

"Yo! This is a recording as you've probably realized so it is after this happened that I wrote it. Anyway, the world's gone to shi* as you've seen unless you're a filthy parasite then screw you and try and be a good person by listening to this at least since I'd to be known for the horrors I've experienced so please just listen...with that, we go to part one. Schedule = Wednesday patreon.com/Filler_Chan

Auther_Uchiha · Horror
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25 Chs

File #2


"Ah, the second tape, a delightful continuation of our little adventure. Let's dive right into the horrors that awaited us, shall we? So, it turns out those so-called "aliens" were nothing more than parasites.

Yes, you heard that right—parasites. Not the kind that you find in a Biology textbook, oh no, these were a special breed.

They originated from a rock that conveniently decided to make its landing in the picturesque landscapes of Northern Europe. How considerate of them.

The United Nations, in their infinite wisdom, decided to investigate this extraterrestrial rock and its potential for scientific breakthroughs. What they didn't anticipate was the Pandora's box they were about to open.

The moment those parasites got a whiff of human flesh, they went into a feeding frenzy. I suppose we were just too tempting for their taste buds. Can't blame them, really. We, humans, are quite the delicacy, especially when seasoned with fear and vulnerability.

These parasites had a cunning strategy. They would invade the bodies of their unsuspecting victims, taking control and transforming them into grotesque mutants. A little possession here, a dash of mutation there—it was like a twisted culinary experiment gone wrong.

And let's not forget the insatiable hunger they had for their own kind. Oh, how delightful it must have been to witness a feast of their own brethren, a buffet of betrayal and cannibalism.

Meanwhile, the human population became the unwitting hosts, mere vessels for these parasitic entities. It was a numbers game, really. The parasites knew they had hit the jackpot with us.

With our ever-expanding population, we were the ideal breeding ground for their twisted agenda. They multiplied, spreading like wildfire through our ranks, consuming and mutating, all in the name of survival.

As the chaos unfolded on a global scale, governments crumbled, societies collapsed, and hope withered away like a wilted flower.

The world became a playground for these insidious parasites, a grotesque theatre where they played the roles of puppet masters, pulling the strings of their human marionettes.

The human race, once so full of promise, was reduced to nothing more than pawns in a macabre game.

And there I was, an observer amidst the madness, my sarcasm serving as a shield against the horrors that surrounded me.

The apocalyptic symphony of screams and suffering was my backdrop, the grotesque mutations my supporting cast. It was a sight to behold, a morbid spectacle that both fascinated and repelled me.

But little did I know that this twisted dance of destruction would soon entangle me in its deadly embrace. Fate had a cruel sense of humour, and I was about to become an unwilling participant in this grand cosmic tragedy.

The second tape marked the beginning of my descent into the heart of darkness, where the lines between survival and morality blurred, and the true nature of humanity would be put to the test.

So, buckle up, my friends, for the show must go on. The parasites may have had their moment in the spotlight, but it's time for the grand finale, where I, the ever-sarcastic Lord Goldsworth, take center stage.

Let's see if I can outwit these cunning creatures and bring a touch of dark humour to this apocalyptic nightmare. After all, what's an end-of-the-world scenario without a sprinkle of twisted laughter?"

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