

Two years later.

It had been two years since her reign as Alpha. Everything has been going well and the pack also haven't facing big issues. Few people had tried to challenge her authority but she had done well to put them in their place.

Sierra lay naked on her bed with a pencil in between her index and thumb finger. She was busy sketching out a jewelry design. She was an extremely successful CEO of a jewelry company. Her company had been in existence for more than fifteen years. Yet no one has ever seen the face behind the successful company. In the human age she looks twenty four but she was way older than that.

She had changed locations and travelled around the world constantly to dispell suspicions and doubts on why she wasn't aging. It was only five year ago had she come to stay in this country and also creating the Head quarters here for her business. Most werewolves rather prefer to stay hidden with their pack and live peacefully without the need of hiding or running about. While some decided to mingle with humans and blend in the human society also exploring the world just like she once did. Now she was Alpha she had come to stay since their pack base was here and it was now her responsibility. Sometimes she would stay here in this house sketching and designing, other times she'll stay at the packs.

Sierra was distracted from her sketching when the doorbell rang. Other than her beta and Gamma no other person knew where she lived.

She stood up going to her closet to pick up an oversized t-shirt before putting it on and going to get the door.

She opened it and her beta came into a view. The blue haired demon that's what she called him. He was one sexy man, with blue hair, sharp nose, green eyes and red lips. His ear pierced with ear studs and two other ear rings. He was muscular, tall and had a lean figure.

"Asher come in" She said to him.

"Alpha" He said with a slight bow. He's eyes slightly checking her out as she turned around to Walk. Her long straight legs visible to his eyes but he mentally shook his head dispelling every thought clouding his mind.

"What brought you here?" She asked him with a raised brow.

"We have a problem at the pack" He replied trying hard not to concentrate on the wickedly sexy woman before him. Everything about her screamed authority.The way she carried herself was something he always admired. After her coronation as Alpha she had choosed him to be the Beta. They weren't too close at the pack that time, but they were acquaintance since he was part of the packs army during the reign of Dexter. After he became beta they got seemingly closed in a way. But he knew too well not to get too involved as he would only get his heart crushed and broken beyond repair. Somehow he tried to put his hope up on finding his mate but the heart just want what it wants. He fell in love with the woman she had become.

"Snap out of it beta" She said and he suddenly brought his mind back to the task at hand. It seems like she had crawled into his mind and had known what he was thinking.

"We need your physical presence at the pack alpha" He said.

"Hmm, What has happened?" She asked him.

"It's better if you come to see it for yourself Alpha" He replied.

"You can excuse me" She told him. He nodded and left so she could get changed.

Sierra changed into a jean pant and a white tank top with a blue blazer and stiletto.

She packed her long hair into a messy bun and left the penthouse. She and Asher took the private lift together. She drove her black BMW car to the packs resident. Asher rode behind her and they rode through the tarred road in the woods. And they rode passed a bridge. A small sign board appeared just after the bridge it says approaching moonlight town.

To Humans it was just a normal town that had strict rules in accepting who lives in it. They didn't know that it was werewolves habitant. Not just anyone could live In the town except human mates or people who have knowledge of werewolves. To have access to the town was very hard as they were always notified of every incoming vehicles, and also people who leaves and comes in. As Sierra rode in she saw that the town was quiet and a big wolf stood just at a side watching her ride in. The way it looked at the incoming vehicle was with a crazed look in it's eyes.

"Do you see this?" Said Asher through the mind link. He was riding just behind her.

Sierra had blocked the access to her mind that was why she hadn't heard the talks or panic of her people. Now that she had opened up to her pack she could hear the worry and confusion that they expressed.

"I see it Ash. What's happening in the town?" She Asked through the link.

"It's something that I can't explain Alpha. Some of the wolves are waiting for your arrival at the pack house" He said. She didn't reply him but he knew she heard him Loud and clear.

She drove to the pack house and parked her car safely. Sierra walked in long strides to the large building. When she got to a hall she saw some werewolves present inside. They bowed to her and she made to stand in front of them.

"What's going on In the town?" Sierra asked and a Delta made to answer her.

"We suspect it to be a case of the bitten. The wolves who couldn't endure the transition have turned crazed going about killing and fight other werewolves. We have captured four of them Alpha. We believe that only few are still left roaming. We've blocked every exist of the town to stop them from escaping and biting more people.

"And this bitten wolves are the humans who resides in our town. How did they get bitten?" She asked sharply.

"By a rogue wolf Alpha. We still haven't understood how a rogue wolf came into the town and who was the first person to get bitten but we are investigating it Alpha.

Sierra nodded before saying to everyone" Do not panic. Stay alert and make sure the humans are well protected. Try your best to capture every bitten human before the process of transition starts. You can now dismiss. I assure you all that I'll get to the bottom of this" She said and they bowed before leaving.

"Beta where is the captured rogue wolve kept?" She asked him as they walked out of the building.

"At the research lab Alpha"

"Very good then."

She entered her car while he entered his and they rode to the research lab. A small Skyscraper at the heart of the town.

She got into the building and use the elevator to the tenth floor. Her beta led her to one of the rooms as she placed her palm on the scan to have the door opened and she got In. There were three scientist inside the room wearing a lab coat and hand gloves with a kind of Googles. They bowed slightly to her and she nodded.

A wolf was strapped to a bed. It groaned and bared it's large teeth to her as she walked to it. It kept growling Loudly trying to struggle out of their bound.

"Is this the rogue wolf?" She asked and one scientist nodded.

"We found something on it Alpha. We don't know if you might know what it means"

"Show me" She said.

The lady went to bring a small red chip from a box where she kept it and gave it to Sierra.

"We found it implanted to the wolf's body"

"Run this for me" She gave it to her beta who nodded immediately.

That night Sierra didn't go home but stayed at her house in the pack. Just as she tried to prepare for bed having spent such a long day investigating the sudden crazed wolves in the pack, she heard her phone ringing and she picked it up.

"what is it Asher?" She asked.

"I've sent something to you. It's the report from the assignment" He replied and Sierra said an okay.

She went to her computer and booted it. She then clicked on the video he sent for her and it played.There was a man wearing a hoodie to hide his face in a dark room.

"I hope you love my small gift Sierra. I'm coming for you" He laughed and the video ended.

"Dexter" Sierra muttered.