
On the Road Again

Walking sucks. Walking long distances sucks more. Walking long distances after fighting a group of forsworn sucks solo because the caravan one paid to take them somewhere abandoned them sucks even more.

After walking for what seemed like a couple hours, Rictus decided that it was time for a break.

'There has to be a better way than walking…. I mean I know I have a spell that increases my speed, so I probably walk faster than most people in this world, but it still sucks and takes up a lot of time. I could run and get there faster, but I refuse to fall to such lengths. I am a Mage Dammit! Magic will solve my problem!'

After his little internal monologue, Rictus began to think of how he could use his magic to travel instead of walking. He has a teleportation spell which would be great for fast traveling. The only problem regarding the spell is he must place a magical signature down in the location he wants to travel. His knowledge of the spell warned him the dangers of trying to teleport without the signature. Apparently, ripping apart the fabric of space and time with only a thought and no clear destination is not a good idea. There would be no telling where or when he would appear, or even if he would appear again. Messing with the primal forces of the universe is not something done just for the heck of it. Rictus thought he may try it when he is older or dying just for the heck of it though.

The next idea was based on his mastered spells. Telekinesis was an obvious way of traveling. Deciding to give it a try, Rictus made sure he cast his ebony skin just to play it safe. Which was a good thing considering all the times he messed up. Moving himself initially was a breeze with the spell. The problems came with the continued focus the spell required. Rictus still had thoughts about how the spell was supposed to shoot whatever object he concentrated on since that is what happened in the game when he used it. Usually, it doesn't matter if that happens with objects. Shooting your body into a tree whenever you lost focus did matter. Good thing he made sure he had protection.

While telekinesis holds immense promise, it will be something he has to practice a lot more in order to make it a more reliable way of travel, especially if he wanted to look good while doing it.

Rictus thought Shape Earth could be a fun way to travel. He raised a rock, which is not just a boulder, for him to sit on. Then he began riding the rock across the ground. Thinking there was more he could do; Rictus shaped the rock to look more like a raised throne so he could sit more comfortably. This is what magic is all about. Finding impressive magical ways to complete mundane chores, like walking.

The only downside to this method of travel was the speed of the rock. Rictus had to make sure the road was not completely destroyed behind him by his traveling throne, which made this method only slightly faster than walking. Still, it sure beat walking, especially when he remembered he could create small objects with his Fabricate Object spell. His rock throne now sported a very comfortable pillow for a seat and another one for his lower back since proper lumbar support is important in a throne.

By this point, the sun was just about to set. Rictus had one more idea to try which could be his fastest method of traveling. Knowing how important safety is, Rictus cast the Dragonhide spell to keep him safe. Interestingly, if one looked really closely, they would be able to see what looked like scales covering Rictus's body. Then Rictus cast the Sow Fall spell. It was not a spell he originally thought would get much use, but times change. The spell did exactly what it implied, it slowed your fall so you would not get hurt upon landing. Finally, Rictus used his telekinesis as it was originally intended, to throw objects. This time, the object was going to be himself.

Aiming nearly straight up, Rictus was launched around 20 feet in the air. Determined not to stop after just one cast, Rictus grabbed his body and threw himself yet again. He did this a few more times until he was almost 100 feet above the ground. While this is not very tall for a building, it sure feels a lot higher when you are just hanging in the air. The view from this high up was amazing though. Rictus was well above the tree lines and could see much of the beauty of the Reach framed by the setting sun. Thankfully, the Slow Fall spell took hold as soon as his forward momentum stopped and started to slowly lower him to the ground. The slow movement allowed Rictus to get a good look of the surrounding area. In the distance, he could see what appeared to be a campfire. Rictus was still around 50 feet in the air when he decided to continue with the experiment. He aimed only slightly above and cast telekinesis yet again, shooting himself through the air. It was an exhilarating method of travel for Rictus. It was almost like the feeling of bungie jumping. The feeling where as soon as you start slowing down, you are once again pulled away in another direction. While not quite his dream of flying, it sure was falling with style.

Rictus rapidly approached the fire and noticed a small caravan arranged around the fire. It was not the one he had been traveling with though. Rictus planned to land a bit away from the caravan and walk up to them so he would not startle them.

The only problem with this idea was Rictus not paying enough attention, a truly bad problem to have when floating 50 feet in the air. His lack of concentration caused his Slow Fall spell to fizz out. Resulting in him manly screaming while freefalling into the middle of the camp.

Right before he hit the ground, Rictus finally pulled himself together and caught himself with telekinesis. Looking at the couple feet separating him from the ground, Rictus let out a sigh of relief. Not learning his lesson from before, Rictus started to relax. This caused him to smash down into the ground face first. Thankfully, he still had the Dragonhide spell going so he was not too injured. Rictus gave out a groan as he slowly picked himself up from the ground to see what trouble he has gotten himself into this time.

As he looked around, Rictus noticed he had apparently fall into the middle of a Khajiit caravan, if everyone else being a Khajiit was anything to go by.

A rough chuckle started coming from one of the older looking Khajiit.

"Haha this one did tell you to drop by our caravan at any time but did not mean it literally. Still, Ri'saad welcomes you."

Deciding to just roll with it, Rictus gives the cat man a smile.

"I will admit, this was not my original plan, but everything seems to have worked out. It's a little late to ask now, but may I join you by your fire and maybe stay the night here with you?"

A slight greedy glint appeared in the merchant's eye.

"Well, this one supposes you could share our fire, food, and company. For a small price of course. 100 Spetims and we will even take you all the way to Whiterun."

Surrounded by armed Khajiit, Rictus decided that was a very fair price and paid the cat man. With the money out of the way, everything seemed to go back to normal in the camp. Rictus even noticed the Khajiit pulling out bottles of wine and other beverages. Rictus began to worry this may be the start of a long night.


The caravan got an early start and was quickly on the road towards Whiterun. Rictus was very thankful for an uneventful night. There was plenty of food and while some drank, Rictus was not one of them. The night was filled with friendly banter and talks of trade.

Rictus found out that he had apparently gave the caravan a great deal on some fresh mammoth cheese and hagraven feathers which was the cause of them being so friendly with him. Thankfully this time his drunken stupor did not cause any harm and worked for his benefit.

After the caravan had been on the road for a couple hours, there was a commotion behind them. A couple riders were quickly approaching them. These riders were wearing the colors of Markarth and were armored as guards.

Rictus began to worry as the men made directly for him. Worried something else could go wrong, Rictus began to prepare some magic. Ra'saad called out to the men as they began to get close to the caravan.

"What is going on?"

The men glanced at the Khajiit briefly before returning their gaze towards Rictus.

"There was a jail break yesterday in Markarth. Some Forsworn broke out of Cidhna Mine, and we were sent out to warn travelers and see if there was any sign of them. We noticed a large group of dead Forsworn a ways back and wondered if you know anything about it."

Rictus was shocked hearing this. There was no way the guards could have known he was the culprit. They also probably don't suspect the Khajiit since he left the Forsworn their valuables, and there were not enough people in the caravan to fight them off. It was also strange the breakout happened after he was just at the city. Was the forsworn attack he witnessed a signal? It was a little strange it happened right when he was there, but could it have been a mere coincidence?

Realizing the guard was waiting on an answer, Rictus hurriedly replied.

"What?? That is crazy. I cannot believe the Forsworn were able to break out of that place. What could have done that to a large group of Forsworn? Are we in danger? I am very glad I left the city when I could and was lucky enough this caravan gave me a ride."

The guard's face showed a little compassion and fully believed Rictus was just another worried traveler.

"No need to worry. We just wanted to alert travelers to be on the look out for Forsworn activity. If you see anything suspicious, please alert us. There is a great bounty out for any information on the escaped prisoners."

After finishing saying that, the guard leaned in closer and whispered to him so no one else could hear.

"Be careful of your belongings riding with these thieves. Normally, I would offer to take you with us, but sadly we have order."

Giving Rictus a pat on the back and an encouraging nod, the guard regrouped with his partner and began quickly riding on past the caravan. Ra'saad gave Rictus a suspicious look as the guards moved away.

"Do not worry Ra'saad. They were just warning me about being around Khajiit like the ignorant people they are. I know you are not like what they say. You are merchants though which is just a dignified thief."

Ra'saad relaxed after hearing what Rictus had to say and even gave a little laugh at being a dignified thief.

As the caravan continued moving, Rictus was still thinking about what was happening in Markarth. He was just glad he was out of that place and on his way home.


An older man with long gray hair and beard looked down on the younger man already hard at work in the forge. He still was happy with his latest follower. He remembered the first time he met the boy. The boy was a wreck. He had been a prodigal smith, quickly surpassing that orc everyone said was so good. Someone powerful, a Silver-Blood, did not like the boy and wanted him to suffer. The boy had apparently refused to work with them after their many offers, and they are not a family who likes being refused. That was how the boy ended up in Cidhna mine with the rest of them.

It didn't take long for the old man to convert the boy into his way of thinking. Some encouragement here, some sympathy there, and a promise of a life where he can craft weapons and armor to his hearts content.

Madanach smiled maliciously thinking about how this one boy could improve the power of the Forsworn. Already the boy had made better weapons than any Forsworn had before. His initial estimate of years before action has been shortened beyond belief, all thanks to this young blacksmith. If the boy kept up his pace of crafting, the Forsworn will rise quicker than Madanach could have ever imagined.

"Soon the Nords will feel our blades. Soon the Reach will belong to us again as it should."

Hmm so the Forsworn may be an actual faction now... Not Rictus's problem at least. If you have any thoughts or ideas for the story, let me know. I always appreicate feedback. If you are still reading this author's note, wow. You like reading more than most. 5 points to Ravenclaw for being nerdy and liking to read. Thanks once again for reading, and I am looking forward to see what happens next.

Pepey_LePewcreators' thoughts