

Sierra knew she wouldn't be able to keep this secret for too long, not now that Seth was hot on her trail. She could finally have a hot bath, as she soaked In the tub her mind still wouldn't stop playing the conversation with Seth. It wasn't heated like most of their arguments, but this was different, his threat was strong. She was sure she he would carry on with it if she didn't do as he'd said.

Now the tables had turn it was different, Eleanor no longer wanted her to reject him now, neither should she accept him, but she should lead him on and play him, that was seeming more difficult than rejection. The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, she had a headache. When everything was over what would she do? she asked herself over and over again. It was time to start putting the plan to action. Work on the desire he felt for her, he could try and act all cold as much as he wants, but he couldn't hide his need for her.

She left the tub feeling refreshed. There has been so much going on in the pack she almost forgot her life outside the pack as a CEO, even though she had a figurehead who was responsible for the company, she made the decisions concerning sparrow jewelries.

She made a long phone call to the acting CEO, after which she attended to all the pending mails. It took the whole night but she was finally done with it. She fell to the bed for a few hours of sleep before it'll be dawn and she would have to go to the lab, and follow the lab technicians for the vaccine administration today.

Sleep came after a short while, a very much needed rest, she was mentally exhausted. The alarm clock woke her up when the morning came. Grudgingly she dressed smartly for the occasion. She was a bit surprised to see Ian in the house, he was so busy with the lab he was barely at home.

She sat at the dining table with him and Cynthia made to serve the food, after they muttered good mornings to themselves.

"Your alpha was here last night." She told him. He seemed a bit surprised, it changed the narrative and suspicions she had about hm giving Seth the way in.

"I wasn't aware." He replied.

"I wondered how he managed to get in, with no one present, Cynthia wasn't here last night. I thought about you giving him the access."

"No I didn't. I wouldn't do that without your permission, he might be my Alpha, but I respect you as much."

"I understand. At first we started on the wrong foot, but so far things have changed the dynamic between us. You're a good beta and a good man. I respect that."

"Thank you, Alpha. I understand why you feel suspicious of me. Seth can break into wherever and whatever place he wants to, it has nothing to do with me , I can assure you that. I'll do all I can to render my assistance to this pack." He said seriously. If there was anything Sierra had learnt about Ian during his stay here, it was that, he was a man of his words.

"Are you helping this pack because of your Alpha?" She asked curiously.

"Yes I am. I am bound to my Alpha, if he says to pull the trigger on you right now, I would do so without any hesitation." He said with a serious expression and she laughed. She liked the sincerity, she didn't expect a different answer from him.

"And if he said to shoot Sarah?' She asked deliberately. She saw hesitation on his face, he didn't know what to say confirming her suspicions. He and Sarah had something going on. Working together for so long caused that, they had almost the same character trait, shared the same interest.

"We'll be late, Alpha." He dodged The topic. She laughed again amusingly.

"Of course, I'll leave you to your meal." They ate silently after. When they were done, she instructed Cynthia on what to do before leaving with Ian in the same vehicle. They got to the lab together, it was more busy than ever. A lot of vans parked at the corner, she watched as they carried in crates of small glass tubes, filled with brownish liquid substances and syringes. Loading them carefully into white van that was built specifically to transport this chemicals.

"Very good." She commented.

"We succeeded in injecting all the infected wolves in the lab and hospital yesterday. Come and see the situation." Ian told her. They got to the part of the Lab that held feral wolves in cages. So many cages, she lost count.

They were a lot calmer compared to when they wanted to claw their way out. Still she still saw the crazed look in their eyes.

"It'll take some time for it to kick in. A Maximum of three days and they'll be good, then they can leave to their families."

"Thank God, I cannot imagine how much their family members must have missed them. How did you inject them?"

"Shoot them with sleeping bullets before we inject, one after the other. Took the whole team to achieve it, through the whole of yesterday." He said.

"Good job, what about the bitten humans?"

"Sara's with them, Please Come." He said and they went to the other side of the lab, with several closed doors in the hallway. They entered into the General ward, where the Humans they haven't transitioned were strapped to their beds. No struggles , only little groaning here and there.

Medical personnels were present with them, including Sarah. In one of the open curtain, she watched keenly as Sarah administered the vaccine. Injecting the syringe to the left shoulder of the human as several guard held her down. She immediately went limp when Sarah was done.

"Good job everyone." She applauded. They bowed to her offering smiles.

"Alpha." Sarah greeted disposing her gloves.

"You've done really well. I'm proud of you and your team for achieving this."

"Thank you Alpha. We just concluded with the patients here. We've sent supplies into town to start the administering of the prevention vaccine. After which we'll fumigate the entire pack. We should be done in a week or two. We have a lot of helping hands." She said happily.

"I see. How many times will you inject the vaccine to this ones." She asked curiously.

"Three times a day, supply them with enough oxygen, some have trouble breathing." Ian was the one to reply

"Since they haven't start transitioning, will they complete transition?" Sierra asked.

"No, not really. They'll continue their lives as human, the vaccine will boost their immune system to fight the infected cells that are responsible for transition. It'll be a lot easier to destroy as there isn't too many of them produced in their system yet." Sarah explained.

"What about the ones In the process of transitioning?" She asked again.

"Come with us, Alpha." They walked into the next hall, here she could see the humans that have sprouted furs, tails, some their eyes had changed already. Transitioning from human to werewolf was one of the most painful and excruciating experience in the world, only very few survived such immense pain.

"What will happen to them?" She asked

"The vaccine will help ease the process of transitioning. But they'll transition fully, only that they'll be omegas." Ian said.

Omegas were the least ranked wolves, considered to be at the bottom of the werewolf hierarchy. It was no good position and they were often ostracized by others, but she'll make sure it'll be a different experience for them in her pack.

"Alright. Now everything is settled in here. Let's head into town." She instructed.


Feeling quite generous today, third chapter on its way. Comments, reviews and tips please. I love you all, do you love me too?