
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Not Expecting This

I wake up from a fitful sleep, my body feeling heavy and sluggish. A sharp cramp in my lower pelvis sends waves of discomfort through me, and a sickening sensation washes over me, threatening to turn into nausea. I sit up in bed, trying to shake off the unease that has settled within me.

As I contemplate how to alleviate my pain, the door to my room creaks open, and Ophelia steps inside. Her presence brings a small glimmer of comfort, a reminder that I am not alone in this struggle.

"Morning, Mel. How are you feeling?" Ophelia asks, concern etched on her face.

I take a deep breath, trying to find the words to express the discomfort that engulfs me. "I feel like shit," I confess, my voice laced with frustration and exhaustion.

Ophelia's expression softens, her lips pursing in sympathy. "Oh, right. Your mark must still be hurting."

I shake my head, attempting to clarify. "It's not just my mark. It's my pelvis. I'm in pain."

The cramp intensifies, causing me to wince and double over slightly. Ophelia's eyes widen with understanding, and she rushes to my side, offering a supportive hand.

The door swings open, and Solaria strides into the room, her expression filled with concern.

"What is going on here?" Solaria questions, her brows furrowed in confusion.

Ophelia turns towards her, a mixture of relief and worry evident in her eyes. "Melanie says she is in pain. It's not her mark, but something else."

Solaria's gaze narrows, and she approaches the bed, her eyes fixed on me. With a gentle yet determined gesture, she pulls the blanket away, revealing small spots of blood on the bed sheets.

"You've started your monthly," Solaria says, her voice laced with realization.

I look down at the blood, a mix of surprise and understanding washing over me. Back at home, I never got my periods much. Maybe it's because I was underweight and barely had any food to eat. I started to get my monthly pay more often now.

"At least we know she is not expecting," Solaria says.

"Now why would I be expecting?"

"I mean, you are the Alpha that has been mated for a while now. It's expected that she would want pups of his own."

"I am not bearing any child for that bastard." I cross my arms still siting in the bed and the pain is a bit bad now.

"I'll get you something for the pain," says Solaria. "Ophelia, you clean up the mess."

Ophelia fetches a fresh set of bedsheets and helps me clean up, while Solaria goes to grab something to ease the cramp. I settle back into bed, Ophelia speaks softly, "If you have any questions or need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We're here for you."

I offer a weak but grateful smile, appreciating their kindness and willingness to guide me through this awkward part of life being a woman.

Ophelia finishes cleaning up the bed. "I will draw you a bath."

I undress slowly, feeling the cool air against my skin as each garment falls to the floor. Ophelia, my faithful housekeeper, glides silently across the room towards the bathroom, her footsteps barely audible on the plush carpet. She has always been a calming presence in my life, attending to my needs with grace and understanding.

As I step into the bathroom, the steam from the bath envelops me, instantly soothing my senses. The warm water awaits, its surface shimmering invitingly under the soft glow of the candles that Ophelia has placed around the tub. I sink into the water, allowing the comforting heat to seep into my tired muscles.

The throbbing ache of my period pain begins to subside as the warmth permeates my body. The tension that had been coiled tightly within me slowly unraveled, and I let out a soft sigh of relief. The gentle caress of the water against my skin is a balm to my senses, washing away the weariness of the day.

"It seems like you are enjoying yourself. I will let you be," Ophelia says, her voice a melodic whisper that barely disrupts the tranquility of the room. She smiles warmly before turning to leave. Her understanding gaze tells me that she knows the importance of these moments of solitude and self-care. She quietly closes the door behind her, leaving me to my own thoughts and the serenity of the bath.

I close my eyes, allowing the warm water to embrace me fully. The gentle lapping of the waves against the sides of the tub echoes in my ears, soothing my troubled mind. The outside world fades away as I surrender to the peace and solace that this moment offers.

As I lie there, my mind begins to drift, untethered from the demands and worries of everyday life. I lose track of time, the minutes merging into a seamless flow of tranquility. The pain that had gripped me earlier seems like a distant memory, replaced by a sense of calm and ease.

I sink deeper into the warm, comforting embrace of the bathtub, relishing the quiet solitude it offers. The gentle flicker of candlelight dances on the walls, casting a soft glow across the room. My mind drifts, momentarily forgetting the outside world and the discomfort that had plagued me.

But suddenly, the creak of the door interrupts the tranquil atmosphere, causing me to tense. I open my eyes, a mix of surprise and curiosity flooding my senses. Who could be entering the bathroom without warning?

"I'm going to stay in the bath a while longer, then I'll take the pain medicine," I say, to Solaria who I think enters the room.

"Now, why would you need pain medicine?"

A deep, masculine voice responds, causing my heart to skip a beat. The voice is unfamiliar, yet it holds a strange sense of authority. I feel a ripple of vulnerability as the voice draws nearer, inching closer to the tub. I cautiously open my eyes, and to my surprise, I find myself locking gazes with the Alpha, the leader of our pack. His intense gaze meets mine, causing a surge of conflicting emotions within me. Naked and vulnerable in the tub, I struggle to find my voice.

"What are you doing here?" I manage to stammer, my words laced with a mix of confusion and disbelief. The Alpha's presence in such an intimate setting leaves me unsettled, uncertain of his intentions.

"I felt you were in pain and came to check on you," he replies, his voice softer now, the edges of concern seeping through his stoic demeanor. His eyes flicker with a mix of curiosity and genuine care, as if he's genuinely worried about my well-being. As his gaze lingers on me, I feel a strange feeling inside of me.

He sniffs. "You smell extra pleasant today."

"It's blood."

"Ah, your menstrual blood." He smirks. "How delightful."

"What do you even want? Aside from checking on me."

"Can I not see my mate when I please?"

"I am not your mate."

"You can say it as much as you want now but it won't change my mind."

The Alpa comes near and I sink deeper into the water, feeling a shift within me, as though I am transforming into a siren, captivating and alluring. Meeting his dark gaze, I can sense a flicker of curiosity mingled with desire. It's as if an invisible current pulls us together, magnetizing our souls in this intimate moment.

As our eyes lock, an unspoken connection forms, laden with untold secrets and unspoken desires. But as the intensity of his gaze intensifies, I instinctively cover my body, a sudden rush of self-consciousness flooding over me. The vulnerability I had momentarily forgotten resurfaces, reminding me of the boundaries that should not be crossed.

"I have already seen your breasts," he says, his voice laced with a hint of amusement, as if my modesty is an inconsequential detail. The Alpha's words, however, hold an undertone of possessiveness that sends a shiver down my spine.

"And that would be the last," I retort, my voice firm and resolute. I refuse to succumb to the notion that my body is a mere object to be scrutinized or possessed. My worth extends far beyond the confines of my physical form, and I am determined to assert my autonomy.

Alpha Rhys chuckles, his laughter resonating through the room, as if my words carry no weight or significance. It infuriates me, the dismissal of my boundaries and the disregard for my agency. But despite my frustration, I choose to remain composed, unwavering in my resolve.

The room fills with an uncomfortable tension, the air heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. The power dynamic between us becomes palpable, a battle of wills silently waged. In this vulnerable moment, I refuse to be reduced to a mere conquest or possession.

With a steely gaze, I lock eyes with Alpha Rhys once more, refusing to look away or let my guard down. I will not allow myself to be silenced or diminished. My strength lies in reclaiming my voice, in asserting my boundaries, and in reminding the world that I am more than just a body.

Alpha Rhys's laughter gradually subsides, and his eyes meet mine with a newfound respect. The corners of his lips curve into a half-smile, hinting at a begrudging admiration for me like this.

"I wish I can have you now."

"I wish you would die now."

Silence settles between us, the weight of our unspoken truths hanging heavily in the air. "Melanie, I have found something for your pain. Please finish—" Solaria stops in the middle of the bathroom. She looks at me and the Alpha.

"Oh, Alpha Rhys, I wasn't expecting you here."

"I came to see my mate, that is all. I see that you and Ophelia are taking care of her."

"Yes, Alpha Rhys."

"Well, I'll be on my way now."

Solaria lets Alpha Rhy's on his way out. Solaria turns to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"What did he say?"

"He's only looking for a reason to talk to me and get me back on his side. The nerve of him." I rise from the water. "He won't even apologize to me, instead he is trying to force me to love him."

I rise from the warm embrace of the bathtub, feeling the water cascade down my body in rivulets. A sense of rejuvenation fills me as I step onto the soft bath mat, a small sigh escaping my lips. The calming ambiance of the bathroom lingers as I reach for a plush towel, ready to dry myself.

Solaria, ever attentive, stands nearby, her gentle presence offering a sense of comfort. She reaches out and takes the towel from my hands, a silent understanding passing between us. With careful and deliberate motions, she begins to delicately dry my body, her touch soothing and gentle.

I close my eyes, surrendering to the sensation of the soft fabric against my skin. Solaria's hands move with expertise, her motions almost rhythmic, as if she is an artist meticulously tending to a masterpiece. A sense of gratitude washes over me, for her unwavering support and the care she bestows upon me. As she finishes drying my body, I open my eyes to meet her gaze. There is a warmth and affection in her eyes, a silent acknowledgement of our bond. Her presence has been a constant source of solace, and I find strength in knowing she is always by my side.

"Oh food you are finished." Ophelia comes into the room.

They both help me get dressed. Once I get dressed, Solaria gives me my drink. It tastes really bitter and has a liquid-slimy texture but I will take my chances on this. I place the cup down once I have drinked everything.

"Thank you guys."

"No worries."

"How long does your period last for?" Ophelia randomly asks.


"Oh good." She sighs.


"Well…" Ophelia glances at Solaria. "Next week is Harvest Moon and all the servants in the palace are going home to visit."

"So You're leaving…" I frown.

"Don't worry, Mel. It will only be for seven days."

Ophelia and Solaria hugs me and all I do is embrace every last time I have with them.