
Am I a Super Human

People had fallen victim to a disease. "Progeria syndrome." People were hopeless. They had all become weak. No matter how much scientists tried, they could not find a cure for the disease, and thus the technology giants stepped in. The world fell into the hands of technology. People could no longer walk without machines. Technology began to rule the world. The world ruled by technology was invaded by aliens, which made people curious about their existence. But there was a problem. Aliens did not have the technological superiority they had imagined. On the contrary, aliens had a biological advantage. At the end of the war, humans emerged victorious. After the war, that girl emerged. This girl was as powerful as the machines. And this girl would play a crucial role in the fate of the world. The girl's name was Victoria. Victoria Hosen.

AmorphousVacantia · Ciencia y ficción
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12 Chs

Last hope

"Huh, greetings, filthy invaders." Vik plunged headfirst into the hatch. Cutting through the aliens leaping from the hatch, she entered the interior of the massive entity. The aliens stared at her in disbelief. "Anyway, let's finish this quickly. Laser claws." With three laser claws emerging from each hand, she began cutting through the aliens. The place was even more crowded than she had imagined. The aliens were falling to the ground without being able to do anything against her. Vik displayed her dominance without mercy.

As she cleared her way forward, she finally spotted the door. "Ah, there it is, the door that will lead us to the place to destroy the ship." Paying no mind to the aliens, she darted towards the door. In the corridors of the ship, she tried to locate the ship's power source. "This place is like a maze, seriously, I hope I don't get lost in these huge corridors." Cutting through the aliens roaming the corridors without mercy, she asked, "Can't you analyze the ship from here, Maria?"

"No, I can't, but based on the external observation, I can guide you to follow the line that will take us to the power source."

"Now, that's good news."

Vik began to follow Maria's guidance. Now, she would achieve success. The end of the aliens was near.

"It wasn't as risky as you said, Maria."

"You're speaking too soon, Victoria."

"We'll see about that, and WHY IS THIS SHIP SO HUGE?" Vik was tired of cutting through aliens. She wanted to put an end to this.

"It should be around here, Victoria."

"Hmm, alright. Now, I'll search every inch of this place." The aliens couldn't stop her. This was a piece of cake for Vik.

"And bingo." She was facing the power source. Now, what should she do? What would she do with the pillar shining like a sun in front of her? "Sorry, Maria, but you know my decision is to fire directly without consulting you."




"I guess this thing messed up your settings, and the decision is up to me now. Well then, let's blow it up." Vik raised her arm towards the pillar and aimed her weapon at it. "Adios amigos, aliens." Bum! The fire from her arm entered the pillar. "And boom." Nothing happened. The big explosion she expected remained a fantasy. The bullet she fired was absorbed by the pillar. "Okay, let's ramp it up. Full power to the arm." The weapon enhancement process failed because Maria was not there. She couldn't follow the commands of the artificial intelligence. "What? Wait, wait, wait, what am I going to do? I definitely can't touch that thing, so how am I going to destroy it?" Vik locked her eyes on the walls of the ship. "We won't know until we try." Getting up, she slammed her fingers into the wall. She thrust her arms into the wall. This metallic wall couldn't stop her power. Firmly planting her arms, she tore off a piece of the wall. "Please work." She hurled the wall piece at the pillar, but as expected, the pillar absorbed the incoming wall piece. "I won't let you kill people, you bastards." All the cheerful atmosphere was gone. She was aware of the seriousness of the situation. She couldn't allow those poor humans to suffer. "Open the armor." She took a deep breath. "Even if it means sacrificing myself..." placing her hand on the chest of her armor, she forced it to open. "I... even if I'm their only hope..." if she sacrificed herself, the dreams of humans walking and doing things without machines would be shattered, but the current situation was more important than that. If she allowed the aliens, even with machines, they wouldn't be able to walk. "I'm sorry... I have to do it." As she removed the armor from her body, she began to set up her last ace with her own hands. "If Maria isn't here, I'll do it myself." She knew the setup process required for the weapon by heart. Maria hadn't taught her this. She had learned it by watching Maria's behavior in every weapon command.

"Goodbye, world... goodbye, Maria... FINAL DESTRUCTION FUSION FIRE!" With the firing of the massive weapon, which was the new form of her armor, the whole place was filled with light. This was her last hope.