
An Average Chad from Ostdeutschland

Erich is not your average Joe having been killed by immigrants, making him turn a villain in his next life, with a love for both football and politics he'll become a master in this field and prevent refugees from coming in the future, But that doesn't stop him from sleeping with Turkish hoes ( I know it's terribly written

Marin_Margarine · Others
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6 Chs

construction of HQ

December 10, 1967

Outskirt of Leipzig, East Germany.

A construction of a huge groups of building spanning a land of 500 hectares can be seen taking place in the remote forest in Leipzig, with more than 9000 workers participating in building different structure, such as roads multi layered housing, parks and schools.

"I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to design and manage the construction of your base Mr. Himmler" The head architect Albert Speer expressing his gratitude.

Pankraz Himmler sitting opposite of Albert, lit up a cigarette taking a smoke before saying "The pleasure is all mine, it's always a good thing to help an old colleague of mine"

Albert speer staring at the window, observing the amount of materials used in the project. He then shifted his attention to Pankraz and asked "For such a large project it must have cost atleast 100 million dollars. How does a communist government, fund this?"

Pankraz Himmler leaned back on his chair, exhaling a puff of smoke "Albert my friend, truth be told we make the materials used in this construction out of thin air, be it concrete, steel, gravel, and also food like wheat, beans and even meat itself. The only thing we spend on is the transportation and laborz which we pay using the gold we print. I know it's hard to believe but it's the truth and I hope you will keep it a secret. If this ever leaked I will make sure the Stasi will send you to heaven if your even going there."

Albert Speer looked at him as if someone who's suffering in a mental asylum "I've been through so much in life to believe in such a fairytale Pankraz, If you don't want to share the information in the first place you could have said so without making something absurd from your fantasies."

Pankraz grinned knowing that Albert refusal to believe "Good to know that Albert, afterall the less people know the better, by the way how is General Manstein?"

Albert Speer was caught off guard by the sudden question, he responded "After the war I haven't been much contact with other former officials of the Third Reich, I've just been released last year and havent got the time to pay a visit. Based from what I heard Manstein has been living in Munich, what's with this question may I ask?"

"Well, I plan on making a foreign fighters made up of Gypsies, Bosniaks and Chechens to help fight with revolutionist in different places like in Africa, Vietnam, Philippines, Mexico, and we also plan on helping the African colonies of Portugal to have them on our side and potentially even Rhodesia."

Albert Speer seemed surprised at the plan suddenly realizing something,he took a sip at his tea and said "Your plan could work, but I'm kinda curious why Gypsies,Bosniaks and Chechens?, it seems to me your trying to get rid of them here in Europe, if this is the objective than I genuinely believe it will work. Argentina did the same to the Blacks during the war of triple alliance by constantly conscripting them it dwindled their population."

Pankraz smiled at Albert for reading his intentions. He then gave him a compliment "Smart as ever Albert no wonder you were the Fuhrer's favorite architect, birds of the same feather flock together."

Albert nodded in agreement of the quotation mentioned. The conversation between them then ended, Albert went back to managing the work site, while Pankraz will now make his way to Colombia before spending Christmas with his family.

(What I meant by printing minerals at thin air is the MC I gave him the ability Todo it cause how the fuck will east Germany feed 10million surrogate women(Baby makers) it's just not possible without cheats)


Same day, Turin, Italy

It's been three days since we adopted my sister's and they have come to accept me and my mom as their family, even though they haven't met my dad yet. During this period I have tried to get to know them by simply doing different activities, I've noticed that Irina seems to have a talent for chess and can already play impressively if it weren't for my quantum Chatbot which I have named (Zoro), She seems to be someone who's perfect to be my future secretary and personal accountant which I will make sure to mold her for this role. On the other hand Petra is a silent yet energetic girl, I will plan on introducing her to tennis which I will make sure she has a talent for, I also plan her to become the head of my future "pleasure/Breeding squad."

"Erich!, Irina!, Petra!, were going somewhere!! Be here quick!" Khloe suddenly called them

Hearing their mothers call, the three siblings immediately gathered at her with curiosity on both Irina and Petra's faces while Erich having a poker face.

"Why did you call us Mother?" Irina asked, with her eyes showing signs of curiosity

Khloe smiled,"Well, truth be told honey we are going to the East German embassy to apply to change your citizenships"

Both daughters eyes widened with surprise, "Does that mean we are going to be Germans now?" Petra suddenly asked.

Khloe nodded,"Exactly, you see both me and your brother aren't a native here in Italy we came from Dresden but we don't have a plan on changing our nationality as we plan on returning home"

Erich who had listened through the conversation, joined in "Mom's right, you'll now officially become citizens of the GDR, which if you ever want to play international sports you will represent it"

A few hours passed by after finalizing the citizenship changing, Khloe took her daughters home, under Erich command

Sitting alone near a fountain Erich waiting for his mother to comeback, he immediately began to plan his next course of action.

'Well looks like it's time for me to set up my money printing machine, Let's call it RedBull' Erich thought, while gazing at the stars over the horizon.

A few minutes later his mom arrived and sat next to him. "So what is our next course of action Erich?"

Feeling the presence of his mother, Erich looked at her and said "Well, I want you to set up a beverage company called RedBull, we'll start by buying a factory in Austria called Rauch Fruchtsäfte and I'll contact that to go to Thailand and buy Krateng Daeng"

Khloe amazed at her son's plans and intelligence "I'll see what I can do, and I'll register it, and about the Island you asked me to buy in Bahamas the papers have arrived. What do you want to do with it?"

"I plan on making it a training ground for the gypsy mercenary group, and also a private resort with a zoo, football pitch, tennis court, a water park, basically all we needed. Oh and when the batch of baby makers arrived me and dad we'll choose the finest specimen to carry our seeds" Erich explained to his mother

Khloe hearing his son mention her husband's involvement in becoming a stallion shows no signs of disapproval

End of chapter