

"We have fours hours before we get to the ice mountains" Asher reported

"Let me address the soldiers." She said. He connected the ATC for her and she immediately got on board with the others.

"Alpha Sierra here. We have Fours hours before we approach the mountains. Prepare yourself mentally for what is to come. Your sector commander should go through the plan with all of you again. We work as a team and no person should move on his or her own Accord. Do you copy that." Getting the affirmations she needed she disconnected the line.

"The rogue, eyes still on him?" Asher asked.

"Yes we still gat eyes on him. How about you rest, I'll take charge of the jet"

"No. I'm okay, don't worry I can do this" He disagreed.

"You've been awake for hours now. You need to rest, I need my beta strong and ready for this. Don't argue with me this once, just do as I say "

"But Alpha-'

"It's an order, beta" She growled in displeasure. He nodded and backed down, before going to strap down to his seat and closing his eyes for sleep. She took charge in piloting the jet, this was one of things she learnt while training as an enforcer, aviation.

Night flights were amazing, calming and peaceful even, but she knew there was nothing peaceful about today, especially when it was dawn. She wondered how the hostages were, if they were alive and how they were faring. This time she really needed Seths plan to work. Shes trusted him with something as huge as this. If they lost again she'll be shattered.

"You have to draw a line between him being a beta and a friend." Seth whispered behind her.

"You're awake?" She asked.

"Yes, I've been a for a while now. For a beta he disobeys you a lot."

"He doesn't. Asher is just watching out for me" She refuted.

"I see"

"Wait, are you jealous?" She teased.

"Of him? why will I be" He asked.

"I don't know, but you sound like it" She said and he rolled his eyes.

"Sierra." he whispered standing behind her. She could feel him step closer until there wasn't any space left between them. Her back was connected to his chest.

"What do you want from me, Seth"

"So much, Love. Things that you can't give me" He slipped his hands to her stomach, he rubbed gently. She sighed in satisfaction.

"This isn't the right time."

"I know, I just can't help it. There's always bad timing with us, we find each other in the most inconvenient ways"

"yeah." She muttered.

"I want you to be mine" A pure animalistic growl came from him. She could feel her wolf purring, she liked it. To be owned but yet she hated the idea. She was an Alpha, domination didn't really sit well with them.

"We have a deal, don't we?" She asked

" To hell with the deal , I want you to be mine from your own free will."

"Let's not talk about this now." She dodged.

"I see " He said softly. He needed to see her face and read her emotions. If only it was visible. He so badly wanted to kiss her, but he needed the timing to be right, because if he had a taste he wouldn't want to stop, he'll need more to quench his hunger. Afraid that if she didn't stop him or oppose he might end up taking her right there and then. Didn't matter if the world was crumbling before them, he'll make sure they shared so much pleasure and passion, before considering anything else.

"We have Fours hours before we get there. Anything we should talk about? she changed the topic.

"Once they see our jets, my shadows will start striking, bringing down the Marids. We'll start bombing. I've heard from my shadows that some part of the fort is impenetrable, built with meteorite, special one's."

"How's that possible?'

"Dexter is a lot smarter than I give him credit for. He Has made a lot of connections for himself over the years."

"I agree."

"Immediately we start bombing, we're basically raising alarms, If his security system is as active, they'll be informed of our coming thirty minutes before we land there, and we blow up the rogue for a start, set him in a state of panic and confusion. While he's trying to understand what's happening, we use that to our advantage and destroy the parts of his fort that can be penetrated. Descend, have the soldiers go in through the designated part. We go in on foot to the volcanic lair so we don't alert him, killing as many as we can. My shadows will surround the mountains so there's no route for escape."

"I understand. I can't wait to see him, he's caused me so much trouble."

"Soon, soon"

"I'll check the system and get in contact with my shadows." He walked away from her.

She concentrated on flying them safely to their destination. As they approached the mountains the cloud got thicker, it was snowing. Just as expected, the mountain was called ice mountains because it snowed all seasons. Her anxiety grew with every passing minute. four hours turning to three and then two and one.

"Asher, Benita, wake up" She ordered. They quickly sprung up. "It's almost time."

She spoke into the ATC again.

"Attention soldiers, approaching the mountains in the next 45 minutes, prepare the ammunition and ready to fire on my command." She got off it and turned to Seth. " Any news?"

"Shadows on watch. They'll soon be alerted about our arrival "

"Asher take over the engines " She said leaving the cockpit.

She went to Benita, typing into her system furiously. " Five more minutes before we blow up the rogue "

They all exchange looks and nods.

"Three more minutes.... Two more....In five, four, three, two and boom!"