband doesn't plan on having another child anytime soon"

The Nun stared at her, before forming a smile "Well we can allow that to happen after all every child deserves to have a family and I trust that you can give it to them. I'm kinda curious how many are you planning to adopt?"

Hearing the nuns question Khloe replied "Well sister we plan on adopting 2 at the moment, though we prefer both to be girls as they are easier to raise and would be less troublesome"

The nun chuckled at her explanation. Both of them then shifted their attention to Erich happily playing with two girls who seems to be a year younger than him.


Erich can be seen playing the board game mensch argere dicht nicht with two orphaned girls, or should I say his soon to be sisters. one of them is named Irina a brunette haired child born from Georgian parents that died in a car crash. The other child had blue eyes and blonde hair with slavic trait is named Petra, abandoned since birth by her parents from Czechoslovakia due to them being hunted down by KGB for helping people from Eastern bloc escape.

"Beat you again, Irina, Petra, you guys really should quit playing you can't beat my luck with the dice" Erich cockily saying while looking at the two girls who just experienced their 4th defeat in a row.

Afterfacing her 4th defeat, Irina angrily and childishly said "Erich, can't you give us a chance too?"

"Nope not in a million years, giving opponents a chance will only harm me" Erich replied with a large grin.

Petra not wanting to stop playing without having a win challenged them to another game "Let's play again!, I'll make sure I'm gonna win this time."

Before they can agreeto another round of the game. Khloe Erich's Mom approachedd the three of them "Hello girls,From today onwards I'm gonna be your new mother! and it looks like both of you have familiarized yourselves to your soon to be brother Erich"

Irina and Petra glanced at each other hearing the wonderful news both children's felt a surge of happiness after gaining a formal family.

"Well, looks like we can continue playing once we arrived to your new home" Erich said, while having a bright smile looking at his new sisters.

Waiting for their mom to finalize the adoption Erich and his new sisters sat in the back of the car. Irina curiously looked at Erich and asked "Hey, Erich are we going to be in the same school?"

Erich nodded, and smiled "Ofcourse were going to be at the same school! It woulda been troublesome and a waste of car fuel if we're on different schools"

Petra, who is looking at the window turned her attention to Erich "So does that mean we are going to be classmates?"

"Well no, Since I'm 1 year older than you I'm gonna be a class above you two, but don't worry I'll make sure no one will take advantage of you." Erich explained with a serious expression

A few minutes later their new mother soon arrived with a folder of documents. Khloe looking at them from the driver's seat saying

"Okay kids fasten up your seatbelts, And your new Father won't arrive till 23rd of December, but don't worry I have already notified him"


A few minutes later they arrived at a newly bought manor just outside of the bustling city of Turin.

Seeing the huge estate, both Irina and Petra have an surprised expression. "Erichhhh, you didn't tell me we're going to live in a castle" Irina exclaimed with a hint of excitement

Hearing the child's reaction Erich replied "I wanted it to be a surprise for both of you my little princesses"

Irina and Petra's faces began to blush. Khloe seeing their reaction chuckled warmly. "Well, this place has just been bought so it's kinda empty, and Erich can you please show them their room?"

Erich heard his Mother's command and replied "Yes mom, Irina, Petra follow me." He then proceed to give his siblings a tour of the manor.
