

When the morning came she got dressed in a black women tuxedo, and black plumps. She let her hair fall in their natural straightness, she wore no makeup. When she was done she left the room to Sarah's, knocking gently and Sarah opened it, her red eyes and dark circles showed she hadn't really slept, she did more of crying.

"Common on now. That's enough crying" Sierra said sternly.

"I know, but I can't help it." She sniffed.

"Go out, do something fun. Today's the elections, I'll be back later in the evening, I don't want you crying." She said and Sarah nodded.

"I'll be fine, go ahead. I'll watch it on TV."

"Right, I'll see you." She smiled and patted her shoulders walking away. Sarah couldn't come to the elections because of her rank, other than council members, only alpha's and beta's were permitted.

When she got out of the hotel her chauffeur was waiting already, he took her straight to Seth's private jet hangar. Seth was present, it was just him, they would fly alone she observed.

"Where's Ian?" She asked him.

"He's flying commercials." He told her.

"Why?" She asked.

"Now darling, don't play ignorant. Not after our conversation last night. Come" He took her hands and they boarded the jet. When they were seated and strapped in they took off. Now she turned looked at him amused.

"You sent your Beta away, because of some quick dirty escaped. You're insufferable." She burst out laughing. He was grinning while she laughed.

"Besides I want it to be just us." He said and she smiled.

"Alright mister." She grinned shaking her head slightly. "Ian's going to hold a grudge." She said.

"He won't, trust me he wouldn't want to be around us, not with the sexual tension we carry around "

"You carry around, not me. Your mind is always in the gutter." She accused.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He rolled his eyes. "Besides he's flying in first class."

"Of course " She grinned.

"How's Sarah?" He asked. She seemed surprised he was enquiring about her Delta.

"Well she's trying to take it well. She'll be fine." Sierra said.

"Hmm. They'll be able to handle it." He agreed.

"They will." She replied. "How long is it from here to the council?"

"Three hours." He said.

"Alright, I'm a bit nervous." She confessed.

"Why?" He asked.

"That things won't go as planned, and he might lose the election." She said truthfully.

"He won't. I made sure of it." Seth said, she quickly shut him a look.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw how winning this election was really important to you, I put in a few words." He told her. Sierra suddenly felt like she could cry, he didn't like to meddle in politics but for her he did that despite being angry about it.

"Why?" She whispered.

"Sierra. Richard is important to you, is he not? If you want him to win, I'll make sure he wins. Whatever you want, you get" He told her. How could she break this off when Seth was doing all of this things for her. She prefer knowing his bad side, it'll be easier to hurt him with no remorse or guilt. This side of him made it a lot harder.

"Excuse me," She said, standing up without looking to see his expression, she quickly went to the bathroom stall, when she looked at the mirror she saw a liar and a deceitful person. It was a lot harder to go with Eleanor's plan. Regaining her composure she went back to him he was watching her. She sat back next to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, she nodded. He didn't say anything more to her. He picked up a magazine and he began to read through it. Sierra glanced at it, it was a business paper. She wasn't interested in it.

The hostess came asking if they needed anything, Sierra saw the way she looked at Seth. It was with a certain familiarity she knew so much about. She dismissed the hostess telling her they wanted nothing, but she was very adamant on asking Seth. It had a double meaning, one sierra didn't like. When she had glared at her, her aura filling the room, the girl quickly bowed and scurried off.

"Wow!" She bit out harshly glaring at Seth who did not seem a bit bothered, his eyes were still trained on the papers he held.

"Really? who's going to be next" She asked unable to hide her anger. He finally looked up from the magazine to her face, she was shooting daggers at him.

"I don't have anything to do with her." He cleared up. She saw the way he clenched his jaw, it felt as if he was repressing the annoyance he felt.

"And she was being so suggestive for no reason? You're Alpha, she can't just say things like that without hesitation or fear unless something happened to cross that line." She said to him.

"She's a member of my jet crew, we've been flying together for a long time, Sierra."

"You're making excuses, not clearing up things. I don't want to talk about it anymore." She looked away, she hated feeling this way, she had no right to be this possessive or jealous. But she couldn't deal with all these women who seem to be utterly familiar with him they threw out caution. They didn't care ttheir Alpha mate was right with him and he'd never said anything at the blatant advances. She suddenly didn't want to be in the same space with him. She stood up attempting to go sit somewhere else, he held her hand.

"Sit." He told her.

"Don't tell me what to do" She refused

"Please." He added and she sat back down.

"I don't want this misunderstanding between us. I didn't have anything to do with her, I meant it when I said that. I've never slept with her or cross that line, if she bothers you I'll have her replaced. The only reason I don't comment on her advances it's because she's one of the persons I can trust in my jet and she's never acted on it, only suggestive tones. I'll warn her about it." He said and she nodded.

"Not responding to it, gives her an encouragement to continue. If she can flirt with you in my face disrespecting me not only as your mate but as an Alpha, then she isn't trustworthy to me. Rid her of the position, she could do hostess to the commercial planes, not with you." Sierra told him.

"Done." He replied. "She won't fly back with us."

"Good" She said. Still the tension not disappearing entirely. She hated being disrespected more than anything, and she needed Seth to know that he couldn't just sit and do nothing. No conversations followed through the remaining period. Soon after they landed. A black car was waiting to drive them to the council house, they got in and Ian was present. He sat at the front while they took to the back.

She saw the number of cars stationed within the premises when they arrived, there was really tight security and then the press. Several Alphas and men in power walking inside. They got out of the car, lights flashing her eyes, Seth came to join her. He gave her his hands and she took it. All attention was on them as they made their way inside, Ian trailing behind. The lights flashed crazily, she glared at some of the reporters throwing questions on their relationship.

Inside was a lot calmer. The hall was huge, seats in rolls and on steps. Each step higher than the previous, Some Alpha's and beta's present, they glanced at them as both She and Seth gracefully made in, walking through the aisle to their intended position the first roll. Taking their seats, Ian sat behind. At the front was the high table, some council men already seated. Sierra saw the way Seth drew attention, it was magnetic and powerful.

She could sense some beings that had somehow made their way in, probably Seth sensed it too, he looked towards the same direction she was looking at, just four rolls behind by her left, she saw Asher, Eleanor in a disguised form, she took her void appearance so she couldn't be seen and Dara was also present. She sat beside Asher. She wondered how she'd gotten in without questions.

"What's Eleanor doing here?" She asked in the mindlink to Asher. He too has seen her come in, he was staring.

"She said she wanted to come watch the elections herself. Dara wanted to speak to you " He replied.

"Come over" She told him

"What's the Marid doing here?" Seth asked her.

"I have no idea. Asher says she wanted to see me, I don't understand how no one's asking questions on her identity or even bothered by her." She said.

"Illusion. They can't acknowledge her presence if they aren't focused on her, she's just like us in their eyes. That bloodline are mind beings. They play with the mind like it's nothing. As long as the facade doesn't break no one can tell it's her." He explained to Sierra.

She saw that Seth was trying to see past Dara, like he couldn't tell if there was someone next to her or there wasn't. But he sure sensed something, again She was amazed by his abilities. He was dangerous for her.

Asher walked over to them, he was wearing a tuxedo like all the men present. He bowed, curiously looking at them holding hands, before paying his attention to her.

"Alpha." He said.

"I trust you've been fine." She asked and he nodded. "Where's Richard?" She asked.

"He's yet to make his presence, he's probably talking to some council men." He said.

"Alright, we'll see after the meetings," She told him. He bowed and walked back to where he had been seating.

"The elections will soon begin." Seth said to her. She focused her attention to the council table, she watched the men all come in taking seats. Richard did too, his eyes finding hers he offered a small smile which she returned back. In no time everyone was settled.

The last to come in was the former council head, as he did everyone stood up as a mandate. When he took his stand in the pulpit they all sat back down and he began with the speech.