
Alpha Prince Eclipse

Alazne "You ask me how I am bleeding even though my blood is dripping from your claws" "You demonstrated how to stab someone in the chest, but you still asked where I got the knowledge to do it." "You destroy the light inside of me, but you ask why I have so much darkness around me?" "Now that I am who you have made me to be, embrace it and take pride in it" Eclipse "I will never be able to take pride in my accomplishments. A cruel joke from fate is that happiness I will never experience with you. "If I have extinguished that light in you, I will return the way I came and light it again." "Being consumed by the gloom of the past, we have unknowingly turned into shadows of each other." "Yes, you were made by me today, but I promise to make the best version of you tomorrow."

Gold234 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Walk All Over Him

The trio's interest was piqued. "What do you mean?" Godfrey asked, his brows raised in surprise.

His mate pursed her lips before explaining her thoughts. "Someone who has access to Eclipse's personal life might be an imposter. Someone in the pack hospital might be an imposter. And someone among the elites might be an imposter as well as the security guards in the CCTV rooms"

Godfrey's mate's revelation sent a chill down their spines, the implications of an imposter infiltrating their pack sending a wave of unease through the trio. The thought that someone could be impersonating their Alpha, Eclipse, and gaining access to their inner circle was deeply unsettling.

Godfrey's mate's words lingered in the air, the weight of her suspicions hanging heavy over them. The bond between the three of them grew stronger as they united in their determination to protect their pack and root out the imposter lurking in their midst. 

Gabriel and Godfrey exchanged concerned glances. They hadn't considered these possibilities before. But they were the only ones who were close to Eclipse, apart from his two younger brothers. The only possibility they could think of was if there were others closer to Eclipse whom he kept a secret from them.

Godfrey had warned Eclipse about getting too close to others and keeping them in the dark. "Gab, we need to find out who these people are in the next two hours. We need to get to the bottom of this before it escalates," he said, his tone brooking no argument.

Gabriel's mate nodded in agreement, her expression softening slightly. They knew that they had to act fast if they wanted to find Alazne and solve the mystery of her disappearance. The stakes were high, and the clock was ticking.

Gabriel tightened his hold on his mate, feeling a surge of protectiveness towards her as she voiced her concerns. He knew that the weight of the situation was heavy on her shoulders, and he vowed to stand by her side no matter what challenges they faced.

As they processed the gravity of the situation, Gabriel's mind raced with possibilities. Who could be behind this elaborate scheme? And what was their ultimate goal? The safety and security of their pack were at stake, and they needed to act swiftly to uncover the truth before it was too late.

With a shared sense of purpose, Gabriel, Godfrey, and their mates set out to investigate the suspicious activities within their pack determined to uncover the truth and safeguard their loved ones from harm.

As they delved deeper into the shadows, they knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger and deception, but they were prepared to face whatever challenges came their way to protect their pack and preserve the unity and strength of their family.

As Raja was about to enjoy his dinner, a knock on his door caught his attention. Irritated, he walked to the door with his parents shaking their heads in disapproval. Raja's habit of cursing anyone who disturbed him when he was tired or had a stressful day at work was well-known to his family. He had planned to have his meal first before going to the hospital to be with Alazne, but it seemed like his plans would be ruined by whoever was at the door.

Despite his dissatisfaction, Raja opened the door and saw a young man standing in front of him. Raja immediately sensed that there was trouble. He gestured for the man to come in, shut the door, and turned to face him with raised eyebrows.

The young man shook his head and said, "She's gone."

Raja's face contorted in confusion, and he asked the man to explain himself. "What are you talking about? Speak English," he said as if the man was speaking in riddles.

The young man revealed that Alazne was missing from the pack hospital. Raja's eyes widened in shock, and he immediately lost his appetite and energy.

"How did she go missing when it hasn't even been twelve hours since her mate traveled? This is not good. How could she go missing from the hospital under the tight security of the royal pack? What were they doing? I'm going to deal with them after I find her," Raja's voice boomed in the solitude of the living room, catching his family's attention.

Raja's movements were quick, fluid, and efficient as he ran up and down the stairs within a minute. Despite his family's familiarity with him, they were surprised by his sudden urgency.

The young man then revealed that Alazne was out of the pack lands, and they had no idea where she was taken. Raja's expression turned icy, and he demanded an explanation from the young man.

"She has been taken away from our territory within the five minutes that the light went out in the hospital," the young man confirmed, his words cutting through the tense atmosphere.

Raja's father furrowed his brows, and his mind raced with different possibilities. Alazne was merely a human mate to the first prince, but only a handful of people knew that she was the mate of the first Alpha Prince, Eclipse. Unless someone else knew about his personal life, other than the people closest to him, someone had been studying him and taking note of his little details. Raja's heart sank at the thought of Alazne being taken away from him, and he resolved to find her at all costs. 

Raja's mind was racing with possibilities as he tried to piece together the situation. He could feel the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders as the protector of the royal pack. It was his duty to ensure the safety of the members of their pack, especially the first Alpha Prince's mate.

His parents were also deeply concerned, their expressions mirroring the seriousness of the situation. They knew that this was not a simple case of a missing person. Someone had deliberately taken Alazne, and it was unclear what their intentions were.

Raja's visitor, Emmison, was one of the most trusted members of the pack and had been working closely with Raja for years. He had come to inform Raja of the situation as soon as he had received the news.

Raja's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his mother's voice, "What are we going to do, Raja? We need to find her before it's too late."

Raja nodded, his mind made up. "I'm going to the hospital to investigate what happened. Meanwhile, I need you both to gather all the information we have on Alazne and the first Alpha Prince. We need to find out who could be behind this."

His father, who was a retired military general, nodded in agreement. "I'll also reach out to some of my contacts within the military. We may need their assistance in this matter."

Raja felt a sense of relief at his father's words. He knew that they needed all the help they could get, and his father's connections would be invaluable in this situation.

As Raja made his way to the hospital, his mind was filled with questions and concerns. How could someone have taken Alazne from the hospital under the tight security of the royal pack? Who could be behind this? And what was their ultimate goal?

Raja's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. It was Gabriel, the first Alpha Prince's Gemma. Raja answered the call, his tone serious, "Gabriel, what's going on?"

Gabriel's voice was filled with urgency, "Raja, we need your help. Alazne has been taken, and we don't know where she is."

Raja's heart sank at the confirmation of the news. "I'm already on my way to the hospital to investigate what happened. Do you have any leads?"

Gabriel's voice was grim, "No, we don't. But we're doing everything we can to find her. We need your help, Raja. Please."

Raja could feel the desperation in Gabriel's voice, and it only fueled his determination to find Alazne. "I'm on it, Gabriel. We'll find her. I promise."

As Raja ended the call, his mind was filled with a sense of purpose. He knew that time was of the essence, and they needed to act fast if they wanted to find Alazne and bring her back safely. 

After two hours, the two couples met in the dimly lit office of Eclipse. Godfrey checked the entire room thoroughly for any listening devices or hidden cameras, moving around with a finger on his lips to ensure complete silence. However, he was surprised not to find anything. This suggested that whoever was responsible for Alazne's disappearance had planned everything meticulously, and this plan was not made overnight.

Leticia was lost in thought, her mind racing with different scenarios and possibilities. She had a strong premonition about the disappearance of Alazne, and it was unsettling. From the day Alazne arrived in Florence, there had been a series of massive killings of orphans in the royal pack. Even some Alphas from nearby packs had complained to the king about similar occurrences in their territories.

Leticia couldn't help but wonder how long it would have taken someone to craft such a flawless scheme. It could have taken two to three years or even more to kidnap or kill someone and plant a clone of the deceased in the royal pack. It was a daunting task considering the tight security in the royal territory.

If Leticia were the one behind the scheme, she would first find out the weaknesses of the first prince under his tough exterior. If she were an outsider, she would find a way to blend into the pack through the lower ranks. "When was the last time the first prince went to war?" Leticia's question broke the palpable silence in the room.

Godfrey was confused, and he couldn't comprehend what the last war had to do with Alazne's situation. Gabriel murmured that the war had taken place twenty years ago, and there had not been any war since then.

Leticia chuckled softly, knowing that the person behind the scheme was determined to ruin the Lycans. Whoever it was, they were very smart, but not smart enough. "Were there any survivors from the enemy's side?"

Another question from Leticia made the trio furrow their brows in question. "About ten kids and twenty women," Godfrey said as he walked towards a shelf in the corner of the office. He opened it and brought out an album and a forest green file.

Godfrey motioned for everyone to sit down, and he flipped the album open. "These are the survivors. Two women were heavily pregnant at that time," he explained mildly, showing her pictures of the survivors.

This particular war was gruesome and lasted for a whole week. It was between werecats and dark witches, but since the war started to affect the werewolves, King Anselmo decided to put an end to the war, and Eclipse led it. He was merciless to both parties because they had broken the sacred oath they took to not cause a war without the Lycans' notice. The war had left a significant impact on the pack, and it seemed like it could be potentially linked to Alazne's disappearance. 

"He spared their lives because they were innocent," Gabriel spoke, remembering that moment when everyone tried to stop Eclipse from sparing the lives of the survivors, Eclipse was adamant about keeping the survivors in the royal pack instead of flying them out of Italy and distributing them to different packs around the continent. 

Leticia was surprised that Eclipse kept them in the royal pack instead of giving them out to different packs around the globe, "The mercy of an Alpha Prince, so untrue yet so rare" Leticia mumbled which her companions agreed with, it was rare for Eclipse to show mercy however, that one time, he set aside his principles and did what he thought was right.

"Just when he showed mercy, they walked all over him" a familiar voice sounded from the entrance of the office.

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