

Sierra did her makeup nicely choosing to wear a red lipstick. She didn't always wear a bold lipstick unless she wanted to pull off a look, and red lipstick was made just for her. She managed to bring out curls out of her black silky straight her. She wore a black belted above knee trenchcoat, with sheer black stockings and black stiletto. Underneath her trenchcoat she wore one of her favorite lingerie set, not in the hopes of doing seducing him, it just felt good to wear. She gulped down the coffee she requested for, afraid that if she ate any other thing she would throw up with her anxious she was. When she was done, she made her way to Sarah's suite to her utter dismay Sarah was still in a towel, a breakfast tray with half eaten food lay on her bed, clothes and shoes everywhere.

"How did you manage to pull off the sexy, classy woman thing. I don't know what to wear!" She exasperated. Sierra groaned in annoyance, she wondered if Sarah had always been this annoying, what they'd shared before was an Alpha-delta relationship, now that it seemed like it was blossoming into friendship she noticed all the girl quirks.

"How about this dress, It's a lovely gown." She picked a body hugging blue dress with ruffles crossed at the side, the short sleeved hands styled in a beautiful cut out.

"It's too…" Sarah tried to think of a word for it "It'll make my stomach bulge!"

"You're only two weeks gone!" Sierra exclaimed. She sighed and picked up another set of clothes it was a pant and a designed chiffon blouse.

"No, too professional." she shook her head.

"And this?" Sierra asked with a two piece, a black skirt that had a three step ruffle and a top to go with.

"It's doing too much." She shook her head.

"Well choose something already we're running late!" She yelled in frustration.

"Okay okay. The blue dress would do." She snatched it from sierra and dashed away to change. While she was gone the hotel server came up to clear her plates, looking curiously at all the clothes on the floor and then leaving. Sierra shook her head at the mess.

She came out In the blue dress, her wolf cut hair curled beautifully to add more volume, her makeup was nude. 

"You look beautiful. Blue is your color." Sierra said genuinely.

"You're probably trying to make me feel good, thank you, I know i look like a clown." She muttered, fastening the straps of her black heels.

"You might want to carry a coat to drape on, it seems as if it would rain." Sierra told her.

"I'll be good." She refused.

"Alright then. Let's go." Sierra said to her and they left the suite, she'd already placed a call to the chauffeur a while ago, he was waiting outside the hotel with the car. A brief light flashed right at them, she turned towards the source and the man holding the camera bolted after being caught sneaking pictures.

"Are they taking pictures of us?" Sarah asked in self consciousness.

"Yes, I guess it's for the news. Headlined as the Alpha's mate Sierra sparrow of the moonlight pack currently present in the Hunter's pack. Would we hear the dates of the mating ceremony anytime soon." She said and Sarah was aghast.

"I look so fat in this dress, I'll be appearing on people's screens looking like a walking whale!" She was horrified. Sierra closed her eyes shortly to catch unto her slipping patience. She didn't understand how someone could be so insecure in themselves, if everyone looked the same the world would be plain and boring. Sarah was a beautiful girl, quite on the thick side, but her body looked amazing, a bit nerdy but cute.

"Good morning, Alpha Sierra and Delta Sarah." The chauffeur bowed and opened the door so they both went in he proceeded to drive them.

"Before news as delicate as this will be published Seth will be notified. If it makes you uncomfortable I'll inform him not to allow it be publicized." She suddenly said.

"But the publicity will do you good, don't worry about me, I'm just being silly." Sarah whispered. Sierra shook her head not saying anything more. Instead she observed her environment, 

Werewolves going about their business, a very busy pack she observed, she picked up traces of humans too. Seth's pack was a lot developed, it seemed as if they were ahead of the rest of the world in technology and advancement.

They entered into a straight path that led to a gate at the end, it had two side by side gates, one for departure and the other for incoming vehicles. They stopped and two enforcers walked up to them, the driver brought down the windows of the car.

"Alpha Sierra!" He said in quick realization and they bowed immediately. He spoke into the walkie talkie he held.

"Open the gates, it's the Alpha's mate." 

The electronic gates slid open and they drove in, the large building coming before their syes, spread on several acres. She saw soldiers moving in and out, dressed in their uniforms and combat boots, guns strapped at their sides.

One of the enforcer flagged down the car showing them where to park, she saw the sign post say 'High Rank personnels only.'  They stepped out of the car and she took in her surroundings, her Alpha aura was like a magnet,  soldiers watched her from a distance like predators, they didn't wear emotions on their face, she smiled.

"Why are they looking at us like that, like they're ready to shoot us down any minute." Sarah said worriedly.

"This are just low ranked soldiers, you haven't met the real Hunter's, or the shadows. They live up to their name 'Deadly'

Two soldiers walked towards them, assessing her with their eyes and bowing to her. Sarah shifted nervously, not used to being scrutinized.

"Please come with us, we've been informed to lead you in." One of them said. They led the way and Sierra walked behind them.  They passed through the entrance door and she froze, his scent was everywhere, Seth was present already.

"Is there a problem?" One of the men asked seeing that she had stopped. She shook her head and they continue walking taking several turns and riding in an elevator, Ian called.

"Hello, Alpha. I presume you've been received?" He asked.

"Yes I have. Seth's here?" She asked, she saw one of the enforcer look at her as if not being used to hearing the name come without the honorifics.

"Yes he's addressing some high ranked soldiers in the board room." He replied. " You'll wait at the VIP lounge for him"

"No I have a better idea, I'll meet him in the boardroom instead." She said in finality.

"It's a confidential -" She hung up on him.

She turned to the soldiers leading her and smiled "The boardroom, please" 

They looked within themselves nervously when her friendly look disappeared, her eyes were ice were cold, they nodded in compliance.

They took the elevator to the top floor, when it opened they walked through the hallway to the Fourth door, he was definitely in there She could sense him, it was so strong it almost knocked her over.

"We'll head back, the alpha's is inside" They  both bowed and walked away.

"Are we really barging in on a very important meeting?" Sarah asked frightfully.

"Yes we are." She grinned and opened the door.

"We'll be launching the new jet fighters In a few months. General Roman I hope this project is coming out well, no mistakes, no errors?" His powerful voice boomed, authoritative and rich.

"Yes, Alpha. The project is coming out wonderfully well." She replied wearing a full smirk her eyes trained on him, while all eyes were on her. He clenched his jaw, she smiled harder.