

Sierra didn't like the idea of leaving Seth behind with a sea of crazed wolves, even though she knew he was Strong enough to defend himself. Maybe she was just worried about his wellbeing, nevertheless She and Asher ran through the gates easily as they were lesser wolves within it. The building was made of metal, spread around several acres, She needed to know where the volcanic lair was.

"Hide" Asher said pushing her behind one of the huge pillars. Several rogues pushed out from the entrance door to the outside field, they marched in their numbers, One stopping to sniff the air in light suspicion. Sierra held her breath, closing her eyes tight, her hands wrapped around her gun waiting to strike if they were discovered. The rogue backed out and moved out with the crowd. When non came out, she signalled Asher they they should go in.

"Be careful!" She said to him in the mindlink as they looked around.

"What are we looking for?" Asher asked her.

"A route to the lair, from descriptions it is built in the shape of a volcano, another building within this premises but we can only access it from the inside, there's a path connected from the fort to the lair. We have to go through it, so that's what we're looking for."

"There are so many rogues in here, I can sense them. We are in their building they know this place more than us, they can get us trapped, try as hard as possible to not get caught. kill silently " Sierra told him again through the mindlink.

"How do we get through the entrance door, it has a security system. If it does recognize us the alarm will go off" Asher pointed to the scanner at the side.

"I'll create an illusion. I haven't tapped into this side for a long time, shit is going to hurt so bad" She said. "Hold unto me"

He held her hand. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the energy around them, drawing into it. Her head began to spin but she was hellbent on doing it, she thought of what she wanted the mirage to look like, Rogues, she needed to smell Like them.

"It's done, don't say anything until I tell you to."

She held his hand and walked through the entrance into the main building, it looked more like a factory, more rogues came into view, they held weapons upon weapons. Some rushing out, other's doing one thing or the other. She held her breath afraid of apprehension. She walked pass them unnoticed

Her energy draining fastly, the illusion was going to disappear any second and they'll be discovered, she needed a safe spot instantly. She was about to hide within the walls when it lit up around them. Dexter's face coming into view she gasped, she was standing close to the wall screen it felt as if he could see through her.

"My soldiers!" He called out, next to him was Phillip Morris and many other strange looking people on mask behind him. It felt occultic. All the rogues stopped to watch the wall screens around them. His face was everywhere.

"We have invaders, a rogue gave out our location, unfortunately the fool is dead now. Good thing we made adequate preparation to go into war, if the Alpha hadn't comply with my demands, but now they've brought death to our doorsteps. Our enemies have come to destroy all that we built. Protect the fort with your lives, guide the entrance with everything, on no account should they gain access inside. Bring me the head of the Alpha's!" He said and the walls went blank, changing to normal again.

The rogues carried on with what they were doing, she walked into a dim hallway feeling lightheaded, there was a door, she opened it and got in, it was a storage room, filled with drugs. Seeing nobody inside she dropped the camouflage. Falling to the floor nosebleeding and groaning. Asher came into view

"Are you alright?" He asked. looking around, his head was spinning lightly.

"I'll be fine, give me a minute" She said. Her head pounding uncontrollably, she almost couldn't breathe.

"There's more aconitum in the storage, get it quickly" A voice came from outside.

"I hate being around that shit, why don't you go get it"

"We need it now, go get it and stop being a weakling "

"Fine" Footsteps approached the door and Asher panicked.

"No wonder, I don't feel too well, it's the drugs" Asher grunted out in pain, his eyes took in the containers In the shelves. He stood by the door waiting Once the door unlocked and the rogue got in he grabbed him by the neck snapped it. The rogue died instantly.

"We have to leave here" He said to Sierra on the floor.

"I can't stand up, give me time" She hissed.

"Why are you taking too long to get it" The voice of the second person was heard.

"Shit" Asher cursed bringing out his knife.

"Fine, I'm coming in" As the rogue got to the door, opening it, Asher attempted to stab him, but he caught Asher hands, swinging him over. His claws were out ready to claw out Asher's eyes.

Asher merely dodged, it cut through his cheek.. The smell of aconitum slowing him down and getting him weak. He delivered a weak blow to the rogue. He tried to reach for the knife but he couldn't, the rogue tried to stab him with his claws, he held the rogues hands trying to keep it away from his face.

Sierra got up with everything in her, using the head of her gun to hit the rogue, he fell to the ground, and she sliced his face into two with her elongated claws. Blood and the contents in his head spilling out.

"Get up, Get up" She told him. Asher struggled up, she took the oxygen mask from the floor that had fallen from the rogues they killed, she gave one to Asher while she wore one.

"The rogues wanted to take the drugs to their ammunition warehouse, they would put in the bullets, that place must be linked to the lair, we carry the drugs and pretend to deliver them. There we can find out where that is"

"Yes, that'll work, but won't they recognize us even with the mask on, we'll cover our faces with a scarf. Check outside there's a cart where we'll put the drugs in."

He went outside and pushed in two carts. They began to fill it with jars of aconitum.

"Now we strip them off their clothes, we need the disguise."

They did so and quickly changed into the uniforms of the rogue. "I'll drag them into the freezer, clean up the blood " She instructed.