
Always in My Heart

Bella is an ordinary girl who leads a very simple and peaceful life. She has a nice family, amazing helpful friends, even her looks are above average which made her slightly popular in her school, except she hates boys. She never once thought of making a boyfriend while everyone has their lovers around her age. She loves to be single and quite enjoys her single life. In her words, boys are pure jerks, they do everything for their own benefits. And whenever their need is gone they're off with another one. One day her thoughts as well as her life changed drastically, in a way she never ever imagined. And it all started with a boy named Aaron.

hannah_axine · Adolescente
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11 Chs

Chapter - 07

"Do you still remember my confession?"

"What confession?"

"Never mind! What's the point anyway? It's nothing important!"

"Eric, I don't understand what you're talking about. I can't figure out-"

"I love you!" - Eric said suddenly, making me puzzled. I've always seen Eric as my friend. A Best friend! I don't remember how we met or how we became so close. But that didn't stop me to be his best friend. After the accident he'd always come and pay a visit at the hospital, we grew much closer since then. I don't know how to act in this type of situation. It's so awkward.

"Forgive me! I made you awkward..."

"I see you as my best friend. I'm really sorry, I can't accept these feelings. I am truly sorry."

"Is it because of Aaron?"

I couldn't answer that question. I don't know what my feelings towards Aaron mean. I didn't like boys... I still don't like them, except Aaron. I liked him secretly, even in secret from my mind. I didn't like to admit it to myself until the very end, but deep down I knew I liked him, even for a tiny bit. And it seems to be growing day by day...

I was so into my own thoughts that I completely forgot about Eric. He was looking at me the whole time. Finally, he said, "It's OK. I know you love him a lot. I kind of knew it, since way before."

"You knew Aaron?" - I said

"Hm... I saw you two once at this lake. I didn't know it was Aaron then. I was curious who you were meeting these days without even telling me about, and one day I asked you about him out of curiosity..."


"You said it's your best friend. I didn't like it at first. I was jealous. That kind 'jealousy' feeling when your best friend declares someone else as their best friend. I thought it was a friendly 'jealous' but it was more than that. I liked you so much that I was afraid someday you'll fall for him and without delaying, I confessed my feelings to you, a few days later."

"What did I say...?"

"Sorry... I can't answer that. Since you didn't deny the fact that you love him, I'll support your decision. Again, sorry for making you awkward. I wish you two all the best." - He said with a blue face. Who knew this little trip would bring me so much emotion at once...

A week has passed. We're packing our stuffs now since it's the end of our summer holiday. Aaron left two days ago, his school already started a few days ago. I gave everyone a warm hug before heading to the bus. I thought everything would get awkward between Eric and me, but it didn't, thank god. And just like that, we came back to the city with a heavy heart.

"You seem to be glowing!" - said Emma with a warm smile over her face.

"Really? I don't think so! - I said, without much interest. I just wish the classes would end quickly so that I can head home already. It's so boring, studying is boring.

"It's that type of glow that happens when you like someone."

"That's why they call you an idiot."

"W-Who!" - she said, panicking. I chuckled at that... she looks so dumb right now. Suddenly the alarm rang, which means the class ended. Finally. I packed my bag and was ready to go when Aaron came in front of me.

"I had a great time. Let's go there again next year.'' - He said, flashing all of his teeth. Everyone was looking and talking about us, and some even assumed we were dating. Emma looked dumbfounded.

"What's the sudden patch up? I thought you didn't like him!" - Emma said, with a mischievous smirk. I feel so embarrassed right now.

"Well we just started dating you know. She's extremely shy to tell you!" - He said, giving me a lovey-dovey look.

"Is it true?" - Emma said, eyes sparkling with hope. She desperately wants me to date him, even more than myself.

"You guys are so annoying!" - with that I got out of the room. For the first time in my life, I wanted to erase everything I said about relationships. I finally know I like him and the thought of me dating him doesn't bother me any more... I want to date him, but how to say it. In a minute, Aaron and Emma joined me, and we all went home together, chatting about what we did at my grandmother's place and all. I was getting more and more comfortable around Aaron. I believe one day I'll gather all my confidence and confess to him, tell him how much I came to like him, and now I can't imagine my life without him.