
Alpha Prince Eclipse

Alazne "You ask me how I am bleeding even though my blood is dripping from your claws" "You demonstrated how to stab someone in the chest, but you still asked where I got the knowledge to do it." "You destroy the light inside of me, but you ask why I have so much darkness around me?" "Now that I am who you have made me to be, embrace it and take pride in it" Eclipse "I will never be able to take pride in my accomplishments. A cruel joke from fate is that happiness I will never experience with you. "If I have extinguished that light in you, I will return the way I came and light it again." "Being consumed by the gloom of the past, we have unknowingly turned into shadows of each other." "Yes, you were made by me today, but I promise to make the best version of you tomorrow."

Gold234 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

A King's Promise

King Anselmo, the Alpha King of the Lycans, stood before his guards and warriors, his face twisted in anger. The young lady's disappearance had left him fuming and unable to find the words to describe the rage he felt. He stared at them frostily, his eyes icy with a hint of danger. The guards and warriors trembled under his gaze, unsure of what to expect from their king.

"How could this happen?" King Anselmo asked, his voice calm but with an underlying tone of fury. "How could a single person pass through all boundaries without anyone noticing?"

The head guard replied hesitantly, "No one passed, my king. We were at every exit of the hospital, but there was no suspicious activity."

The king sneered at their response, suspecting that they were hiding something from him. "Are you saying that Alazne disappeared into thin air on her own or did the earth open up and swallow her? Your response doesn't sound convincing," he said flatly.

"We are deeply sorry, my King," the head guard continued, "We have already sent some of our best trackers to find the person responsible for this act."

King Anselmo was not satisfied and ordered them to call the trackers back. He also instructed them to call his sons, but not to inform Eclipse, the first prince, as he knew he would not want to face his wrath. Lois, the Lycan queen, stood by the king, her guilt written all over her face. She couldn't protect Eclipse's mate, and she knew this situation would only worsen their strained relationship.

"Call them back," the king said, his voice firm, and his words were like a vow. "We'll have a chat later. I think you people have become too comfortable with your duties."

The head guard nodded, surprised by the king's decision but not daring to question it. "Yes, my king," he said before bowing and leaving the hall.

"Lois, calm down," the king said, trying to reassure her. "When Eclipse returns, I'll inform him myself. But let's hope his anger towards you doesn't intensify."

The Alpha King was well aware of the tension between his first son and the current queen. No matter how hard he tried to address the issue, the relationship between them only grew more strained. He hoped that Eclipse would not take his anger out on the queen and prayed that they would find Alazne before he returned to the kingdom.

The Alpha king, Anselmo, strode out of his castle donning a long Chinese robe and a hat. The hem of his robe gracefully caressed the ground as he walked towards the open space where his two sons, Zane and Christoph, were waiting for him. The sight of their father wearing that particular robe made them feel uneasy, for they knew that he only wore it when he planned to inflict pain and suffering on his enemies during battle. 

The two young men looked up at their father in awe, but they could sense that something was amiss. Anselmo's aura was bleak and his expression was stern. "We need to find her before your elder brother discovers that she is missing," he said in a somber tone. The urgency in his voice was palpable and it sent chills down their spines. 

Alazne's disappearance was a matter of great concern for the Alpha king. Whoever was responsible for her disappearance would face severe consequences. Anselmo was known for his strict rule and punishing those who disobeyed him. He ruled his kingdom with an iron fist and was feared by all who dared to cross him. 

"Okay, Father," the two young men replied in unison as they transformed into their other selves without damaging their clothes. The king had already transformed into his beast, and they were ready to follow him into action. As they set out to find Alazne, they knew that they were in for a perilous journey, one that would test their strength and courage to the limit.

Lois stood on the balcony, her eyes fixed on the three rapidly disappearing figures of her family. Her heart raced with anxious anticipation, hoping that they would find Eclipse's mate before he returned. She couldn't bear the thought of facing his wrath if they failed, knowing that he would lecture her or mock her for being a weak Lycan queen who knew nothing but climbing the social ladder, unlike the first Lycan queen whose strength was admired across the continent. Lol

The first queen was a remarkable woman, strong-willed and courageous, who captured the king's heart from the moment they met. As an Omega, a lower-ranked she-wolf, it was unheard of for someone of her status to be accepted into the royal pack. However, the king disregarded rank and welcomed her with open arms, and the royal pack followed suit. Their love was pure and sincere, and it was evident to everyone around them.

Eclipse, their firstborn, was conceived a century after the king and queen met. His arrival was a joyous moment in their lives, a testament to their love. However, the birth was prophesied to be challenging, and the queen was warned that if the child survived, she would not live long enough to see him grow into a man. Despite the ominous prediction, the queen was determined to have the child, and her fierce determination prevailed.

Tragically, the queen passed away a mere six years later, leaving behind a heartbroken family. Only Eclipse knew how Lois was connected to his mother's death and the complexities of their relationship. Eclipse could sense that Lois was ambitious and had her sights set on climbing the social ladder, but he couldn't help but wonder if she played a role in his mother's untimely demise. The loss of his mother was a wound that festered deep within him, and he was not quick to trust anyone, especially not Lois, who he saw as an outsider trying to worm her way into his family.

Eclipse's animosity towards Lois was palpable, evident in every icy stare and cutting remark. The only thing that kept their relationship less complicated was Zane and Christoph being his brothers. Eclipse had his reasons for not approving of Lois as the woman for his father. However, despite his reservations, he yearned for his father's happiness and swallowed his dissatisfaction with his stepmother when it came to his mate. If Lois failed to find his mate, Eclipse would not hesitate to tell her off without a shred of regret.

Lois had spent a century and a half trying to make Eclipse get used to having her around, hoping that maybe, just maybe, Eclipse might come to see her as a mother and not a golddigger. She knew that Eclipse was a man with no regrets and was hard to love. He would always frustrate you with his actions or words, and bending him to your likeness would be like bending a rod without strategy. Despite all this, Lois refused to give up on him and hoped that one day, he would come to accept her as a part of his family yet she knew that Eclipse would make her know how weak of a queen she was.

Meanwhile, on the Eastern coast, Eclipse walked into a large mansion as if he owned the place, he sat down in a relaxed posture, and his face was as bleak as the night. A masculine figure gracefully descended the stairs, their long chestnut hair in a low ponytail, their aura warm and playful, their dark onyx eyes stared at the first Alpha Prince in surprise, they were not expecting him. Whatever brought him into the open might be something very important.

Eclipse sneered, "Stop admiring what is not yours" His bleak voice successfully pulled the man out of his thoughts.

"Good evening to you too," the man mumbled. How could he still be this breathtaking even though he is so old? The mysterious man thought.

Gabriel's mate leaned forward in her seat, her eyes fixed on both Gabriel and Godfrey with a stern frown. Her eyes spoke volumes, conveying her disappointment, frustration, and anger. Gabriel felt a twinge of unease under her gaze, as he was not used to seeing this side of her. Normally calm and collected, Alazne's disappearance had affected her deeply.

Gabriel let out a sigh before asking, "What's on your mind, babe?"

Both men watched her cross her arms and let out a disbelieving laugh, "How could this have happened? He was only gone for three hours, and she's already missing? And that too under your watch? I trusted you both to keep her safe, but clearly, that trust was misplaced. What are we going to do if he calls to speak with her? And you shouldn't have left the queen in her ward - he strictly left that order behind."

Godfrey let out a distraught sigh and took off his hoodie, feeling suddenly hot under the collar. He didn't know how to explain what had happened, and he could feel the weight of the hybrid's disappointment settling heavily on his shoulders. "Leticia, we can't explain how this happened. We had tight security everywhere, and no one knew that the first prince would be traveling tonight. Her disappearance makes no sense to me."

Gabriel pulled his mate into his arms with a sigh, trying to offer her comfort and reassurance. But he could tell that the situation was taking a toll on her. Meanwhile, Godfrey's mate walked into the cozy basement, a determined look etched on her face.

"Hey guys, you won't believe what I found," she said, gaining their attention.

Godfrey's mate took a deep breath before continuing, "I think we have imposters" What gibberish was this woman speaking, they asked themselves.

At this time, the Alpha King and his two sons stood at the edge of a cliff, looking down at the thousands of neon lights that shimmered in the night, the king felt unease settled in his heart, he felt like something or someone was watching them.

Zane's hands rested in his pockets leisurely, his thoughts were miles away per minute, and he worried that the human mate of his brother, Eclipse would torment their mother if they failed to find Alazne within the next few days, knowing his brother, he would call to speak with Alazne and if he doesn't get to hear her voice, he would be suspicious of her whereabouts.

Christoph's thoughts were the same, "Are you sure we should go down there?" Christoph asked their father looking beneath the cliff they stood upon.

King Anselmo nodded, "We have to or we face your brother's wrath," he mumbled, jumping down without a second thought while both brothers shook their heads following suit, asking themselves why everything had to everlastingly revolve around Eclipse.

The here men landed lightly on their feet, and they started walking around the town but never got to where they desired, Christoph was about to complain to their father when he noticed something unusual, "Isn't this the same place landed earlier?" He asked looking at the signboard before him however, his companions denied his assumptions saying that everything looked almost the same in that particular town but Christoph did not buy their claim because his other side was sure that they were coming back to the same place.

"Wait for me here," Christoph told his brother and father in a firm tone, as the third Alpha Prince, he possessed unique abilities and gifts so without further ado he used his speed to find out if his instincts were right or wrong. Within the next few minutes, he came back to the same place thrice making his family's eyes widen in disbelief.

Christoph said to the older and younger man, "Congratulations your Highness and my Prince, we are successfully trapped in an illusion" King Anselmo and Zane looked at Christoph who bowed in front of them playfully as if he was having an epilepsy attack. Is this man in his right senses?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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