
Altering Skyrim

Rictus is given the choice of customizing his start in skyrim. He choices alteration magic as his skill of choice and starts in Whiterun in the Breeze home. Follow him as he figures out that this is not just like the game he once knew. Release 1 chapter every Thursday afternoon. This is basically just an idea I had where 18 people enter skyrim and each of them are given one of the skills from the game. They can level the skills just like the game making them learn it way faster than normal. As in maxing out a skill like alteration in just a couple days instead of years for normal people in the world. The other people will not be the focus of the story and some will not make it very long in a realistic Skyrim. LordValmar put together the cover art for me.

Pepey_LePew · Derivados de juegos
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102 Chs


Three days.

It had been three days since the report of Ken's capture, and they still did not have his exact location. They had plenty of theories, but nothing concrete. Rictus consider going to every suspected location and razing them to the ground till he found Ken, consequences be damned, but he decided against such rash actions.

He took a deep breath as he regained his focus. This was not the time for irrational thoughts and outburst of violence. They needed to find Ken and find him fast. Once that was done though, there was sure to be some violence.

As he was sitting at his desk, a large black bird landed on his window seal. It stared at him for a moment before taking off in flight. A small paper fluttered onto the floor as the bird flew away. Finding such a thing suspicious, he moved over and picked it up. Two words were written on it.

*Northwatch Keep. *

He clenched the paper in his hands as it disintegrated. A cruel humorless laugh slipped out as he made his way out of the office. Seems returning the Skeleton Key and having the gratitude of a daedric prince had been a good decision after all.

The Thalmor had gone too far this time. Taking his second in command and imprisoning him in their most notorious prison in Skyrim was a mistake. He had not taken any serious action against them since that could have brought needless troubles, but things were different now. They had bought the thieves guild to attack them in the south, and now they took Ken. The Thalmor were probably even responsible for the vampires and bandit attacks on his convoys in the north.

It was time for a little payback.


(Overlooking Northwatch Keep)

A large boulder on the side of the mountain blocked the view of the group hiding behind it. It provided cover from the cold biting winds, falling snow, and watching eyes. Rictus watched and listened to his people as they argued over the best course of action.

Reysera moved her hands in a placating gesture as it looked like Miruma was about to stab her.

"I am not saying we cannot rescue Ken. I just think we should think this through a little more instead of charging in there. The Thalmor are not some simple bandit group we can just erase without any major consequences. They are one of the most powerful entities in all of Mundus. Stealth is our best bet for long term success."

Miruma seethed at her words.

"They took Master Ken. It doesn't matter who they are. This is the kind of insult we cannot let go. We will kill every last one of them so there will be no need for stealth. Dead men tell no tales."

The debate continued heating up as sides began forming. One side were in favor of a stealthy assault while the other wanted a straight up attack. Neither side was budging on their argument.


The cold words caused everyone to instantly quiet and straighten up. Rictus turned away from them as he looked down upon the keep. While their opinions and thoughts were valid, he held the final say.

"Reysera, you make an excellent point about the long-term consequences of a frontal assault. I just cannot find myself caring about that though. They took Ken, and we all know the horror stories of what they do to people in there."

It was an open secret what went on here. Everyone grit their teeth as they thought about what Ken must have been experiencing while in captivity.

"Not a single stone will be left standing when I am done with this place."

Cold looks of anger passed over everyone's face as they mirrored their leader. Despite their initial arguing, Reysera and the other mages wanted nothing more than to destroy the place. A stealthy approach was the better political option, but that didn't mean it was the option they truly wanted.

"Reysera and Illia, you will be in charge of guarding the roads leading to here. Stalleo, Rev, and Maes will each take teams and sweep the surrounding countryside to make sure no one sees us. Danica and Dravynea will set up a forward operating base for any potential wounded. The rest will follow me. Bring all our people through the teleporter once I have them distracted."

Everyone gave him a salute as they prepared for their roles. They had only brought their small group of elites to start with since they didn't want to risk detection. Once the assault started though, the rest of their forces would come through. Rictus didn't plan on needing them though.

He looked at the people sticking near him. Ma'randru-jo and Miruma were fidgeting in anticipation. Moira had also decided to join him. They hadn't spent a lot of time together, but she had been by his side the whole time supporting him. Her being an extremely magically powerful hagraven would make this assault all the easier.

Another 5 people were also stoically standing at his back. They were all wearing a complete set of altered daedric armor. The dark red and black spiked armor made them look incredibly menacing. The sides of the armor were reinforced with dragon bones which they had been getting more and more of compliments of the dragonborn. Each of the killers stood around 7 feet tall and moved the armor like it weighed nothing. The only difference between them were the weapons they carried. Other than that, they were perfect copies of each other.

These were Ken's top 5 lieutenants and personal students. He had taken each of them, along with Miruma, and taught them everything he knew about combat. Rictus had seen them fight before, and it was most impressive. Not only had they been taught by Ken, but Rictus had also greatly enhanced with his magic. Their muscles and bones were stronger than any normal mortal, and they had an incredible healing factor. Their sheer size, power, and skill made them the deadliest warriors the Restored had to offer.

Mirmua was the first to ask about their plan of attack.

"How are we going to attack? The gate is currently open with a squad of Thalmor scum guarding it. Should we just charge right through them?"

Rictus couldn't help the smile tugging at his lips.

"Oh no. I have something I have been waiting to try out for a long time, and this is the perfect opportunity."

Before she could ask for clarification, Rictus pulled something from his storage. It was a massive black metal monstrosity larger than a mammoth and looked faintly like a carriage. It was oblong with large boulder like wheels partially hidden under the main body. The front appeared similar to a train with a large, pointed metal fender. Every bit of the outside appeared to be covered with metal spikes. Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at the strange creation.

The metal pealed back as Rictus moved towards it while gesturing for his party to follow.

"All aboard!"

They shared a glance before following him inside. Once everyone was in, the metal slide back together. Rictus sat in the front of the vehicle and closed his eyes as he focused his magic on his creation. He had shaped the thing himself a while ago and kept it in his storage to be bathed in his mana. Now, it only took a simple thought and tiny amount of mana to manipulate it at all. Excitement started building within him at being able to finally test his creation.

It soon started rolling forward as it moved towards the keep. He did his best to smooth out the ground before them as they continued moving. It wasn't long before they were rapidly picking up speed as they barreled down the mountain. His companions had a slightly confused look when he mentioned a 'Crazy Train' and muttering a strange tune under his breath.

The Thalmor standing watch stared in wonder at the large thing rapidly coming down the mountain. Soon, they started shouting as they realized it was heading right at the gatehouse. Spells started shooting out at it, but it was too heavily armored and moving too fast to be stopped at this point. They scurried away as it rushed at the keep.

Stone exploded outward as the train impacted the keep. The ground shook at the mighty impact and dust flew up into the air. The wind quickly blew it away to reveal a massive hole in the wall and the metal spiked train sitting in the middle courtyard. Thalmor soldiers poured out of the keep and surrounded the thing with weapons drawn and magic primed.

Inside the train, most of its occupants looked sick at the crazy ride they just experienced. They quickly recovered though as they remembered their circumstances. Rictus stood up with a mask of cold fury on his face. A massive buildup of magic could be felt coming from him. He waited just a moment longer before throwing out his hands. As he did, the spikes which covered the vehicle exploded outwards like a cannon shot, decimating those which had crowded around it.

With all the metal removed, Rictus looked around at the carnage he had just reaped. Blood and body parts covered the courtyard while mutilated Thalmor screamed out in misery. They had been torn to shreds from the explosive attack. It reminded Rictus of his first encounter with the Forsworn so long ago. This was just like that attack, but on a much larger scale.

He started imperiously strutting onwards ignoring the dead and dying around him. His companions stood in shock as they looked around them. Moira started cackling as dark magic pooled around her. Body parts started coming together as she conjured a massive flesh golem from the remains. Her actions seemed to spur everyone else into action as they rushed out to confront the remaining enemies.

Rictus had to give the Thalmor their dues. Despite their atrocious initial losses, they retaliated far faster than most could have. There were still quite a number of them around the outer walls as well as coming from further inside the keep. 'Hmm…seems they had greatly increased security recently since there were nowhere near this many when I first passed by with Serana. They must have figured we would try something. Too bad for them. Just more corpses.'

His expression didn't change as a group of three charged at him with swords drawn while casting flames at him. A wave of his hand dispelled the magic as an invisible force pulsed out from him. Once the three were about 6 feet away from him, a massive pressure bored down upon them causing them to stumble and fall. Spikes shot up and penetrated their skulls as Rictus continued walking past them without altering his stride.

Burdensome cloak was a new spell he had just recently developed while waiting for news on Ken. He still remembered the power of Arcano's and Morrigan's cloak spells as they had battled over the Eye of Magnus. Instead of focusing on the elements though, he worked to combine it with some of his other alteration spells. He already had one which could basically crack the space around him, but he wanted more. It took a little practice, but he figured it out. Instead of being surrounded by fire or ice, anyone who entered near him would fall under the effects of a massive burden spell which increased their weight by hundreds of pounds. Expanding the cloak out further lessened the effect while retracting it increased the amount burdened.

Blades of lighting and metal spikes shot away from Rictus and towards the enemies farther away from him. More tried charging him, but they died just like the others. Throughout all the chaos around him, he walked unyieldingly onwards. Nothing and no one would stand in his way.

The doors leading further inside where telekinetically ripped from their hinges and tossed into some archers aiming at Ma'randru-jo. Talons started extending from Rictus's hands as he stared at the tight interior before him. Two guards were waiting with weapons drawn further into the room. He crouched down for just a moment before an earthen pillar shot him forward like a bullet. The Thalmors' eyes widened at the speed, but he was past them before they even reacted. Their faces looked shocked as the heads tumbled to the floor. Rictus didn't stop though. There were more Thalmor to kill. He didn't worry about leaving his people behind. They were more than capable of handling themselves.

Rictus never slowed as he propelled himself through the keep. His feet rarely even touched the ground as he used a combination of feather, telekinesis, and manipulate earth to throw himself down the hallways. A trail of broken bodies laid behind him as they were not prepared for his speed or unconventional attack angles. Few had any kind of experience fighting someone who was moving along the walls or ceiling after all.

After clearing a large two-level room of Thalmor, he came to a t junction. He had been scanning with his detect magic and life spells constantly since entering the keep. Sensing a familiar aura, he didn't hesitate a moment before going into the room on the left. The fiery anger building in him the whole time suddenly stopped as he entered the room. Cold hate filled his veins as he took in the sight before him.

Two robed Thalmor stood inside the room. They both held cruel bloody looking serrated blades as they turned away from the quivering mutilated body chained to the wall by hooks into where arms should be. Before either could speak or bring their blades closer to the body, an unrelenting power forced them to their knees. A blinding green light washed over them as they found themselves completely paralyzed. Stone and metal weaved together and encapsulated the two leaving only a tiny hole near their nose to give them just barely enough air to survive. With the two completely immobilized for later, Rictus made his way to chained person.

He carefully removed the hooks from Ken and gently picked him up. A bloodshot eye cracked open to stare at him. The dry raspy whisper could barely be heard.

"…took you long enough."

Tears fell from Rictus's eyes as he let out a humorless laugh. Golden light surrounded Ken as the restoration magic went to work on his ruined body.

"Rest easy my friend. You are safe now."

A peaceful look crossed Ken's face before his eye closed, and he relaxed in Rictus's arms. Restoration magic poured into him as Rictus did his best to stabilize him. More would be needed later, but he would not die today.

Rictus's glared at the two living statues beside him. As if they could feel the malicious intent directed at them, soft whimpers could barely be heard through the stone. They would not be dying today either.

The two bodies floated in the air at his back as he started making his way back out while carrying Ken. His magic infused the ground around him as the keep started collapsing behind him. There would be nothing left of the Keep once he was done with it besides a barren patch of land.


(Thalmor Embassy)

Elenwen set down the note with a frown. Seems the thieves guild will no longer be targeting the Restored. Their excuse of losing too many people, and it not being profitable made her scoff in annoyance. Still, she had never placed much hope in the thieves guild accomplishing anything more than being a thorn in the Restored's side. Elenwen only used them as a pawn to show how far her reach and influence could extend.

A strange magic permeated the air as a multitude of muffled thumps could be heard hitting the roof and the ground outside her window. Yells quickly followed causing her to rise and prepare her spells just in case. The doors to her office burst open as Ondolemar came rushing in and the look on his face made her feel uneasy.

"What is the matter?"

He shook his head and moved to the window while motioning her to join him.

"See for yourself."

What she saw caused bile to rise in her throat.

Bodies and body parts littered the ground and buildings of the embassy. Blood and other fluids were splattered everywhere dying the entire area in a grisly red color. The directions of the splatters made it appear that the parts had been dropped on them from a great height. Worryingly, each of the body parts had yellowish skin which hinted at Altmer lineage. As she was looking on in disgusted horror, one of the guards approached one of the more intact bodies.

When they got close, the guard let out a scream as a blinding bolt of lightning shot from the body. The guard stumbled backwards and stepped on an arm which caused a fiery explosion and sent the poor guard falling face first onto a leg. The ice spike from that one at least caused the guard to stop screaming.

Ondolemar shared a look with her as they realized what that meant. Somebody had carved destruction runes into the body parts. Anyone approaching them would activate the runes and unleashing their elemental attack.

A creaking and groaning noise caused them to turn towards the front gate. A wagon was sitting at the gate with two large spikes sticking up from it. After getting a good look at what was on the spikes, Elenwen couldn't help throwing. Ondolemar's eyes flashed with magic before he turned even more sickly looking.

"How are they still alive…"

Able to faintly make out the gurgling sounds coming from the two grotesque abominations, both couldn't help but continue being sick to their stomachs. Just what kind of monster had they awoken?


"I don't understand why we didn't just kill them as well."

Rictus didn't turn away from the sight of the Thalmor embassy far off in the distance as he answered Miruma's question.

"If we attacked them directly at the embassy, there would be a good chance we would be discovered. The empire and dominion would then have openly targeted us. This way, Elenwen will live in fear, and we can keep an eye on our enemies. Had we killed them all, the Thalmor would just send a larger and better prepared force here which is something we don't want. We have them trapped for now and can kill their patrols at liberty while they are hiding in the embassy. Besides, I want them to feel fear and helplessness. Petty of me, but I am only human."

His fury had abated, but he had not forgiven or forgotten the Thalmor's actions. Unfortunately, the Restored were still no match for their full might. Their small presence in Skyrim was not indicative of their full capabilities. Given enough time to grow though, and the Restored could change this dynamic. Rictus was more than willing to play the long game and keep them under observation. It would be a while before the Thalmor tried anything against them. More time for the Restored to prepare.

There were other pressing issues waiting on him though. The most immediate one involved the woman who had approached his forces on a small raft after the destruction of Northwatch Keep. He had a feeling he knew some of what Serana wanted to speak about.


[AN]: I know some may have wanted him to kill all the Thalmor, but I personally like the idea of them living in fear a little better. May not be the smartest decision, but it sure was fun.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story. Please let me know what you think or how I can do better. I love reading comments since they inspire the story.

I got another fun fact for those wishing to know some stuff. Japan has 23 vending machines per person, the highest amount of vending machines in the world. That is a whole heck of a lot of snacks and drinks.

Pepey_LePewcreators' thoughts