

I'm back now babesss. Let's pick up from where we stopped. I had an amazing birthday, thank you all for your wishes.


The election began with the speech, the former council head gave a speech of thanks and reviewed few important things about his tenor as council Head. They went over a few readings also announcing what each candidate thought to do for the world of supernaturals once they won as council head. After going through the political manifesto of each candidate, it was then explained how the voting process will be carried out.

Each section had someone whom they'll go to, to cast vote, one after the other they were expected to go vote for the candidate of their choice. Even though the winner was obvious to quite some people. Sierra couldn't help but feel a bit nervous in regards to the situation. She trusted Seth's word. With his assurance no one could even afford to rig the election.

"It's going to be fine." He assured her in a soft whisper, taking her hand in his and squeezing it in assurance. She offered him a small smile in return, grateful for the show of affection. She watched curiously as the people stood up one after the other to go vote for a representative that would favor them.

It meant a great deal if the council Head was from your pack, your automatically becomes powerful. Alliance won't be hard to make, you'll be in favor of the council at all times. The benefits was too numerous.

She casted a small look to her foster father Richard. He was composed, if he was nervous he didn't show it.

It got to their turn, since Seth was sitting at her right he went first, walking to the lady perched on the small desk with her equipments. They went over a small process before he was putting his fingerprint on the machine for the candidate of his choice. Everyone watched critically not missing a single step. He was Scrutinized with such carefulness she wondered how he was still able to keep his composure.

From the other side she could feel the heated gaze of Dara and Eleanor, she turned towards them and caught them staring intensely. She teared her eyes away to Asher, he smiled at her and she returned it before bringing her concentration back to Seth. He came and took his seat next to her, and she was next.

"I assume you made the right choice?" She asked getting ready to stand and walk over to cast her own vote. He smirked before rolling his eyes in amusement.

"I did, sweetheart." He answered lightly. She sighed, werewolves had great listening skills, they could probably hear them. She cleared her throat pushing the mild embarrassment aside and walking to the lady.

Just like Seth every one too was watched her in curiosity. There gaze might not have been as intimidating as Seth's but it was still there. They went through the procedures and then the list of the contesting candidates showed up, carefully she placed her thumb on the side that aligned with the picture of Richard. Satisfied as the ashy print of her thumb appeared on the screen followed by a green tick mark. She bowed a bit walking back to her seat. The same process continued for everyone it took a few hours until it ended. Bottles of water was passed around, a soft chatter lingered between people.

"You think they're going to try and pull strings? Before the announcement Richard wasn't doing well with campaign and forming alliances." Sierra said to Seth.

"He hadn't really made a mark then in the council. I guess why many didn't think of teaming up with him was the thought of you as Alpha."Seth replied.

"Why do they always get so worked up, the fact won't change. There's nothing anyone can do about it. I expect them to be used to it by now." She said.

"It'll take some time."

They continued to engage in minor talks until the voting process ended.

If there was one thing Sierra liked was that the results would be announced immediately after the compilation of total votes from each side. She waited patiently as the councilmen conversed within themselves In the high table going through numbers and whispering to each other.

When they were done with everything one of the councilmen stood up to announce the results.The projector on display of the total votes for each candidate for everyone to see.

"Elder George from the Ravens pack got a total of 153 votes." The announcement was followed by a short round of applause. So far that was the highest vote. Sierra looked at Seth nervously. He didn't say anything, he was confident in his influence. So she waited for the next and last person to be called.

"Elder Richard from the moonlight pack got a total of 173 votes."

Sierra almost screamed in happiness. She stood up clapping loudly and smiling, everyone joined her in forced excitement in order to get on her good books. After a short while the clapping ended and everything calmed.

"Congratulations Richard." She said to him through the mindlink.

"I wouldn't have done it without you." He replied.

"We did it!" Asher's excited voice came in.

"We did" She responded grinning from ear to ear. Seth smiled at how excited she was, he didn't know this meant so much to her. He wondered if she was doing this to repay the favor Richard had done her by adopting her, or did she truly love the man.

The man that had been announcing the votes stepped aside to allow the former councilhead to take charge.

"I'm glad to have been a part of the leadership and decision making team in the maintenance of a peaceful existence in our community. However today I'm happy to pass on this mandate of power to our new councilhead Elder Richard of the moonlight pack." He announced.

Richard stood up and bowed to them, the men in the high table going to shake him and congratulate him before he made his way to the pulpit, the former council head shaking him too. Pictures were taken by the Media. He took the platform clearing his throat before he began the vote of thanks.

"I'm utterly and honestly grateful for this show of love and support from all of you gathered here today. You've made your choice and choose your candidate. I promise to deliver to the best of my abilities. Protecting our kind, only making decisions that would be in favor of everyone. There shall be no Sentimental choices in my term. Rules and regulations would be made to ensure good living. Where we are found lacking we shall be amend. You have made a good choice today in electing me as a councilhead and that choice you'll not regret. Thank you my dearest daughter, Alpha Sierra of the moonlight pack for believing in my aspiration, and her biggest supporter Alpha Seth Damon." He gazed at them smiling like a fond father which he was not. Sierra knew it was all for show, Richard didn't do affection. He was acknowledging her.

Everyone looked at them, different meanings behind their gaze they were the center of attention she didn't look fazed, so did Seth. Richard continued with his speech.

"Thank you once again." He bowed before leaving to the sit amongst the men of the high table.

"We shall begin the swearing in." The man announced and everyone stood up.

"I see, he's gotten what he always wanted. Must be exciting." She heard Eleanor say in her head. There was resentment in her tone, Sierra didn't say anything to her.

"But we haven't. I guess with him in power things are about to change soon, isn't that so, Sierra?" She laughed.

"Get out of my head." Sierra replied angrily.

"Why? You've become so harsh towards me. I hope it isn't because of the new power you've gathered as Seth's mate." Eleanor asked. Sierra closed her eyes and blocked her out of head. She felt a throbbing headache right after.

"Are you okay" Seth asked, she nodded, massaging her temple. He saw her glance quickly towards Asher whose eyes had been on them all through. The thought irked him, he looked away not showing emotion.

They continued to watch the ceremony following with melancholy music. Richard with his hand on his chest and the other one raised, he was pledging his oat of devotion to his duties, replying after the man that receded the election.

"I pledge to only work in the interest of the people. To use my authority wisely and not abuse it." The man said and Richard replied after. The long session was eventually over and the reading of the testament began.

"Thank you." Sierra said to Seth amist everything. He only managed to give her a nod and she saw that his mood wasn't right, she took his hand, running her fingers gently. He hoped she wasn't doing it for public show, because everyone was watching, waiting for mistakes.

"Whatever you're thinking, stop." She told him. He finally turned to her sighing, he brought her hand to his lips kissing it lightly.

"It makes you happy to see him win." He said and she smiled.

"I like to see you happy." He told her again She laughed softly. The onlookers had something to look at. Contrary to their beliefs they seemed to be easygoing and in love. Everyone had wondered what the two pairing would be like and how they would manage the situation. But the two was proving them wrong.

After the announcement of the congratulatory galla holding in the Hunter's pack, the election finally ended with the closing remark. Everyone didn't hesitate in swarming the new councilhead with congratulation messages. She wasn't excluded either.

They tried to use sweet tongues on her, it was tiring putting up with it. Seth noticed, he took her hand and led her out. It was evening already, she was hungry and wanted to rest, but not before seeing Richard. She saw him surrounded by a few including Asher, She could sight Dara and Eleanor around the corner. Sierra walked up to them with Seth, the people parted like sea. With one look from Seth they all dispersed instantly.

"Congratulations Richard." Seth said to him and they shook hands.

"Couldn't have done it without your assistance." He replied before turning to look at Sierra. "And yours too." He grinned.

"Of course." Seth replied.

"A beginning of a new era and great things for our pack." Richard said.

"With you in this position, I doubt we'll face any difficultiesbanytime soon." Asher said.

"You've done well." Sierra told him.

"Thank you. Are you staying for the night or flying out immediately?" He asked. "I'll like to have dinner with all of you."

She turned to look at Seth for his opinion. He shrugged. "We are flying out immediately. As the mate to Seth, your daughter and Alpha. I should partake in preparing for the congratulatory soiree for you."

"You have done enough. Thank you." He smiled.

"We'll have that dinner after the party." Seth added and Richard seemed pleased with it.

"How about you Asher?" Sierra asked him.

"I'll be here with our council head, we'll fly together to the Hunters pack." He said.

"Alright. Come I'll like to speak with you privately." She led him away from the men to a quiet corner. She felt Dara and Eleanor follow.

"What are you doing here?!" She barked at them.

"Don't be so rude now, Sierra. We came to join in the elections just like the others, Sierra." Eleanor said. Dara hissed at Eleanor. Tension following between the two supernaturals.

"I came to speak with you urgently. Eleonor has refused to offer her female quareens to us just like we agreed in our deal." She said. Sierra groaned, this two were about to be trouble for her.

"You risked your identities exposing. Couldn't it wait until I come back. Stop putting me in a tight position."

"No one knows how long you'll be away. She threatened to kill the hybrids. I don't take threats well." Dara glared at Eleanor.

"They can never be part of us." Eleanor replied.

"You need to do something fast. We feel unsafe, too many persons know of our existence, including Seth. And although you guaranteed our protection you haven't acted on it, I won't sit still." Dara said angrily.

"What do you want?" Sierra asked.

"Give us your female werewolves instead."