

A red light showed on the screen of the laptop following the explosion. "I Picked a signal from the chip before it exploded, detected several rogues within the premises. Surely the explosion has caused alarm."

"Good, good. We need them to feel fear and confusion" Sierra said.

"I'm sure they'll go to inform Dexter about this immediately and they'll try track down where it came from, they'll raise alarm and double security. We won't give them the chance to." Seth said. He closed his eyes as if to concentrate.

Sierra watched him intently, he was communicating with his shadows, it was now possible to mindlink as they were around the same perimeter.

"Asher activate the missiles. We're fifteen minutes away from landing." She ordered

" Yes, Alpha."

She began to strap in her weapons to her track suit, Benita and Seth did the same. The snow only fell heavier.

The outline of the mountains came in full view, dewy and dark, she could tell it was very cold. A few more minutes and they'll all face the war.

"Twenty more minutes before we land." Asher said.

"Seth, news from your enforcers?"

"Marids sighted, they're coming out of their hideouts.Dexter is faster than we think, he already got them on look out for us" He said.

"Not good." She groaned out.

"My shadows will take care of them. They need my signal to attack."

"Alpha, the jet is picking up radiative signals , it's slowing down our engines." Asher panicked.

"Urgh! That bastard, how's he he so fast. How did he get a radiative antennal. Release the missiles now!!" She yelled.

The jet beeped out loud danger alert, red lights flashing around them. She panicked they would go down if she didn't do something about it.

"It's a transfer of energy from the Marids, like a conductor they are powering the antenna which produces the wave radiation that's destroying our engines and slowing down the jets. If we can counter it." Seth explained.

The jet began to gallop, causing them to hold onto anything close to them.

"How's he so smart. This is not good at all. Your shadows, let them strike the Marids now!"

"He wants to slow us down. I've issued a command to my shadows."

"Asher the missiles"

"I can't launch them, they'll explode mid air!" He yelled over the loud beeping sound.

"Shit! shit! shit!" She cursed

"Alpha, you can do something. You're a quareen, you possess the ability" Asher said in the mindlink.

"Seth is here, so is Benita. I have to communicate to Eleanor, she and some of the quareens have taken the appearance of our soldiers and are flying in a separate jet" She told him.

"She's here? okay okay, we don't have time"" he said again in the mind link.

She closed her eyes channeling her energy towards that of her Eleanor. She was able to access her mind soon enough.

"Sierra do you see this. Marids! our kind, they exist" Eleanor's voice came through.

"Auntie we need to stop them. They are destroying our jets."

"They are our kind, Sierra. I won't cause harm to them. I promised to help you kill rogues. Not Marids, do you know what they are. They come from the same line as us."

"This is not the time" She yelled in total frustration. "Help me stop this, I beg you. You're not killing them, we're blocking them from transferring energy to the radiation antenna. else the jets will crash!"

"I'll only do this if we don't kill any of them. They all come out of this alive."

Sierra groaned, she hated being trapped and it was happening. Seth shadows won't spare any of the Marids. She will try her best to keep only a few alive, if she could. Eleanor needed to understand that the Marids worked for the enemy not them.

"I promise" She compromised.

"Hold on to your word. It won't be funny if you go back on it. I and my people will compress their minds."

"Thank you" She exited Eleanor's mind.

"You're nosebleeding!" Seth pointed out.

"I'm good, it's the loud ringing from the engines." She wiped the blood with her sleeves.

"Asher get the second engine working!" She commanded. She connected to the ATC again and communicated with the others.

"Alpha Sierra on line. All jet pilots get the second engine working, Ascend high, it'll reduce the strength of the radiation, we'll deactivate it soon! Clear "

"We can only fight through this, try your best to land the jets. Sierra communicate again with the other jets to land anywhere they can" Seth told her.

"My soldiers will deactivate the radiation" She said to him.

"They can?" He asked surprisingly.

"They'll try."

"Engine overheating " The mechanic voice said out loud.

"Oh no we're going to crash " Benita gasped. They were going at a ridiculously high speed towards the ground, very close to falling to the earth. Then suddenly everything suddenly cooled down. The loud ringing stopped and the engines picked up.

"Yes baby, We're on board again" Benita cheered.

Sierra breathed out a sigh of relief. Asher sprung the jet up again and they were heading towards the fort, rogues were running out, some transitioned to their animal form, others with guns. They flooded the arena.

"It's game time" Asher grinned.

"Launch the missiles" Sierra gave the signal.

He hit on a red button and two metallic bombs were fired straight to the rogues it caused a big explosion. Soon as it did the other jets began to release theirs.

"You have an amazing team of soldiers, not even my shadows would have been able to deactivate a radiator conducted by the minds of supernaturals that easy" He said lightly, suspicions in his tone but he brushed it off, it wasn't time for that.

"What can I say we're good at what we do." She connected to the ATC again " Enforcers attack according to how you've been assigned. The time is now!"

"It's time to land, Asher" She said calmly staring intensely at the flames and rogues on the ground.