
All Bark (Twilight fic)

Follow Russell as he tries to survive and keep everything from falling apart in this new world. Well, from falling apart more than it already has.

TheTrueDao · Película
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: A Reality

The moment of transformation was like catching a fleeting dream—elusive and rewarding. As my human form solidified, I stood taller and more robust than ever, the aftermath of my own metamorphosis. The remnants of my clothes were littered across the muddy ground, torn to shreds.

Sam's advice on how to turn back consisted of focusing on my more calm and relaxing emotions. All about being zen while also focusing on how bad you want to phase back. After more than a couple mess ups, and a slight moment of panic where I thought I'd never turn back, I managed it.

Never thought I'd be so glad to be naked in the woods.

Sam, the sort of new friend Ive made through this supernatural awakening, clapped me on the back. "Good going, Russell. Trust me, it could've taken a lot longer."

Looking at his boyish grin, I couldn't help by grin back. This was without a doubt the most insane thing to ever happen to me, and it was a little daunting. Sam was a much needed presence right now.

Gratitude played across my face, mingling with the disbelief still settling in. "Thanks. I never thought I'd be so glad to see my own skin." I chuckled, my voice raspy from the long day I've had.

Sam's deep laugh felt heavy in these quiet woods. "It's a lot to take in, I know. But you're not alone. We've all been through this." He said.

His hand on my shoulder felt like an unspoken vow—a promise that I wasn't navigating my strange new reality by myself. "So, Russell, why haven't I seen you around La Push before?" He asked curiously. And I could see he really was curious.

Pulling on the new library of memories in my head, the answer was dragged to the forefront of my mind.

"Ah, you know, family drama. Mom and her kin had a falling out. She never liked the whole La Push vibe and left a while back." I shrugged, trying to make light of my complex past. "We've been living in Forks for a long time."

A dark shadow flickered in Sam's eyes as the narrowed. Why would he care where I lived?

He looked worried and… ready. I don't know what for. "Forks isn't our territory." He said quietly, confusing me.

There were territories? Really wishing I took up my sisters offer to watch the other movies right now.

"We can't protect you here. Phasing in Forks was a mistake for both of us." He confesses, his voice grim.

I don't know what that means, and it does sound important-not to mention ominous-but I know I can't up and move to La Push.

A sigh escapes me, I decide to let that tidbit slip by for now.

His gaze held mine, resolute. "You're coming with me to La Push. You need to meet the elders, the council. There's a lot you have to hear." He wasn't asking.

"I get it, but I need to get home ASAP. My brother's probably losing his mind worrying about me." I replied, genuinely not wanting to make him wait any longer than I had to.

Now with Russell's actual memories, I know where my family is and who they are. They were good people and I don't want to worry them any more than I have to.

"Can't go home naked, Russell." He reminds me smugly.

The absurdity of the situation hit me like a bucket of ice, and I couldn't hold back a laugh. "True. So, what's the plan?" I question.

Am I supposed to go back and have a werewolf tutorial?

"We'll have to phase," Sam declared, his tone casual despite the extraordinary nature of his statement. Yeah, just turn into a really big dog.

No biggie

Fear slithered back into my thoughts. I can't deny a part of me is still scared of turning into a flipping wolf, and understandably so.

Sam, the seasoned guide, seemed to catch on to my thoughts. "It's natural to be uncertain about the change. But you can do it just like I can." He says.

Sam's tall frame steps past me deeper into the woods. He turns back towards me and crosses his arms.

"You just need to focus on your wolf's emotions, particularly anger. The thing inside us is angry, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Tap into that. You have to want to turn into a wolf." He growls, literally snarling at me while he….vibrates.

I watch, focused as his shaking intensified. His bronze skin begins to redden, as if fire burns under the surface. Slowly wisps of steam start to radiate off his red-hot skin. "Give your body body a start-up—shake yourself, snarl, breathe heavily. Treat yourself like an engine." He demonstrates himself, shaking like someone with a sugar rush in steroids. I have no doubt he could do it without this.

His instructions echo in my mind.

Sam transformed in an instant, a fluidity that seemed second nature. I could've blinked and missed some of it. I watch the bear sized black wolf shake his fur and stand tall. He stares at me expectingly.

With a deep breath i go over his instructions. Start myself up. I slowly start rattling myself and breathing heavily. Anger. I recalling moments of anger in both my lives, with no shortage in either. As if replaying an old movie I try to relive the anger.

After what felt like an eternity, I can feel myself getting warmer and warmer, until I feel my skin boiling. And as if turning the key in the key in ignition, I spring forward with an abrupt ferocity.


Snapping sound echo the forest as I feel my form shifting , slower and more jumbled than Sam's, but stil changing.

Finally, I land on all fours.

Shaking my heavy brown fur, I stand tall, almost looking Sam in the eyes. He's bigger it seems.

His voice resonated in my head.

We'll work on that. It'll get easier with practice. He barks at me.

I didn't even have a moment to get my bearings together as Sam takes off with a burst of speed that felt more like a controlled explosion. His hulking figure covering impossible distances in seconds.

Caught in a daze, I stared into the dense forest until Sam's voice snapped me back harshly. Stop staring and follow me!

As I started moving, a surge of fur bristling with excitement accompanied me. I took of slow, as if testing out a new engine. My oversized paws slammed the ground like a sledgehammer, catapulting me faster and faster.

Dodging trees became felt like second nature, and the thrill of my newfound speed was exhilarating. The world blurred around me, a symphony of rushing wind in my ears. Sam's voice praised my joyous thoughts, urging me to push faster.

With eyesight beyond anything I'd known, I embraced the sheer ecstasy of the chase. A bark of excitement escaped me as I tested my limits, feeling the sheer joy of the moment. Sam slowed down, his voice in my head,

This, Russell, is one of the best parts of what we are.

The forest became a kaleidoscope of colors, and I laughed—or barked—in pure elation. Racing through the night alongside Sam, we became wind in the woods.


The night unfurled around us, shadows blending into the rhythm of our rapid paws as Sam and I raced toward La Push. My newfound abilities brought exhilaration, but questions lingered in the air, like the scent of distant pine.

My mind was preoccupied with the extreme speeds we were travelling at, but I still found my thoughts wandering to inconsequential memories. Not anything that really mattered, but I could tell Sam was aware of what I was thinking.

Fortunately, he hadn't mentioned anything regarding my past life, which meant one of two things. He couldn't see my true past, or he was ignoring it. Common sense favoured the former:

Either way, the idea of someone being completely aware what I was thinking, constantly knowing my impressions and line of thinking was daunting. It would mean no privacy or peace of mind.

But, I knew Sam's mind was mostly silent unless he had something to say or show me. That meant there was possibly more to it. Perhaps I needed to learn how to protect myself mentally.

Mid-run, I hesitated, knowing my thoughts had already echo in Sam's mind. I might as well ask.

Hey, Sam, can you, you know, read everything in my head when we're in wolf form?

Sam's voice resonated in my thoughts. Not everything. Just what comes to your mind, even if it's just a fleeting thought. It can be scary at first, especially with secrets. We all have them and it's hard to keep secrets when a slight thought about the secret can expose it.

Concern gripped me as I pondered my past life's memories. He hadn't mentioned it so far. Even still, I really didn't like the idea of this shared mind thing going on.

Sam's reply held a mix of reassurance and a tinge of solemnity. I can also choose to tune out of others surface thoughts, giving them some semblance of privacy. It's not foolproof or anything, but I've started doing it. But, I should mention that I can force my way into other wolves' minds if I need to, but that's just me. He confessed.

And isn't that a big confession. He could force his way into our minds? The revelation almost had me crashing into a rogue tree stump. Hopping over it last second I shook my head.

My worry deepened, and I questioned why he had that ability. Sam revealed, We're not the only ones. There are others, and I'm the leader—the alpha. I could practically hear him growl at that last declaration. Being the first to phase and the most experienced comes with advantages. My thoughts are protected completely, and I can connect with the packs mind. Force my way into their minds. It's violent, like I'm tearing into them. I rarely need to do it.

I slot that information in my back pocket, deciding to not to piss off Sam.

As we ran, Sam shared the roster of Shifters, protectors or whatever we're called. Paul, Embry, Jared, and me, Russell.

For now.

For now? I pressed. Instead of answering my question he allowed me catch a glimpse of his memories.

In the tapestry of his mind, there was a boy that looked similar to both of us, definitely Quileute. Bronze skin and the signature long hair that all the Rez kids rocked to go alone with it. He has a kind face. The type of face that you can't help but smile when they do.

The scenes shifted and changed, showing him putting on some muscles in a short time frame. Rumours of fights at school. Baby fat melted off him like butter, giving way to a more rugged and mature look. However what stood out to me most was his family saying he's taking time off school because he's sick.

I've heard that one before. Is he…

He unveiled an impending change. His names Quil. He's going through the same symptoms you did. The same one we all did. Growth spurts, fever, mood swings.

One moment of anger He continues

Or panic. I echoed bitterly.

And he'll phase for the first time. Sam finished.

This all sounded so… so inevitable. I knew deep down there wasn't a thing anybody could do to stop Quil from phasing. That poor kid doesn't even know what's coming his way.


As Sam and I navigated the woods quietly, a new voice resonated in our minds.

Hey, Sam, who's this new guy?

With the arrival of this voice, memories of a tall, surfer-looking musclehead telling this other voice about about new wolf flash by me.

Sam introduces me to Embry. Embry, meet Russell. Russell, Embry.

In that moment I could feel this second presence-Embry- probing me. I returned the favour, focusing on not just the voice, but the feeling in the back of my head that told me there was a third wolf.

And just like that I had a second point of view as I saw the world from Embry's eyes. It was… trippy. I could tell they found my experimentation funny. He was getting closer,

Embry's voice was a burst of energy. Russell huh. I've seen you around Forks. He revealed, probably already knowing how I look from one of our heads. Didn't know you were Quileute though.This is awesome!

I chuckled-which was more of a snarl-realizing our paths had unknowingly crossed before.Yeah well, my family doesn't live on the Rezervation. Probably why you didn't know.

Embry, the light-hearted wolf, expressed his appreciation of there being another member of their little club. Glad to have you with us, man. It starting to get boring hearing the same angry voices complaining all the time.

Yeah I'm sure we're gonna get alone just fine.

Our run brought us closer and closer, until Embry's distinct features became apparent—a swift frame, still ridiculously big, but it had a sense of nimbleness that Sam lacked. Short grey fur bristled in the wind. The fur around his eyes was a darker grey, kind of like a mask.

In the heart of the La Push forests, we reached a hidden stash of clothes, a hilarious solution to a hilarious problem. A blend of the supernatural and the mundane. Our wolf forms surrendered to human bodies, the change getting easier.

As we dressed, Sam broached the impending meeting with the council. "Ready to meet the elders, Russell?" He asked

Doubt crept in, but I had no choice. "Not really, but I guess I don't have a choice."

Sam turned to Embry. "Think Billy's still awake?"

Good question, I thought, glad to have my privacy back. It was late after all. Around 1am if I had to guess.

Embry shrugged, uncertainty in his wolfish grin. "We can knock on his door and find out." He replied uncaringly. I could tell he planned to wake Billy up regardless.

The mention of Billy stirred memories within me, fragments of my past life coming into focus. I asked Embry about the council, a group I vaguely remembered from childhood.

"The Chief is Billy Black," Embry shared. "Harry Clearwater and Old Quil are also on it."

I remember them. The wheelchair bound Chief was particularly memorable. They were in charge of anything tribe related.

"And they know about us?"

Embry throws a heavy arm around me. "About us turning into giant wolves? Yeah they're in on it. Used to think they were crackpots always acting like the tribe stories were true." He chuckles.

"Why doesn't your family live on the Rez, Russell?" He questions.

I sign mentally. I just know I'm going to hear that question a lot.

I delved into my history, explaining my mother's falling out with some family members. "Mom doesn't care for anything to do with the tribe. My dad isn't Quileute, so he definitely didn't care."

The night hung heavy with change as we headed off onto a wide that lead into the residential area of La Push. I say that, but every home has what feels like acres of space between them. The pros of living a Native American Rezervation, a lot of land and not a lot of people.

Time to meet one of the leaders of the tribe and the Rezervation. Memories intertwined with the present, past and present converging as I took in my old home, entering the heart of La Push.