

First chapter, please keep comments coming.


In a large hall they were about a hundred werewolf inside. Their pack head Dexter stood in front of them addressing them. He was a man with big ripped muscles. His long brown hair reaching his back and many tattoos covering every skin in his left arm. His face was stern and wicked.

"My brothers and sisters. The scavenger pack have been threatening our pack for a very long time. We are the moonlight pack and we won't sit still and watch them threaten us" His voice boomed and he fisted the air.

"Yes!!!" They roared raising up their left hands in a fist.

"So my brothers we'll attack and conquer their territory. At the research lab, some of our brothers are working on a poison that we would inject into their water, body creams, packaged foods and the rest. This poison will weaken them and make them powerless against us as they stand no chance to win. We'll attack like a thief in the night and conquer.We shall conquer!!!!"

"Yes !!!" They chorused.

"I object!" Someone from the crowd yelled and everyone went quiet.

Dexter smiled wickedly when he laid his eyes on her. Sierra was one of the Powerful werewolves in the enforcers. A group of werewolf army. She had black long hair that flowed to her waist, magneto eyes and a curvaceous body. Her features were sharp and stunning and she had an Aura of power surrounding her. Dexter wasn't too surprise to hear her. She was a pain in the ass, she was one werewolf that didn't fear him or bend to his rules despite him being Alpha. He had always inflicted physical pain on her but was never able to break her. He would have killed her but she was extremely useful to him.

"Sierra sparrow" He called and began to make his way towards her as everyone cleared a path for him. She stood at the end of his path with a cold expression on her face.

"Why would you object?" He questioned.

"There are innocent humans living in that vicinity and this is also a cheap game. The scavengers pack have done nothing but give threats. A move like this simply means war. The council won't take it lightly!" She spat angrily.

"Really?Now who are you to decide what goes on in my pack" He said to her.

"I am only speaking of the truth Alpha" She said still maintaining a strong eye contact with him. Now he was standing just in front of her and many werewolves held their breathes at what he would do to her.

"Kneel" He ordered forcing her into submission. Sierra groaned in pains as the force was pulling her down to obey him. As an Alpha he had every Power over the members of his pack. She tried to fight it and stood strong not willing to go down in defeat. Blood began to leave her nose in pressure.

"You shall kneel before me" He commanded again but she didn't want to. She fought it. The pains was almost unbearable but she would not concede.

Alpha Dexter was stunned and almost couldn't believe this. He was momentarily distracted so she snapped out of it immediately.

"Are you challenging my authority? He asked in a deadly voice.

"Yes Alpha. I challenge you to the fight to death" She said and gasp followed.

"Is she crazy?" Someone muttered.

"Challenging her alpha while she's only a gamma" Another added.

"You challenge me?" Dexter laughed like a maniac.

"Yes Alpha. I challenge you" Her voice was tough without any hint or trace of fear. He suddenly stopped laughing seeing her serious Expression.

"Very well then. You know the rules, if you lose you become an outcast, that is if only I let you live. But if I lose, you become the Alpha" He smiled sinisterly and she nodded.


Sierra bowed and left. She went to her house in the human world instead of that in the packs. She knew fully well how dangerous Dexter was. She had prepared herself for this day. Trained both her mind and body. The day when she planned to bring Dexter down and make him pay for what he had done to her and her clan. It all happened long before she was born.

She hated him so much. He was cruel. He treated female omegas like prostitutes and held no regards for his pack. He went about biting and killing unsuspecting humans. His reign had come to an end she decided.

Just like she suspected. Alpha Dexter had sent men to look for her. Perhaps to kill her before the fight.

Her house here in the city was in a discreet location. A penthouse that no one knew the owner.

When the night came Sierra drove to the pack territory and to the place the ceremony would take place. Already, words have begun to spread about what was to take place, so werewolves from around the globe belonging to the moonlight park had already gathered to watch the fight.

It was an open field with a bonfire that was in the middle of the gathered crowd.

"She's here" Someone announced and they began to make way for her.

"Finally, I thought you changed your mind and ran away" He said.

"I didn't. Only losers run away" She replied walking to him.

Two men walked to the Alpha to help him remove his brown fur coat.

"Let the fight to death begin" Someone announced.

The Alpha cracked the bones in his body and his claws grew out of his fingers and he walked in bold dangerous steps to where she stood. He wasted no time in throwing her a punch enough to break her jaw. Surprisingly she caught his blow and kicked his torso. The kick made him take three steps backwards. He charged at her clawing her face. She didn't have enough time to dodge when his claws reached her . She held her face in pains and he gave her a flying kick that sent her flying. She fell to the ground and he stepped on her over and over again making her cough blood. The next his legs came to her face. She held it when it was inches to her face. She twisted it and his face contoured in pains as he held his leg.

She used that opportunity to drag herself up and he elbowed her jaw immediately. She yelped. He held her hair and pulled her to the ground. Sierra rolled over when he smack her. He went for her leg as she tried to crawl away. He held it and dragged her to him before he twisted it to make her cry. She used her free leg to kick his hand away. He let her go immediately and she dragged a wood from the bonfire to hit it on him. He caught it and threw it away. Held her by the neck, squeezing the life out of her he smacked her down.

Sierra could swear that she broke her ribs. The impact made her see stars.

"Quit now or die" He warned when he lowered himself to her and almost dug his claws into her chest.

"I choose...." She said and he waited for her to say she quit. instead she took soil in her hand and when he was unsuspecting she threw it to his face and punched him hard. Her own talon coming to slash his face again. He cried when her claws dug into his eyes and everyone yelled and gasped.

His left eye began to bleed. He didn't recover when she slashed him again, pulling down a small chunk of flesh on his face. He staggered at her merciless attack. She didn't give him and kept slashing his bloodied face. At this rate she would kill him.

"I quit" He screamed holding his bleeding face. Blood smeared his face all over and his flesh almost peeled off from his skin. His left eye badly damaged.

"Unbelievable" Someone said.

Sierra retrieved her claws .

"If you still think I'm not fit to be your Alpha then come fight me" She yelled. Although many of them would have loved to fight her, they were tired of Dexter reign. He was cruel they all knew but could only obey him.

"Hail Sierra our Alpha female!" They chorused and knelt down.