
An Assassin living as Crown Prince in different world

Leonidas van Evangelist is the crown prince of the Evandel Kingdom.Due to various circumstances, inside his body also dwell 2 different souls.An assassin from Earth, Kanzaki Ayanokouji and the strongest Demon Lord, Arcadia.However Kanzaki get the biggest dominance of Leonidas's body.With 2 powerful soul, the crown prince will show extraordinary talent when it come to combat. Note : I don't own the picture I am sorry for a quite bad grammar

Shameless_Author · Cómic
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3 Chs


Kanzaki Ayanokouji is an ordinary Junior High School Student. He transferred to Ichinose Junior High School as a third-year student. But the truth is Kanzaki enter this school to assassinate his target. He plans to get in contact with the target's daughter and get closer enough to visit her home. Since his target is always hiding in his mansion and never leave his face captured on the public, he doesn't have a choice but to find another way to kill him.

He becomes an assassin isn't because he loves killing people or money, but someone who works on Hades Organization is promising something to Kanzaki.

Hades is Underworld Organization that hidden from the surface of society. Their works are to eliminate someone based on the request. Of course, the target isn't small fish like killing innocent civilians. They often hunt celebrity, CEO of Giant Company, Government staff or some important person like that who always guarded by a lot of people.

Kanzaki lost his parents because they were murdered when he goes to school. Then a stranger comes to become his salvation. He promises to help him get his revenge for his parents. He is still 6 years old at that time, so he doesn't think rationally and blinded by hatred for the murderer.IF Kanzaki thinks carefully, he would find this stranger is very fishy.

Why would he help Kanzaki to get his revenge?

What will this stranger get by helping him?

Why he comes to Kanzaki with precise time like this, just to offer to help him to get his revenge?

Moreover, the stranger tells Kanzaki to become a professional Hitman just to kill the murderer. He will trains Kanzaki until he becomes a Top-Class Assassin.

The truth is this stranger is the murderer that Kanzaki looking for. He aims Kanzaki's Family because of some reason. He doesn't kill them directly, but he is the mastermind behind this assassination. He gives a request for killing Kanzaki's parents to Hades and they succeed to kill them.

His original motive is just to eliminate Kanzaki's parents because they are powerful Agents that always protect Government and that hindering his plan. But when he finds Kanzaki's data, he becomes interested in Kanzaki's potential. He is very smart with 300 IQ and he also has a bloodline of strong Agent. If he trains Kanzaki, he will become a perfect hitman for him. That's why he carries out his plan by made a contact with Kanzaki and offering help to him. The stranger's name is Baron Alexander.

In this facility, there are a lot of children around his age. Mostly are boys, but there are some girls too. Uncle Alexander told him, this place is for training to become the best Agent, but in the process, Kanzaki usually killing people so Assassin is probably fitted with his job.

When Kanzaki asked the reason. Uncle Alex said to make a perfect Agent, we need to train them from a young age. Because when humans still kids, their personalities can be developed based on their environment. If we make a perfect environment for them, we can create a perfect human too. That was his logic.

In this facility, his activities already scheduled from waking up in the morning, until he sleeps at night. He received 3 meals a day like a normal day.

After waking up, they take a bath, then all children here assembled in the main building and drink milk. After that, they do some warm-ups. After a warm-up, they do various exercises like running around 5 km outside the facility, push up, or some gymnastics.

After doing that, they come to the dining hall to have breakfast. The menu here is the same every time. They said the menu is very healthy and helps us to get more energy. The breakfast menu has low carbohydrates and focuses on protein and vitamins.

In the afternoon, they come to their classroom. There are several classes here. They learn how to read, write and everything.

The classroom divided by their age because their teaching material is different from each other.

When you reach the age of 10 years old, you will get a new lesson. If you are still below 10 years, the lesson you get is everything from books that you read every day.

When Kanzaki was 10 years old, he was assigned to a new class. In the new class, he learns some self-defense techniques like Kungfu, Karate and some sort of thing like that. He also learns how to acting and use a weapon like a knife, sword, spear, and gun.

After the classroom ended, they have to attend a special class. Here they learn how to maximize their talent, gift or hobby.

In his case, Kanzaki chooses cooking and drawing.

He chooses cooking because he doesn't like the food from facilities and he wants to duplicate his mother's dishes when she still alive.

Kanzaki chooses drawing too because he wants to draw any picture of his family. He even makes a picture of his family visiting the Aquarium.

Why there is such a class here?

Uncle Alex said, when you become an agent, you sometimes go undercover. So here your talent or gift can help you.

In his case, Kanzaki can become a chef and a professional painter and come near his target.

And time for lunch. Lunch's menu has quite high carbohydrates to refill their energy.

In the evening, they watch some professional agent videos during a mission. They already used to see blood, or something grotesque. They learn how they fight and use their weapons.

In the night, they do some indoor exercise in Gymnasium. They use various props here to train their muscles.

After doing that, they take a bath and have dinner. Finally, time to sleep.

That is their activity every day. It's very monotone.

A lot of children can't continue doing that. They usually will absent when they exercise time. But recently he notices, the "problem" children never appeared again. What happens to them?

Kanzaki spent his day just to polish his skill to become the strongest Agent to kill the murderer. He throws away his identity and his emotion for the sake of mission and killing the murderer. His body is almost broken every night because he was injected with a powerful serum to boost his physical strength. He doing his first kill when 12 years old. That time, some people try to sneak around the Hades's Facility and Kanzaki was chosen to be the one who kills them all.

Uncle Alex gives him a Glock-18 as a weapon and Kanzaki hides that under his clothes. He comes out from the facility and greets the intruders while pretends to be an innocent child. Kanzaki waiting for them to make a contact with him.

"Huh, a child? What are you doing here boy?",One of them speaks to Kanzaki while the other point their guns to him.

They use a ghillie suit to camouflage. The ghillie suit is a type of camouflage clothing designed to resemble the background environment such as foliage, snow or sand. Typically, it is a net or cloth garment covered in loose strips of burlap (hessian) cloth or twine, sometimes made to look like leaves and twigs, and optionally augmented with scraps of foliage from the area.

Military personnel, police, hunter, and nature photographers may wear a ghillie suit to blend into their surroundings and conceal themselves from enemies or targets. The suit gives the wearer's outline a three-dimensional breakup, rather than a linear one. When manufactured correctly, the suit will move in the wind in the same way as surrounding foliage. Some ghillie suits are made with light and breathable material that allows a person to wear a shirt underneath. Kanzaki knows that when he learned in the class.

"I live here uncle."

"You live here? Where are your parents?

"I am an Orphan uncle, so I don't have parents anymore."

"I see, so this facility is taking Orphan for their subject huh..."

They come closer to Kanzaki, and he found four persons come to this facility. Kanzaki calmly analyzes the situation while thinking about how to deal with them. One of them speaks once again to him.

"What they do to you boy?

"I can't tell you, anything uncle."


"Because they plant something like chip into my brain, so I can't spill anything to an outsider.", Kanzaki lying to them to make them sympathize with his situation, so Kanzaki can kill them later.

"How cruel..."

"Must be hard for you living inside that hell boy..."

"I am sorry to hear that."

"Boy, we come here to save anyone who imprisoned inside that facility, including you. So would you like to follow us?"

"Can you really save me, uncles?" , Kanzaki pretends to cry while showing his gratitude to them. He uses his emotions to fake his sadness without any exaggerating act. Kanzaki looks like he genuinely crying because he will be rescued from this place. His acting is top-class and he able to deceive them.

"Of course boy, there is nothing to worry about. We will find the way to remove that thing from your brain too.",One of them comes closer to rescue Kanzaki.

"Thank you Uncle.", but Kanzaki shoots him in the head when he comes closer.

*Bang* *Bang*


One of the intruders was killed by Kanzaki and his body is laying on the ground with few holes on his head. His friends aiming their gun to Kanzaki with intense glare and shouted.

"What the heck are you doing brat?!!!!"

"Why you kill him?!!!!!"

"Answer our question!!!!!"

"My body won't listen to me anymore. They using my body to kill your friend, uncle. In the truth, I was a scapegoat. They used me to kill your friend and you will kill me for revenge. In that way, they will accuse you of killing an innocent kid."

"That is an impossible boy because you kill our friend first. They will be suspected first."

"You hold the gun and there are three witnesses here.At the corpse there was also the bullets from your weapon.No matters what they do, they undoubtedly would be suspected."

"No, after I killed, the chip inside my brain will self-destruct with destroying my head as well. So you will receive the same damage with them.So please ru-....*Cough* *Cough*", Kanzaki pretends to hurt because he spills (fake) information to them.

"What happens to you?!!!"

"Don't come closer uncle. The chip prevents me to tell you anything and I receive severe pain in my head....*Cough* *cough*"

They become uncertain about how to deal with this child. They still angry because he kills their comrade, but If he says the truth, they can't kill an innocent child and fall into the trap.

"What should we do with him?"

"Should we take him?"

"Let ask him to drop his we.....urgh."


Kanzaki mercilessly kills them when they still in the middle of discussing their plan.

"Run Uncle, I can't control my body...I don't want to kill someone.I am scared uncle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kanzaki using his weapon with 100% accuracy, because Glock-18 has a low recoil so he can control his weapon to hit the perfect place as he wants. The weapon also quite light for a child like him and he doesn't need to concern that so he can focusing to kill his enemy.

They begin to run, but they showing their back to Kanzaki. He doesn't waste that chance and shot them without any difficulty. Since they are come to spy on this facility, maybe they don't wear heavy armor. Kanzaki makes three people fall because of his bullet. Most of them were shot on the leg and the chest. One of them still alive and begging to spare his life.

"Please control your body!!!!!"

"That's was a lie uncle. I am sorry but your death is necessary for my revenge."


With his last bullet, Kanzaki takes his life without any hesitation. His voice is shaking, but he needs to do that to find the murderer of his parents. This is the trial given by Uncle Alex.The The atmosphere is very quiet even though Kanzaki makes loud noise because he shots his gun before. The fresh blood scent from his victim begins to reach his nose. This is his first time to kill someone and he will do that again in the future.

He feels guilty but his resolve is stronger than his guilt. He prepared to come into Hell as long as he can kill the murderer of his parents. After that event, Kanzaki begins his career as "Official Assassin" because of his job only to eliminate someone. He just felt cold when he kills his victim. And his last mission to kill an inventor by getting closer with his daughter.

Why that was his last mission?

That because the doctor on the Facility told Kanzaki that his life remains only just one-year. He makes a facade to approaching the daughter of his target, but Kanzaki begins to learn something from this mission. He learns about friendship and his feeling sometimes comes back again. But in the end, what his friend looked at was his facade, not his real self.

But that day, Kanzaki eventually knows Alex's scheme and he was shaken by the truth about his master. Kanzaki hides the fact that he already knows his master's plan and acts normally until he found a way to kill him. Kanzaki is very furious, angry, hatred to Alex because he using Kanzaki as Hitman and kill a lot of innocent people. Luckily Kanzaki doesn't kill the target on his last mission.