
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasía
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43 Chs

Owned by Him

"You are never leaving here!" The alphas' voice still echoes in the back of my mind. Though we had quarreled days ago, and never agreed at the end, his words still left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I've always known he doesn't want me to leave but hearing him say it to my face hurts like a thousand wounds. It doesn't matter how many times I've tiptoed around him, or tried to obey his commands, he will see my plaything to keep being a wall for the rest of my life. never

"Hello, earth to Melanie." Madam Fara waves her pale hands in front of my face. I snap back to reality. I didn't realize how long I was daydreaming for. Madame Fara waves an unlit torch on her other hand. With a single wave her palm over the torch, fire ignites from the tip of the torch, lighting up the balcony space. She hangs the torch just outside the wall. The flames flicker into the study room.

"Excuse me, I was distracted," I eventually say.

"There's no time to be deep in thought. We have a lot to do." She brings the torch close to her face.

The wind calls for my attention to the balcony. The evening sky shines down on the rest of the city sparkling with man-made lights. Madam Fara and I have been here for so long, practicing for me to be more disciplined, that I didn't even realize how late it's becoming.

"Why are you daydreaming again? I said we have a lot to do–"

"Madem Fara, what was the whole point of this?"

"Well if you do not do this then the alpha is just going to get another woman to replace you."

"I asked him that before, and unfortunately, he said no."

Madam Fara sharks her head. "I don't get you. Every woman wants to be with the alpha, yet weed you are. Letting him bleed in the forest to die."

"So you do know."

"Honey, everyone in the palace knows of your schemes. Well, just the higher ups know of your little treasonry."

"Will I have to testify?"

"If the alpha wants you to suffer punishment for your actions, then he would, but knowing Rhys, he won't bother. You are his mate after all."

I sigh, gazing back at the city. Being the alpha's mate has become both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I can do what I want (most of the time) and no one will tell me no or punish me. A curse because I am not attached to a man who has shown to not show any mercy or remorse over his actions. I will be stuck here until he tells me I can go to the human world, but knowing alpha Rhy's he will never let me go see my sister ever again.

Madam Fara nears me. He presses her cane to my beck, forcing me to straighten my back.

"This is pointless."

"As the alphas fated mate, you shall learn some disciplines so the others will respect you."

"No one else has any respect for me."

"Stop acting like an insolent brat and be grateful the alpha gave you this as punishment." She turn on her heels. "Now we will be behind from the top."

My shoulders fall, carried by the boredom that came with her forcing me to learn all sorts of dances, songs, paintings. Every single one of them, I haven't gotten them right.

I hear hoards of shouting coming from the entertainment district. The shouting carried into the palace space as cheers. I look down to the group of off duty soldiers walking into the palace, drunk and happy. They must have gone to the festival that came after today's match. Sometimes I wish I could just pretend to be a common girl to attend these types of events.


"I can't do it." I turn away from her.

Madam Fara comes into my view again. He presses the end of her cane to my chest. Nudging me back from the ledge. "I have taught you the poem. Just recall the words and they will come–" Madam Fara steps to the side. I don't understand why she is being so rigid all of a sudden until a larger figure commanding respect steps into the room.

"Oh, Alpha Rhys. I wasn't expecting you'd be up and running." Madam Fara says, discomfort hanging in the air.

I slowly face the alpha— which I haven't seen in over three days. He wore a regular dark shirt that made him look slimmer than usual. His eyes meet mine and I just glare at him in return.

"Let us be alone together," he says.

"Yes." Madame Fara stops by me, whispering in my ears, "It was nice knowing you human." Her lips curl into the familiar wickedness I am so used to since meeting her.

Though I am relieved the wicked witch has gone from my face, I can't help but to feel a type of dark energy harboring in every inch of my skin now that I am alone with the alpha.

I hold on my breath gazing right back at the alpha who seemed to be upset with him. He doesn't say a single word. Only letting his silence and deep stare speak for him. I can hear my own self swallowing the thick layer of salvoes formed in my mouth.

"So." The alpha crosses his arms. He's still holding on to those words that were boring to him. Just his eyes shifting from me to the messy stash of junk Madam Fars forced me to learn. "How has the training been?"

"It was fine until you disturbed."

"Is that so?" He cocks his eyebrow.

"You should leave."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Or what? You're gonna put another binding mark on me."

The Alpha's face twitches. "I see you have figured out what that mark means now."

"I hate you!"

"I know. I can feel it in my blood right now."

"Good. I hate with every passion in my blood!" I pick up a book on the table and throw it at him.

"You need to relax."

"Relax? After doing all of this to me. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

The alpha steps close to me, and I step back. He walks toward me until I cannot move; a table pushing against my lower back, pinned again. The alphas deep gaze. All of this reminds me of something that took place on the night of the party.

"I am not stupid you know," he speaks lowly and smoothly. "I know what you are doing."

I hold my breath from the feel of his hands skimming my arms, then wrap around my waist, pulling me close to his body. My neck feels warm to the touch from his lips grazing just on my ears.

"You're trying to get me to hate you so I can replace you with Lady Julia."

I remain silent. Not reacting to anything he does. Even the fact he cranes his head to my neck, and plants a soft tender kiss on the skin.

I push him away from you. "You have the nerve."

He blinks.

"You are arrogant to think I'll let you touch me after what you did."

"Don't start this again."

"Why is it? So I don't have to make you uncomfortable telling you how you took my sister away from me and forced me to take these lessons to tame me and now you're trying to get into my pants again."

"I am the Alpha I can do as I please."

I let out a scoff. "Mark me to bound me or keep me in a cage, I will never love—"

My back hits against the table. The alpha hot breath matches mine. His chest emits a low growl. "You are mine and will always be mine."

The Alpha removes himself from. My heart is still beating with anger. I only hit his chest with my fist. I'd expect him to pin me to the table and bite me again but he only just looks at me for a moment.

Then he leaves the room, alone with my thoughts and that dark voice inside of my head telling me to kill the Alpha.