
Am I a Super Human

People had fallen victim to a disease. "Progeria syndrome." People were hopeless. They had all become weak. No matter how much scientists tried, they could not find a cure for the disease, and thus the technology giants stepped in. The world fell into the hands of technology. People could no longer walk without machines. Technology began to rule the world. The world ruled by technology was invaded by aliens, which made people curious about their existence. But there was a problem. Aliens did not have the technological superiority they had imagined. On the contrary, aliens had a biological advantage. At the end of the war, humans emerged victorious. After the war, that girl emerged. This girl was as powerful as the machines. And this girl would play a crucial role in the fate of the world. The girl's name was Victoria. Victoria Hosen.

AmorphousVacantia · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


"Backup power mode activated." Vik narrowly avoided crashing to the ground along with her armor. "Ah... I should have expected this to happen. The aliens appeared more advanced than I anticipated."

"Captain, are you alright?"

"Don't worry, kids, I'm as solid as ever."

"Oh, okay, captain."

"Don't worry about me. Focus on your own tasks."


The armor had protected her, but it wasn't entirely sufficient. Her body was covered in burns, but they were rapidly healing. Vik was thankful for this unique feature in herself. "Now, what can we do to handle this situation? Maria, any ideas?"

"I'm sorry, Victoria, but I don't have any."

"But Maria, you're an AI. How can you not have any ideas? This is absurd."

"Well, if you want the results of my calculations, I can provide them. Based on my calculations, damaging that ship seems impossible."

"Ah, so we must play our last card."

"I don't think that's a logical option."

"Hmm, then we must take the risk and detonate them from the inside."

"That's quite risky, Victoria, considering our armor is currently in backup power mode. You should be aware of that."

"But we need to put these aliens in their place as soon as possible. Then come up with a plan for me, Maria."

"If you want my suggestion, it's to upgrade our armor and thus infiltrate the ship. This reduces the risk and gives us a chance to stop that massive ship."

"That would take too much time. I can't do that. Our soldiers stand no chance against that ship. If they surpass us, they'll reach the city. I can't allow that."

"Then good luck, Victoria. I'll be with you until the end."

"It's nice to know you can't stop me. Let's finish this. Give full power to the jets."

"Unfortunately, we're in backup power mode."

"Well... yes, fighting with insufficient power it is." Vik began to rise again, cutting through the winds. She could see her crew firing at the aliens. She was proud of them. Now, just like her crew, she had to successfully carry out her mission.

"Here we are again." Approaching the massive entity didn't take long this time, as the ship was also approaching them. "Our entry ticket is right in front of us." She focused her gaze on the hatches from which the aliens emerged. "Are you ready, Maria?"

"Yes, Victoria."