
Aizen: God Of Destruction

Sosuke Aizen was chosen to be Universe 6's God of Destruction. But he won't be content with the power of a simple god. He will never let anyone rule above him. He will aim for the very top, for the Omni King himself.

HiroKoya · Cómic
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18 Chs


I have been gathering spiritual pressure for a few hundred years now.

Maybe its time to say goodbye to Muken. 

First, I'll obtain my freedom.

But do not celebrate, Soul Reaper vermin. I will come back without fail. 

And when I do, you'll realize that no one is allowed to control me. 

I am above all.

Now, take me where you will.

Hado 101: Remembrance of the Strong


Saying those words, Aizen released the spell he had been preparing ever since taking down Yhwach. 

His spiritual pressure turned violent. 

His seals were devoured, and he with them.

The black hole he created destroyed a significant part of the otherwise infinite dimension that is Muken.

He could sense his body being broken down to nothing. And then being built back up with the power of the Hogyoku that was now fused with him.

He forced his consciousness to focus. 

The pain of his atoms being split apart meant nothing to him.

Every time his retina regenerated, he gazed as far as he could. 

Repeating the cycle countless times.

Time had no meaning where he was. 

If it were anyone else, they would have long since lost their sanity and be satisfied with blending it with the world itself.

But Aizen pushed on.

Eons later...his body was whole once more.

For once, his cells weren't being dismantled.

It was a relatively simple place where he had stopped.

A lake surrounded by a forest.

He called forth his power.

And it responded. 

He could access the spiritual pressure in the air, along with his zanpakto that was fused with him.

But before he could run more tests, his first challenge arrived.

A female figure slowly dropped from the sky.

Holding an eerie staff with a floating ball as its tip, the woman had a halo around her neck. She had long flowing hair tied in a ponytail above her head. Her skin was blue and eyes were purple. Her expression was as neutral as it could be.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't discern the color of her moderate clothing. As if it was always changing, or his eyes were playing a trick on him.

"Congratulations, you have been chosen as the next God of Destruction for this Universe. I, Vados, your angel, am here to greet you." She bowed slightly as she spoke. "First things first, please choose a color upon which I can base our clothing on." Her tone was casual, carefree. 

It was weird that she mentioned clothing, seeing as he was naked. His skin had reverted back to its original form, defused from the transcended shape he held before.

But nevertheless, he decided to play her game and see where it goes. After all, she was treating him with respect, and he needed answers. And he knew that fighting her would not only be detrimental, but pointless.

So, he spoke.

For the first time in millions of years, he lips moved to form words.

His voice wasn't coarse, his pitch perfect, and his tone held authority.
