

Cynthia had helped her pack for the trip, she didn't know how long she planned on staying, right now things were settled in the pack so she could stay for as long as she wanted to. She guessed she would be staying for a week at most. The last time she came she didn't tour the place, neither did she enjoy her stay but she'll definitely take advantage of this trip. If things turned out well with Seth it might as well be called a mini vacation.

She drove to the hangar where her private jet was parked , Asher and Sarah were already present.

"Ready to leave?" She asked Sarah who offered a nervous smile in return.

"Yes.The doctor said it's safe to travel, werewolf babies are a lot stronger so our pregnancy Isn't as fragile." She explained.

"Ah good thing then. I was worried " She smiled.

"How long do you plan on staying there?" Asher asked.

"A week or two, I don't know it depends." She replied.

"Alright, safe journey Alpha. I'll keep in touch." He said to her. She knew Asher wasn't really happy about her trip and the fact that she was going without him but he didn't ask questions or complain about it.

"I trust you to keep the pack in good shape untill I return?" She asked.

"Yes, Alpha. We'll see at the council elections." He replied.

"We will" She turned to Sarah by her side. "Let's go," They climbed unto the jet settling in nicely, and putting on their seatbelts ready for takeoff. The hostess came to check if they were comfortable and if Sarah needed anything. She offered food and water to them, a pillow for sarah. With that the jet ran through the runway before taking off. Sarah removed a lime as she sucked on it desperately.

"Why are you always sucking on lime?" Sierra asked her.

"I'm nauseous, it keeps it at bay. You won't want me to puke all over your ridiculously expensive jet, would you?" she asked and Sierra grimaced.

"Well you keep taking that," She said and looked away from Sarah who was sucking the lime juice like her life depended on it.

"How long is it from here to the Hunters pack?" Sarah asked.

"Sixteen hours." Sierra replied typing into her tabloid.

"What? That long! Omg it's going to be a long flight." She exaggerated and Sierra rolled her eyes.

"Isn't it too early for mood swings? Yes it's that long, put up with it."

"I'm pregnant! I don't like travelling, so forgive me for my silly complains." She grumbled and Sierra grunted in annoyance.

"Ian's upcoming days are about to be tough " She muttered. Sarah hissed and looked away, Sierra chuckled.

She continued typing, the next hours were peaceful aside Sarah's complains about being uncomfortable, the hostess did her best to accommodate her. She'd finally slept and Sierra felt like she could now rest.

As they grew closer to the pack she couldn't help but feel anxious, Asher had told her that the Hunter's pack were ready to accept them, it came from the security team she didn't know if Seth was informed.

She looked out the window, it was dark, it all seemed peaceful. There was something about night flights that she really enjoyed. When the morning came things wouldn't be as calm. She hadn't planned any sort of confrontation in her mind she would go with the flow of things, she only hoped he wouldn't be as angry. So she closed her eyes and slept.

The announcement from the pilot had woken her up from her sleep, they would land anytime soon. Sarah's excited chatter ringing in her ear.

"Oh my we're in the Hunter's pack. It's like a country." She rambled on happily.

"Well it's quite large. And the most populated, I wonder how he does it." She replied in awe.

"I can't wait!"

"So do I." Sierra smiled lazily.

In the next fifteen minutes they were landing in the pack airport. Sarah had grinned and squealed like an excited school girl. They alighted the jet and walked through the arrivals, their luggages carried by a worker in the airport, he took it to the car that had been waiting for them.

"Greetings Alpha and Delta. Welcome to the Hunters pack" He bowed. "I'll be your chauffeur from now until the end of your trip."

"Thank you." Sierra said, he proceeded to open the door for them to get in, then he drove them to their place of accommodation, it was a hotel but a different one from the one she'd stayed in the last time. It wasn't anything short of perfection situated in a very nice location.

"Amazing. I love it." Sarah exclaimed.

They walked into the hotel, she saw as everyone stared at them, mostly at her, she knew it was because of the announcement. They wanted to see who it was that had been mated to their Alpha.

"Is it just me, or everyone's staring?" Sarah asked looking around.

"It's because if me, ignore it." Sierra told her.

Whoever they walked pass would bow respectfully to her. Sierra and Sarah made way to the reception. They were greeted with respect, she checked in. The receptionist offered to show them to their suits, the bellboy bringing in their luggages. Her suit was beautiful, spacious, she liked it especially the balcony. She settled in, word must have gone out that she was in the pack, Seth should have heard about her by now. Tomorrow she would see him, she decided. Surprisingly she got a call from Ian five hours after they arrived.

"What a pleasant surprise." She said to him, grinning. Like she expected they must have heard.

"Indeed. We were informed that the Alpha of the moonlight pack is in our territory, along with her delta Sarah. We hadn't been expecting you." He said calmly.

"Yes of course, it's a surprise." She chuckled, she could imagine the expression on Ian's face.

"Is there a problem. Alpha Seth isn't in the pack currently.

I'm handling all his correspondence." He said and Sierra frowned, was he lying to cover up for Seth so they would leave or Seth truly wasn't in the pack.

"When is he coming back?" She asked.

"Tomorrow." Ian replied truthfully. That meant indeed Seth wasn't around, if he'd been truthful about it.

"In that case, I'll wait." She told him.

"Of course "

"Please give me an address, not the pack house! Or your command center, his house address." She demanded.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. Seth doesn't let anyone into his private property. And he hasn't been informed of your arrival yet" He said.

" I'll like to keep it that way, don't tell him about it. You're aware I'm his mate, not just anybody."

"I'm aware Alpha. It's my duty to ensure all his rules are kept, I've respected you as his mate by not demanding the reason for your visit or scheduling an appointment for you before you can see him. If you want to see him in his house, I'll have to inform him first." He told her. She groaned, he was making it harder than necessary.

"I see. Other than his House where would he be tomorrow?" She asked.

"You're asking to to divulge personal information about Alpha Seth's schedule. I'm afraid I can't do that either." He said politely.

"Listen to me, I'm his mate. Soon to be your Luna, whatever I say goes. I'm sure Seth wouldn't like to hear I wasn't welcomed properly. I heard Ethan is in prison." She played the Luna card. She would do anything to see Seth, and this beta of his wouldn't ruin that for her. He sighed in submission and she smiled triumphantly.

"I could choose not to disclose this no matter your threats, Alpha. Your words don't hold water to me, I only obey my Alpha. Until you are Luna I'm not bound to obey you, the reason I'm telling you this is because I know you've come here for a good reason. Alpha Seth hasn't been the best version of himself since we arrived and it's affecting us all."

Her face fell in hurt, what she'd done must have upset him so much that it was affecting his work. She was pleased that Ian was going to let her see him.

"Once he arrives he'll head straight to the command center. I'll inform the team of your arrival so you'll be allowed in. Will your delta come along with you?" He asked.


"I'll sign you both in then. He'll kill me for this." He muttered.

"Thank you Ian." She said and he hung up.

It was a good thing Seth didn't know she was coming, not only would she see him tomorrow but his whole army. She had always wondered what they'll look like, an opportunity to know and understand his world.

She hoped his reaction wouldn't be too bad, anxiety was killing her here, all the what ifs. Seth must have felt angry that despite his disapproval she had gone ahead to do the broadcast. Now that she thought about it, it sounded really bad. She called Sarah.

"Are we going to see them now?" Sarah asked nervously.

"Not now, tomorrow. Ian called, he's scheduled us, we're going to their base tomorrow. They'll be there"

"Wait Ian called? Does he know I'm here, did he say anything about me?" She asked worriedly.

"He knew you're here with me. All we spoke were formalities, you'll have the chance to talk to him tomorrow." She told her.

"Oh okay. I'm having trouble figuring out what to where."

"What you'll always wear, don't do too much he'll think you want to impress him." Sierra told her.

"Of course, thank you, Alpha."

"We're leaving tomorrow by nine in the morning, please be ready before then."

"Yes, bye" She said and Sierra hung up.

Now she wondered what she would wear, she better listen to her own advice.