
Alien in the Cultivation World

We're so used to magicians, reincarnators, transmigrators and other race in the cultivation world. But what about an alien? Even better.... An evil one ?

InnocentFox · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Culture Shock

When the sun rose the next morning, its light filtered through the small opening of the cave.

Asaad was up early, preparing breakfast. He pulled out strips of dried meat and chunks of hard bread from his pack.

He set them on a blanket spread on the ground, the bread's rough, dry surface contrasting with the tender, slightly chewy texture of the meat.

The aroma of the dried meat, though simple, was a welcome meal. 

Demrah, on the other hand, was already at the makeshift stove, stirring a pot of soup.

The scent of the simmering broth, rich with the aroma of different herbs, filled the air.

Occasionally, a whiff of something savory, perhaps a touch of meat or root vegetables, wafted from the pot.

Watching them now, it was hard to believe they were both powerful cultivators.

Fang Xuan marveled at how relaxed and unassuming they seemed, a big difference to the egotistical and aloof cultivators from his old town.

The simplicity and warmth of this scene felt strange. 

Asaad approached Fang Xuan with a piece of dried meat and a chunk of hard bread.

"Here, this should help you regain some strength," he said. 

Fang Xuan took the food with a nod of thanks. Despite his weakened state, he was able to manage a few bites.

The bread was dry but satisfying, and the meat, though not tender, had a robust flavor .

When Demrah came over with a bowl of steaming soup, the rich, savory scent filled his nose. 

But Fang Xuan eyed the soup warily, his mistrust rising as unsettling memories of his recent experienced resurfaced.

"That's safe,"

Her sharp tone echoed as she noticed his hesitation.

Fang Xuan hesitated, the thought of poison crossing his mind.

"I... I'm not sure," 

Demrah's eyes narrowed, and she muttered under her breath. "Seriously? After everything, you're still doubting us?"

She placed the bowl down on the ground, crossing her arms.

"If you want to be stubborn, fine. But it's your choice. I'm not here to force-feed you."

Asaad stepped in, sensing the growing tension.

"Fang Xuan, you can trust the soup. She might be blunt and rude, but she wouldn't poison you."

Fang Xuan glanced between Asaad and Demrah, realizing it wouldn't look good if he kept resisting.

If they had wanted to kill him, they would've done it already. 

With a resigned sigh, he finally picked up the bowl and took a small sip. 

The soup was surprisingly good, with a rich, savory flavor.

The warmth from it felt soothing against his strained body.

Demrah watched him closely, her expression still a bit annoyed " Well, at least you're willing to try it now. I just hope you know how to appreciate and be grateful,"

Fang Xuan didn't respond immediately. He took another cautious sip, his face relaxing slightly.

The soup was definitely not poisoned; it was nourishing and well-made.

"Thank you," he said quietly, though the words felt strained coming from him.

Asaad smiled, relieved to see him becoming more understandable . "You should eat up. We need to get you back on your feet, and a good meal is a start."

Fang Xuan nodded and focused on his meal.

He felt his mistrust start to fade a little, but the tension with Demrah was still there.

He wasn't sure of their true intentions, but for now, he had no choice but to trust their help.