
An Adventure in the One Piece World.

[ON HIATUS] [Due to time constraints with family and work its hard to write when I want too. So I’ll be using this time to think over where I want the story to go from here. I’ll be rereading One Piece again, when I have time, to better capture the world Oda created in my novel. Thank you to all who read and supported this novel. I hope that when I continue this story it will better than ever. I apologize to those that enjoy this series, but I want to do my FanFic justice, so I won’t rush it.] The journey of an old soul through the universe and how it found it’s home in the most unlikely of places. After slipping through the gaps of the reincarnation cycle, an ordinary teenager found himself wandering through space. Eventually he would meet the gods of his world and find out that they messed up and missed picking up his soul when he died, therefore when he finally found his way to the heavens he was allowed to choose any world to be reborn in. So of course he chose the world he found most exiting. The world of One Piece. There are countless stories, comics and movies that build incredible worlds, but how exactly do all these worlds come about. Is it really just imagination? The answer is both yes and no. Almost all writers in this world have the ability to see into other worlds, peer into entirely different universes, and follow their counter parts through their journeys. However when they see certain things, they make changes to the ‘story’ so as to conform to their own personal thoughts and beliefs. What they want to see, they see and they fill in the rest with their imagination. Therefore no world is the exact same as its comic, manga, movie or novel counterpart. This is the journey of a thousand year old human soul, reborn into the world of one piece as it truly is, not just as Oda saw it. - This is NOT a re-write of the story! I love One Piece and Oda is an amazing writer. I just believe there are points and things in the world he built that aren’t explored enough, wether because of time constraints or lack of desire to write about certain things doesn’t matter. I would just like to build on the amazing world Oda has created. Little things like the lack of strong bounty hunters, real acts of piracy, combat oriented female characters, and showing the level strength even the fodder posses. These are all things I’d like to build upon. I do not intend to change anything of the main plot, however if things in the world line up, my character may have effects on the world around him that can’t be ignored, however unlikely this may be - - This is not harem novel, nor will my character be over powered or travel with the Straw Hats. He will however interact with side characters and journey down his own path, not involving the One Piece- And for the sake of plot all filler and movie characters are now canon. Devil fruit ideas are always welcome!

BoltingPigeon · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Stephens gift

As I walked into the bounty hunters den, the duckling still in my pocket, I noticed that everyone seemed tense and the place didn't have its usual carefree atmosphere.

"What killed the mood?" I asked Baona Fae as I tilted my head towards the others in the bar.

"You did." She replied without missing a beat. She was in the middle of cooking and barely passed me a glance.

"What do you mean? What could I have done to cause them to act like this?" Baffled at her response I replied with the first thing that came to mind.

"Not you specifically, but you and Lenora's gang. Going after Keith in the way you are."

I didn't need her to finish. I could see Lenora sitting in her usual spot, Arthur next to her obviously trying to calm her down. She likely came in here and asked for help among the bounty hunters after finding out Keith has more than 100 people. Some are former soldiers that fought in Keith's third battalion along with him. She had called them cowards and pathetic when they refused.

I mean It's not just the soldiers they'd be facing either. It's also the criminals that flocked to Keith's side, the ones too weak to survive in Grassroots town which always has a surplus of bounty hunters and the ones strong enough not to care both joined up with Keith and his men.

It makes the fight that much more difficult. And all the more fun.

After talking to Baona some more, I found out that I was right. Lenora came in here talking about how we would take down Keith and that any hunter who wants a piece of the bounties would be welcome to join us.

The amount of bounty hunters in Baona's bar at any given time rarely surpassed 25 maybe 30 or 40 at most. Right now seemed to be a busy day, but there was still only a little over 30. They weren't too keen on the odds of taking down 100+ trained soldiers backed by thugs and criminals. It wasn't that they were all cowards they just value their lives more. Lenora seemed to get annoyed at their perceived cowardice and took the chance to berate all the hunters in the bar at the time on every one of their inadequacies. Eventually Arthur stepped in to calm her down before she started a fight. Though he seemed more keen on actually fighting than she did.

She had hit a sore spot for many in fact. She knew the people here fairly well. Most were small time hunters that only cared about getting by. Others were too afraid to go after the larger bounties. Similar to Yosaku and Johnny in several ways. Not her though. Most saw her that way, but she was always striving for the highest bounty her skills would allow. Constantly gathering funds and testing her limits. She told us her plan the other day when she asked us to join her.

She wanted Keith's bounty sure, but what she really wanted were the Crown Jewels that he stole. If she could get both, she could go wherever she wanted. Even the Grand Line wouldn't be out of the question. When Arthur heard that he was giddy with excitement. Thinking she had finally been convinced by his constant requests for her to go there with him, but in reality she had always planned to go. Lenora knew her skill level though and didn't think it was enough. She also knew that even with Arthur and Ruben they wouldn't have been able to take Keith's stronghold let alone the bounty on his head and get away with the Crown Jewels.

But now that Ruben was back to his old self, Arthur was more skilled than ever and they had properly prepared, she was finally ready to leave this small Island. Having me along was just a bonus. She had been waiting for a Hunter that could wake Ruben from his stupor. She couldn't do it herself because she could never fight him head on. Her style wasn't meant for something like that.

She would have killed him. And if Lenora had held back Ruben would have known and wouldn't have been able to properly grow. She wanted him back to the colossus he was when wrestling in the circus, before he was made to do it for money, back when he enjoyed it. She never expected that I would factor into her plans. But she adapted to my presence nonetheless.

There's also the fact that no one thought the former military commander Keith would surround himself with so many criminals.

Us all working together might be able to pull it off, but in the end numbers may decide everything. So she wanted to bolster her own forces with bounty hunters. And it worked on several of them. 11 people had joined her and Arthur.

She just didn't think the rest would be so cowardly. She assumed they would at least fight for the money, but even that wasn't enticing enough.

It kinda sucks that right before we decided to go after Keith, the criminals in the area would suddenly flock to his side, but I figured we were still enough to finish it. Though it would be close.

"Might as well give it a shot." I said as I stepped onto a chair and then up onto a table. Baona just looked at me before going back to her cooking.

"Are you all really that cowardly?" My voice echoed for a moment in the silence.

"Honestly, I looked up to bounty hunters like you at one point. Now look at you! I've been here two months and I've caught higher bounties than half of you."

I spoke louder and louder as I went on. Lenora and Arthur stared wide eyed and confused as I tried to coax the bounty hunters toward our cause.

"Yeah and who cares! We're not all glory seeking combat junkies like you." Yelled someone from the corner.

"HA! Why should it matter if I'm a combat junkie. At least I live up to the name bounty hunter. Besides this isn't some pointless brawl. Well hit them hard and fast. Using tactics has always been the best way to handle numbers. But we need your help to pull it off. But look at you! All you do is sit around and drink away the bounty money you get every day. No attempt at growth, or improvement.

If you stopped being lazy and started acting like real hunters you'd jump at the chance to take down Keith." I pulled out a knife and threw it into Keith's wanted poster. It was still right about Baona's head in the centre of the bar.

"His stronghold is filled with bounties. They're nothing but a ragtag bunch of cowards who ran and hid behind Keiths name because they were too afraid to stand up to the bounty hunters around here. Are you really going to sit out of this fight?"

'Sigh' I exhaled deeply as my words sank in. "I understand being afraid. I spent most my life in fear." My voice died down. I didn't need to yell over them anymore for them to hear me. I had their full attention.

"Without fear there can be no courage. If you won't fight for us then fight for yourselves. Overcome the hold the Voti Empire has on you. Overcome your fear of Keith. Overcome yourselves. If not now, when? Are you really planning to hole yourselves up in this bar and back out just because they have a few extra fighters? How many of them are each one of you worth? I'd bet anything it's more than afew! You should stop acting like they do and show them why they're right to fear you."

Afew of them stirred at my words. "It doesn't matter. We're going to face Keith. We're going to take him down and leave this Island behind. Join us if you want. I'd be honoured to stand beside anyone of you in battle."

With that said I jumped down from the table, handed Baona Fae the duckling in my pocket, while sending it peaceful thoughts and letting it know he'll be safe with her till I return. I walked over to Lenora and Arthur who had unclear expressions on their faces. We left the bar like that and headed towards the forest I woke up in.

Only five more got up to follow, but I had said my piece. Whether they fight or not is up to them. In the end everyone's life is their own to control.

I've never been good at conversing. I spent too long in space and I'm still not used to basic chats let alone giving a speech. I've spoken with most of them before, whether it was during my many meals here, or when I was looking for tips on bounty locations. I'm new around here, but I'm not unknown. I doubt my words will hold enough weight to light a fire in most of them, but it might wound their pride enough to trigger something else. That should be enough.

Plus if I want to be a captain of my own ship one day, I should get better at speaking to large audiences.

Keith's strong hold was located at the bottom of the island, farthest from the redline, it was formally a port town protected by his third battalion. After making off with the royal treasure and kidnapping the third princess, he returned to his post, set up a blockade and stopped anyone from entering without his permission.

Just as we were about to reach the forest and meet up with Ruben and Vandanna, I heard Stephen call out from behind. He was wearing Joes spiked knuckles with Dex's rifles strapped to his back. Carrying a small bag on his waist.

Mikayla was next to him. Her two small blades attached to her belt and a short sword on her back.

"Did you think we would let you go without us?" Mikayla asked looking annoyed.

"Wouldn't think of it. I only wondered what took you so long?" I laughed, but I was slightly worried and touched that they were here. It was their choice to come or not, but even the weakest of Keith's men will be around Stephens level. Luckily they make a fairly good team. Stephen distracts while Mikayla comes in from behind and goes for the legs. It almost got me several times when we were sparring. It should be fine for them to join. We'll just have to watch each other's backs.

"Tsk. Your complaining about timing. And here I brought a secret weapon with me. Assuming it's real of course." Stephen smiled and handed me the small bag on his waist.

I opened it with cation "What is it a bomb or somethi-" I froze as I looked inside the small brown leather bag. It was a green fruit with strange swirls on it making up a weird pattern covering its surface. It looked like an apple if you disregard the swirls.

'Gulp' I took the fruit out of the bag completely and held it in my hand.

"Is that a devil fruit?" Questioned Arthur.

"I think it is." Stephen replied with satisfaction written on his face.

"I was going to eat it myself, but honestly I'm already a hindrance to you. And I don't even know if it's real. If I couldn't swim when we set sail it would only make things worse. When I thought it over, you came to mind and I felt compelled to give it to you. I found it at an apple stall down the street the same day you defeated Joe. He had sent me out for booze, but when I saw that fruit I had to buy it. The vendor didn't even know what he had, but when he saw how much I wanted it, he boosted the price. He seems not to want to give it to me. I had to steal it then hide it from Joe by burying it just outside our former hideout." He said, speaking quickly and rubbing the back of his head with his left hand. He seems to be both hesitant to give it up and glad it's gone.

"I thought you had found it when I saw that you went through the hut, but it seems the fire caused part of the hut to collapse covering the spot I buried it. So when I woke up and found Joe gone, I had basically given up on it. I only looked to be sure. When I dug it up, the first thing I did was thank my luck. Then I found a better spot for the fruit. At the time I was going to eat it, but I truly thought it would be better to sell. However since I decided to follow you I was even more compelled to give it to you. Thinking you might make better use of it. Especially with the fight against Keith coming up and our journey to the Grand Line."

Mikayla looked at the fruit confused as if she didn't know what it was. Lenora explained while I spoke to Stephen. I'm honestly surprised he wants to come with me to the Grand Line, but seeing as he wants to get stronger it would make sense. Though he wouldn't be able to survive without me. Hell I might not even survive. Especially if I stay this weak.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that. You could have ended up with an incredible power." I said honestly. "Then again you might also have ended up with a useless one."

"Yeah I didn't like my odds. I have terrible luck most of the time." He seemed to relax somewhat as we spoke as if this was weighing on him for awhile.

"I won't eat it though." I said half heartedly as if it was a simple decision. I genuinely had to fight my urge to bite it with all my strength. What kind of One piece fan has never dreamed of holding a devil fruit and gaining its power? NONE! I struggled to calm myself and look composed.

"What? So you'll sell it?" Stephen asked a little socked. He didn't seem to notice my internal strife.

"No way. It could come it handy. Though I value my ability to swim, that doesn't mean I don't understand the value of these things. I'll give it to someone who wants it. Lenora, Arthur what about you two? Want a devil fruit power?" I asked as if asking if they wanted a drink. What am I doing? I want that power! Dammit.

"Ha, nope. Just me and my sword will do nicely thanks." Arthur replied while kissing his blade.

'Good' Was my only thought as I heard his answer.

Lenora seemed to think it over, but in the end also refused. She wants to be the best bounty hunter in the world and she wants to reach that peak with her own strength. I respect that.

The last here was Mikayla, but when she heard it robbed you of your ability to swim she looked horrified and hid behind Lenora while glaring at the fruit. I could understand her reaction. Mikayla told me that she really is a Fishman. When her parents left home to travel they never expected to be treated like lesser beings everywhere they went. I still don't know how she got separated from her family or how she got to the south blue, but she was apparently sleeping when the man who was trying to sell her chained her up. Because she was a Fishman he just assumed she was a boy thinking all females were mermaids. When she tried to escape through the water he cut the webbing between her fingers and toes to keep her from even thinking of escaping.

When she first told me I wanted to bring to the man back to life and kill him all over again. This time slowly. I'm glad she didn't want the fruit, but it truly is horrible what happened to her.

'Sigh' there was nothing I could do. Maybe when I get to the Grand Line I can bring her back to Fishman island.

Looking down at the fruit in my hand I sighed again. I really wanted to eat it. I held off though. I have to admit I do wonder what it would be like to incorporate a devil fruit ability into my martial arts. How would it effect my technique? What kind of ability would it be? Would it even be useful? Though like Rob Lucci said regardless of the power I get "it won't make me weaker."

"I guess I'll see if Vandanna or Ruben are interested." I said nonchalantly as I hoped inward that it wasn't some awesome power I was giving up. I was severely tempted, but I refused it for a reason.

Swimming was one of my favourite things to do on earth and as a wondering soul I could travel to the depths of the ocean without needing to come up for air. I truly want to traverse the oceans of this world just as I did earths. Since this world is far more interesting I can't wait to see what's down there. Maybe if I improve my connection to the minds of living things to the point of communication, I'll eventually be able to converse with even Sea-kings. Something like that would be difficult if I couldn't swim.

Truly a vexing conundrum! I really want to eat this fruit.

'Tsk' Maybe one day when my telekinesis grows strong enough I'll be able to use it to move around without needing to use my body like I used to as a soul. Controlling my body to fly around like iron man is only one possibility should I reach that level. When it's finally strong enough maybe I can use my mind to move through the water instead of needing to swim. That way I can avoid the problem of never being able to swim and losing all strength in my body when submerged. That's assuming my mental strength doesn't get zapped along with my physical strength while underwater. Though since Jack was conscious at the bottom of the ocean it stands to reason my mind will work fine.

Either way those are thoughts for later.

"I just hope I'm not making a mistake not eating this. It really is tempting." I said to my self while subconsciously liking my lips and staring into the apples weird swirling patterns.

"Ah screw it!"


Things aren’t always what they seem. After all, what are the odds he would wake up on an island with a devil fruit on it?

Thank you for those who commented and to all who continue to read. I’ll do my best to incorporate your devil fruit ideas later in the story.

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