

Asher you will come with us, Benita stay around the jet, we need it to be safe, All three of us will head towards the volcanic lair "

"yes Alpha " Asher and Benita chorused.

"ready?" Seth asked her and she nodded.

Asher brought the jet to the ground it slid through the ice. Once it stopped, Sierra got down with her fully loaded guns in both arms. Seth walking behind her. The minute the door to the jet opened rogues came into view, they rushed towards them, she aimed her gun and fired relentlessly making her way out of the jet until they are out in the open.

She saw a missile shoot straight to the gates of the fort blasting it but it didn't open. More jets landed, her soldiers poured out with their guns, and the exchange of bullets began. Some shape shifted into their wolves form to attack. A feral rogue wolf came at her she shot at it, but it was super fast dodging her bullets running straight to her, saliva dropping from it's mouth, before it stood a chance to get to her, Seth shot at it from the side, blowing the head open.

"Clean shot" She commented, he smirked.

" We should head towards the gate " He told her. She nodded, running through the sea of rogues and shooting at whichever came at her. They were relentless. She turned back and saw Seth behind her. He was firing non-stop at all sides with clean precision, not missing a single shot. In her distraction a wolf jumped at her pulling her to the ground snapping it's teeth against her, Seth fired thrice at it and it fell limp. She pushed the dead wolf off her, he gave her a hand up.

"Thank you" She muttered.

"Saving your ass" He commented.

She continued racing through the wolves, some wolves behind them turned to chase at them as they ran towards the gate , the once at the gate formed a defense system to block any entrance.

"what do we do?" Asher asked as he caught up with them, panting heavily.

"Get pass them." She replied removing a hand bomb from her pocket as she ran.

"Throw me a lighter!' She yelled at Seth. He held a wolf by it's neck, ripping it into two, briefly pulling out the light from the zipper in his coverall and throwing it at her, a wolf jumped at it, catching it with it's teeth and breaking it.

"Motherfucker!" Sierra came at it, removing a knife and stabbing it at the neck over and over again. " I need to light this" She yelled in the midst of the chaos. Right after another missile landed several feet away from them exploding, the force flinging all of them out. She struggled up coughing from the smoke, immediately she ran towards the direction of the burning flame.

"Just what I needed" She commented. More wolves blocking her path, she shot until she was out of bullet. She tucked in the gun, to her track suit. Her claws sprouting out she used them to fight, slicing which ever came to her Into pieces. She got to the burning flame, quickly lighting the rope connected to the handbomb. With all her strength she threw it at the werewolves blocking the gate. It blasted them into pieces. She reached to her pockets for more. Two bullets rip straight into her arm.

"Fuck!" She cursed dropping the bomb to the ground. Asher came into view quickly shooting at her shooter.

"Where were you, you were supposed to cover me" She yelled at him.

"I'm sorry, there are too many of them, Seth's has his hands full too" He said still shooting around them, more rogues coming from every angle.

"They'll stop at nothing to ensure we don't get to the gates, we need to go in. Tell the commander Augustine to have the soldiers on air fire more missiles at the gates. I'll get this bullets out in a sec" She groaned. Her mind was too messy to communicate through the mindlink.

When she saw more blast at the rogues in the gates she knew Asher had passed the message. She used her claws to slice through her injured arm, more blood pouring out, she got hold of the first bullet pulling it out. She grunted. Asher was shooting rapidly trying hard to cover her as she pulled the bullet out, he almost couldn't keep up. She searched for Seth, their eyes connected, his hands covered in blood, he'd just ripped out a wolves head. He threw it away, reached for his gun and started firing around him. She saw that he was shooting at her direction too, giving her the time she needed to pull the second bullet out, After which she did and immediately loaded her guns with more bullets.

"Let's go, let's go!" She yelled and they sprinted towards the gate that had only less wolves since the blast. Blood covered the snow, dead and dismantled bodies everywhere, she clenched her fist seeing few of her soldiers lying in cold blood.

"You and Asher should go in, they won't stop chasing at us, I'll try to distract them" Seth told her.

"We're going in together!" She refused.

"Don't be stubborn, I'll meet you both inside, there are more rogues inside than outside, be extremely careful. Asher I trust you to watch over her." He said.

"Yes-" he didn't complete his sentence when Seth suddenly pushed the both of them down.

"No shit!" Asher commented as he looked up and saw that Dexter's own had loaded his own jets and they were currently in an air to air combat with Sierra's own jet fighters. Some raining down bullets at the soldiers on ground.

"How did they prepare in such short period?" she asked in surprise.

"He'd always expected something like this happen. Seem like it was a plan B, very smart. They don't want us to get in at all" Seth said.

"Eleonor I need you and your team to take down the jets on air that ain't ours" She reached out to her auntie.

"I got you" A reply came from her.

Immediately Dexter jets began to go into flame on air, some falling down to the earth, crashing with no known cause. Sierra again marveled at how much strength quareens hard, how they could manipulate energy and gravity.

"How are your soldiers doing that?" Seth asked.

"We have our ways.Thats the distraction we need, let's go in!"

With her command they push towards the entrance.