
Alien in the Cultivation World

We're so used to magicians, reincarnators, transmigrators and other race in the cultivation world. But what about an alien? Even better.... An evil one ?

InnocentFox · Fantasía
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49 Chs

Different Path

"Thank you for saving me," Fang Xuan said, kneeling and bowing his head low in gratitude.

"But I want to stay here," he declared, his voice firm despite the lingering exhaustion.

They had asked him to come with them , but he really did not see the reason why Asaad was too invested in him. It was really suspicious . 

"Fang Xuan" Asaad sighed, stepping closer, "I understand why you might want to stay, but this place isn't safe for you." 

"You can come with us to our continent," Asaad offered, his voice steady and sincere.

It wasn't just an offer made out of goodwill; Asaad had seen Fang Xuan fight before he intervened. 

The boy had a lot of natural talent, even though it was still rough around the edges. 

With proper training, he could become a very strong cultivator.

Fang Xuan looked at Asaad, surprised by the offer.

He hadn't expected anyone to take an interest in him, especially not after everything that had happened. 

Before, he would have eagerly accepted the offer for training, knowing someone was willing to help him.

But things were different now. He had something inside him that could help him grow stronger, and he didn't like the idea of going to an unknown place. 

"I'm really sorry, but I can't come with you. I still have something I need to finish," Fang Xuan said firmly, his eyes showing his determination.

Asaad was silent for a moment. 

"Alright, I understand. I won't push you. But if you ever decide to visit our continent, Kahara, just show this to one of the guards." He handed over a small bronze object. "It's the emblem of our Sect."

It had a scorpion carved into the surface, with sharp details on its claws and tail that made it look almost real. The bronze felt cool and solid in Fang Xuan's hand, representing the sect's identity.

"Thank you," Fang Xuan cupped his hands together in a gesture of gratitude.

Next, Asaad pulled out an old book. 

"Also, take this. It's a body cultivation technique from my sect, called Dessert Steel. It's only at the foundation level, but if you master it to the Perfect Stage, your body will become tougher than metal." 

Fang Xuan took the book with excitement. 

This was the first body cultivation technique he had ever received. He held it gently, feeling the importance of what it could offer. 

The old cover looked worn, but that only added to its appeal. It gave the book a sense of history.

For a moment, Fang Xuan expression changed, showing a hint of hope in his eyes. 

He had tried a breathing technique before, but it ended up backfiring in his body. Now, he hoped that this one would be different.

"And one more thing... I noticed your meridians have blockages. It's not severe, but if you want to make more progress, you'll need someone to clear them. I can't do it, but if you come with us, I can recommend a Pill Master from our Sect who can help."

"Thank you for your offer, but I have all I need for now. I'll make sure to visit you in the future," Fang Xuan declined politely.