

Sierra was in the vehicle with Ian and Sarah, trucks followed closely behind, including the vans of the enforcers. She couldn't wait to put all this behind her. A phase, she wanted it to pass quickly.

As they got to the first street she watched the vehicles disperse, sharing themselves into different unit to ensure the smooth sailing

of things, plus they'd be faster. Their vehicle coming to a stop in the part of the town that harboured the wealthy park elders.

They got out, some medical personnels trailing with them, they wore their lab coats looking utterly serious.

"Ian You can go ahead to the other houses with the team you'll need, I'll help Sarah." She said and he nodded understandingly before pointing at three persons and barking orders at them. She knocked at the door, after a few more attempt it was opened by a woman, no older than forty.

"Alpha." She bowed immediately, wearing a small smile on her face. "Please do come in." She said invitingly.

She got inside the manor, three more persons were inside, they seemed to be her children. She recognized them. The lady was the wife to an elder that passed away a year ago.

"We are here to administer the vaccine. I hope we can carry on with that smoothly." Sierra said calmly.

"Of course. We can't hinder that at all, I want what's best for the pack." The Lady smiled. Calling her children to the living room to sit. She watched Sarah and her team bring the small tubes that had liquid substances, quickly filling the syringe with it. Sarah walked first to the old Lady, she rolled the sleeves of her dress to her shoulders. Sarah dabbed cotton wool into spirit cleaning the spot before injection the medicine into the lady who winced slightly at the intrusion. It was quick and over with in no time. The other people who had come with her, quickly doing the same to the children. She opened a small bin bag and disposed the needles.

Sierra watched carefully, rendering assistant when needed, she didn't mind being an errand girl, as long as she did it for the packs safety, she would do anything.

"You might feel a little headache later, but that should be just it. Maybe a little numbness in your left arm but anything aside that please contact the health center immediately. This is the number you should call " Sarah proceeded to read out a number to the old woman.

"Does this mean we're immune to the virus?" It was the woman's daughter that had asked.

"You're less likely to get it, if bitten or in contact with it. Just be safe.' Sierra said to them with a calm smile.

"That's alright. Thank you?" The woman said and Sierra offered a small smile.

"We'll take our leave now." Sierra led the team out and they walked to the next manor. Repeating the same process, everything seemed to be going on fine. She would call occasionally and mindlink the other team to find out if they've encountered any trouble so far, but everything had been good. The process wasn't easy at all, it was tiring and they were repeating the same routine, hours had passed. Tired and hungry but they had a few more houses to cover in this district.

The next house they entered wasn't so welcoming. Infact they reluctant into letting her in, but baring her canines to them did the Job. She knew not many tolerated her as Alpha, some were strongly Dexter supporters. Those that had a lot to gain when he was in power they ate from his palm. But now that things had changed they no longer benefited as they had done before.

She blocked all of them from drying the pack with their greedy mouths. Some simply didn't like her as a woman. She wouldn't anyone hinder this process that was why she'd come to supervise it even deploying soldiers to lead the medical personnels making sure the job was getting done.

This time it was a family of seven. From her observation she noticed three teenage children, the others relatives and parents. There gazes carried disdain.

"You know what we're here for." Her voice was Cold and acidic.

"We can't just let anybody inject things into us. We don't know what that is, we have rights. And I reject the shot." The eldest son about nineteen said.

"I'll have you know that it's not an option. I'm merely informing you of the reason for our presence. As your Alpha you'll obey me." She fired angrily.

"We have our rights Alpha. Every werewolf is born with a right of choice. And we decided we do not want whatever malicious and devilish thing you intend to infect us with in the pretence and disguise of a medicine. Go away with it." It was the mother that said this time.

She let her eyes watch the family. She knew them, their was barely any family she didn't know in the pack. Every pack member was registered and must be known before living in moonlight pack. She may not have a dept knowledge of everyone, at least she had to be a bit familiar with them. They also supported Dexter in his reign she recognized.

She watched as the youngest son probably fifteen, scratched his hand hysterically. Avoiding her eyes, she knew something was wrong. She had sensed it perhaps smelt it.

"We'll sedate you, if you choose to be stubborn." She told them again. Her voice unwavering.

"I said no, Alpha. You might be the leader of this pack but it's your duty to respect our wishes." The father finally said.

"You leave me no choice then.' Her eyes hard, just about to give the signals to the enforcers to shoot the sedative. The youngest dived at her switching to his wolf form midair. His eyes red and blazing, saliva dropping from his mouth he looked feral, others from the family changing and attacking.

"I knew something was off about them. They've been bitten." Sarah said quickly aiming to shoot at the rogue wolf speeding at her, it dodged flawlessly.

"I saw the way their eyes couldn't stay focused. They itched to kill, bloodlust and all that. How had they turned rogue and nobody could figure them out?" Sierra pushed the wolf off her as she talked to Sarah. The enforcer at the corner timing precisely before releasing several shots to two of the wolves to have them fall limp.

"Thanks." She muttered to him. Sarah was still trying to evade the wolf that tried to rip off her limp. Sierra used the butt of her AK gun to hit the wolf on the head. It fell down bleeding, she made to hit it again, stopping halfway realizing that the intent was to make sure no person was harmed anymore.

The enforcers had succeeded in gunning down the rest of the rogue family. She exhaled in relief.

"Take them into the van, We'll put them in the cages and administer to them in the lab. " Sierra ordered the enforcers. They nodded proceeding to follow her orders.

"How had they not shown sign of going rogue at first. I almost didn't notice, until I saw how they looked uneasy, twitching and being uncomfortable in my presence." Sierra said to Sarah.

"I'm as confused. They should have gone rogue immediately after bitten. but they could still act pretty normal, unless the virus took a longer time to act up. Maybe it was an already infected human that bit one of them so the Venom wasn't as strong, and that person had proceeded in biting the rest of their family members." Sarah analyzed.

"Makes sense," Sierra said with a thoughtful look. " We better keep looking, we don't know if they had passed it on to their neighbors. Come on." Sierra said and they all went to the next building.

It was already dark by the time they ad covered that particular district in the park. A great achievement. She was exhausted, they met few challenges on the way, resistance and even hidden infected rogue wolves, either way everything had gone smoothly. Day one completed. Six more days until she made her decision with Seth.