
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasía
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43 Chs

The Alpha's Tears

I step cautiously through the dimly lit corridors of the palace, the weight of sleeplessness weighing heavy on my eyelids. The palace is usually filled with the sound of hushed whispers and soft footsteps at night, a symphony of activity that lulls me into slumber. But tonight, an eerie stillness hangs in the air, disturbing the peaceful routine I've grown accustomed to.

As I wander through the vast halls, my senses heighten, attuned to every small sound or movement. I strain my ears, hoping to catch the familiar shuffling of servants going about their nocturnal duties or the distant echo of laughter from outside the palace walls. But all I encounter is a profound silence, broken only by my own breaths and the soft echo of my bare feet meeting the cool stone floor.

The chill of the night air sends shivers down my spine, as though nature itself shares in the unspoken tension that permeates the palace. I wrap my arms around myself, seeking solace in the warmth of my own touch. The moonlight filters in through the tall windows, casting ethereal patterns on the walls, as if attempting to draw me further into its mystique.

I continue my nocturnal exploration, my steps growing bolder with each passing moment. Shadows dance around me, making the palace seem alive with secrets yet to be revealed. The grand tapestries that adorn the walls take on a life of their own, their intricate designs seemingly shifting and transforming under the moon's gentle caress.

In the stillness, my mind becomes a canvas for wild thoughts and untamed imaginations. I find myself questioning the source of this unsettling calmness. Is it merely a temporary lull in the usual commotion, or does it herald something more ominous lurking in the darkness? My heart quickens its pace, mirroring my growing apprehension.

Outside, a soft breeze wafts through an open window, carrying with it the scent of blooming jasmine from the palace gardens. The delicate fragrance tickles my senses, offering a brief respite from the otherwise silent night. I step closer to the window, peering out into the moonlit expanse, hoping to catch a glimpse of life beyond the palace walls. But the world beyond remains as still and enigmatic as the one within. The absence of activity fills me with an eerie emptiness, a longing for the familiar sounds and bustling energy that usually accompany the night. It is as if the entire world has held its breath, waiting for a sign, a catalyst to break the spell.

I stand on the balcony, gazing up at the night sky, where the moon glows as a delicate crescent. It must be the first phase of the Harvest Moon, a time when my family gathers to celebrate and prepare for the bountiful season ahead. But here I am, trapped within these palace walls, a princess in a tower, held captive by the alpha who seeks to control my every move.

The longing for home and the warmth of my family's embrace fills my heart, yet I refuse to let the alpha ruin my life. Determination stirs within me, igniting a flame that burns brighter than ever. I cannot allow myself to be consumed by despair. I must find solace within my own strength, within the confines of this gilded cage.

With a resolute exhale, I step away from the balcony and venture outside. The cool breeze welcomes me, brushing against my skin like a gentle caress. It whispers promises of freedom and adventure, reminding me that the world beyond these walls still holds endless possibilities.

I stroll through the palace compound, the moonlight guiding my path. Uncertainty grips me as I wander aimlessly, unsure of my destination. But the night is alive with hidden wonders, and I find solace in the unknown. The familiar confines of the palace become less daunting as I lose myself in the exploration of the world outside.

I pass by the grand gardens, where flowers bloom in vibrant hues, their fragrance mingling with the night air. The beauty of nature brings me a semblance of peace, reminding me of the simple joys that the alpha cannot control. I pause to inhale the intoxicating scent, allowing it to fill my senses and rejuvenate my spirit.

As I continue my journey, I encounter statues and fountains, remnants of a time when this palace was filled with laughter and stories. They stand as silent witnesses to the history that unfolds within these walls. A sense of resilience wells up inside me, reminding me that I too can endure and overcome the challenges that life presents.

The moon, now higher in the sky, casts an ethereal glow on the path ahead. It illuminates the darkness and guides me forward. The uncertainty that plagued my steps earlier begins to fade, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose. I may be confined within these palace grounds, but I refuse to let my spirit be contained.

I walk on, the night embracing me with its serenity. At this moment, I am no longer a captive. I am a woman who refuses to be defined by the circumstances that surround her. With every step, I reclaim a piece of my identity, a flicker of the fire that burns within.

Though I am unsure where this journey will lead me, I am certain of one thing—my spirit will not be quelled. As I continue to wander under the crescent moon, I see a figure hidden in space. I look again and it's a man's figure.

"Will you stop following me!" I yell.

The Alpha makes himself known. "I sense you were outside."

"You thought I was going to escape again?"

"I came to explain myself."

I roll my eyes, turning the other way. I don't have time to deal with the Alpha this time. Spending an entire week with this man is going to be the death of me. Perhaps I might actually kill him someday.

I sense his presence trailing behind me, a dark shadow in the moonlit night. My footsteps quicken, driven by a mix of fear and anger. How dare he follow me? I turn abruptly, my eyes locking with his as frustration spills from my lips.

"Will you stop following me, ah!" I exclaim, my voice laced with a mix of irritation and desperation. In my hand, I grab a nearby rock and hurl it toward him, an instinctive act of defiance.

"Mel, please listen to me," he pleads, his voice carrying a weight I'm all too familiar with. But I refuse to give in. Hatred simmers in my veins, fueled by the memories of his greed and selfishness. I yearn for his absence, for the freedom to live without his oppressive presence.

"I don't care what you have to say," I retorted sharply, my words laced with venom. "I hate you, and I wish you will fucking die, you greedy, selfish monster."

For the first time, a frown creases his features, his usual aura of dominance waning. His eyes betray a hint of defeat, of sorrow etched deep within his soul. I stand my ground, arms crossed, watching him with a mixture of disdain and cautious curiosity. What could he possibly have to say that could change anything?

"Mel, please listen to what I have to say now," he implores, his voice softer, stripped of its usual commanding tone. "And I promise to leave you alone."

I hesitate, my anger warring with the flicker of curiosity that sparks within me. The woman within me, wounded but strong, yearns for answers, for closure. Reluctantly, I unfold my arms, a silent gesture of concession. I'll listen, but only to satisfy my own need for understanding.

The Alpha approaches cautiously, sensing my guarded stance. His eyes plead for a sliver of understanding, a chance to mend what has been broken. I watch him closely, searching for any hint of deception, any indication that this is merely another one of his manipulative games.

"The truth is, I hate seeing you like this. It kills me." His words spill forth, each syllable laced with sincerity. He speaks of regret, of remorse for the pain he has caused. He speaks of a desire to change, to rectify his mistakes. The vulnerability in his voice pierces through the shield I've built around myself, evoking a flicker of empathy I thought was long extinguished.

Silence hangs heavy in the air, pregnant with the weight of our shared history. I stare into his eyes, no longer filled with fiery hatred but with a mixture of weariness and resignation. I realize that although his words may carry truth, the damage is already done, the wounds too deep to heal completely.

"You say you would kill me, and I do agree. I will kill myself to bring the old you back."

I raise a brow at him. "You? Die for me?"

"If that's what it takes to make you happy then yes."

I finally speak, my voice tinged with a newfound calmness. "Say what you must, Alpha Rhy's, but know that saying what I want to here isn't going to chant my mind."

"I was afraid you would say something like that."

Silence hangs over us again.

"Well, it's getting late now and I need to sleep."

"Wait," he calls. "I will take you to the human world."

I stand frozen, my mind struggling to process the words that spill from Alpha Rhy's lips. He's proposing to take me to the human world, where families gather during the Harvest Moon. Disbelief washes over me, tinged with a hint of hope. Is this a ploy, another game of his? Or could he truly be extending an olive branch, offering me the chance to be with my family once again?

"I figured that everyone is with their family for Harvest Moon, so I think you should go see them," he says, his voice surprisingly gentle. I stare at him, searching for any signs of deceit, any hidden agendas. My heart pounds in my chest, unsure of whether to believe his words.

"I'm not asking for anything in return," he continues, his voice earnest. His eyes meet mine, and I see a flicker of sincerity, a genuine desire to make me happy. A wave of confusion and conflicting emotions engulfs me. How can I trust him after everything he's done?

I take a step back, instinctively creating distance between us. My gaze remains fixed on him, studying his expression, seeking any trace of deception. The Alpha before me appears different from the one I've known. Could it be possible that he has changed?

"So" Alpha says.

I finally utter, my voice tinged with caution. "We leave in the morning."