
Am I not the Villian?

Synopsis: Andrea, a modern-day reader, unexpectedly finds herself transported into the pages of a fantastical novel where she assumes the role of a princess destined for a tragic fate. Determined to defy this predestined path, Andrea grapples with her impending engagement to the stoic Crown Prince, bound by ancient kingdom rules. The Crown Prince, duty-bound by tradition and the need for stability, reluctantly accepts Andrea as his betrothed despite his reservations. Andrea, aware of the dangers she faces until the novel's hero arrives, seeks ways to secure her survival. She forms an alliance with a mysterious man who becomes her knight after aiding her twice, offering her protection and support in the unfamiliar and perilous courtly world. Meanwhile, Andrea contends with her three step-brothers: the eldest harbors affection for her while the others harbor resentment. As she navigates political intrigue and personal challenges, Andrea discovers hidden allies and adversaries within the kingdom's intricate web of power. As tensions escalate and Andrea's determination to rewrite her fate strengthens, she faces pivotal choices that could alter the course of her story forever. Will Andrea find a way back to her own world, or will she choose to forge a new destiny in this captivating but perilous realm?

Rzel_1 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


(Inside the royal carriage)

Andrea shifted uncomfortably on the plush seat, trying to find a position that didn't make her feel like she was sinking.

"Why must these carriages be so ostentatious and uncomfortable? I suppose even discomfort has to be luxurious here," she muttered to herself.

 She glanced out the window, the landscape passing by in a blur.

 "I must stay focused. This is my chance to change my fate. I just need to convince him," she thought.

 The carriage hit a bump, and Andrea winced.

 "Wonderful. Just what I needed," she muttered, taking a deep breath and trying to steady her nerves.


(The Castle Garden)


The carriage came to a stop, and the door opened. Andrea stepped out, smoothing her dress and straightening her posture. She was led by a servant through a series of beautifully manicured gardens until they reached a secluded area where the crown prince was seated on a stone bench, reading a book. The prince barely looked up as she approached.

 "Lady Andrea, His Highness will see you now," the servant announced.

 Andrea walked in, her heart pounding. The prince finally looked up, his expression neutral and reserved.

 "Lady Andrea. What brings you here?" he asked.

 Andrea remained standing, her heart pounding in her chest.

 "Your Highness, thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I—"

 "Before we begin, Lady Andrea, please forgive me for not visiting you when you were ill. My duties have kept me occupied," the prince interrupted.

 "Oh no, it's all right, Your Highness. I understand that you've been busy with your work," Andrea replied, taking a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly.

 "I... I want to discuss something with you," she continued, hesitating.

 "Are you here to discuss our marriage? If it's about moving the date, I'm afraid that's not possible," the prince said, raising an eyebrow.

 "No, Your Highness. It's not about that. I wish to propose something different," Andrea said, her thoughts racing.

 "This is it. He might think I'm crazy, but I have to say it," she thought.

 "Your Highness, I wish to serve you not as your betrothed, but as your advisor and strategist. I believe my unique perspective and skills could be of great benefit to you and the kingdom. I thought... perhaps, we could get to know each other better this way, before the marriage," Andrea explained.

 The prince's eyes widened slightly in surprise. He did not expect this.

 "You want to be my advisor? That's quite an unusual request, Lady Andrea. What makes you think you are suited for such a role?" he asked, studying her intently.

 "Stay confident. He needs to see that I'm serious," she thought.

 "I have knowledge that can aid you in navigating court politics and external threats. Please, give me a chance to prove myself," she replied.

 The prince was silent for a moment, considering her words.

 "Very well. But know that this will not be an easy path. You will be tested, and you must prove yourself beyond any doubt," he said finally.

 "He agreed, but this is only the beginning. I need to show him I can do this," she thought.

 "Thank you, Your Highness. I am prepared for whatever trials you deem necessary," Andrea said.

 "Before I make any decisions, you must complete a task to prove your capabilities," the prince added.

 Andrea felt a pang of disappointment but hid it behind a calm facade.

 "What kind of task, Your Highness?" she asked.

 "If you wish to be my advisor, you must demonstrate your strategic thinking. Your first task will begin the day after tomorrow. You will attend the council meeting and present a strategy for dealing with the recent border skirmishes," he instructed.

 "I thought he might agree more readily... But no matter, I have to succeed," she thought.

 "Very well, Your Highness. I will prepare thoroughly," Andrea said.

 "Impress me, Lady Andrea, and we shall see how far this new arrangement can go," the prince concluded.

 Andrea nodded, determined.


"I will not disappoint you," she said.

 The prince nodded, his expression still guarded.

 "We shall see, Lady Andrea. We shall see," he replied.