
Aimless Travels In Multiverse

THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN UNDER QUESTIONABLE CIRCUMSTANCES SO IT'S GOING TO BE BAD. MC with questionable sanity running around Multiverse trying to find something interesting to do. [This novel is mostly on MC's POV also English is not my first language] [Cover photo is not mine]

TurkishJesus · Cómic
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79 Chs

Reaching Origin, Reuniting Parents, Author Messing With Me

Once we came home I decided to take decisive action before Village summons us first of them being taking my girls to dates...

I have this brilliant idea to use time travel so I can take care of my women at the same time since I am not fond of using clones or splitting my body.

So a me and Chisato are going to some tourist spots in Japan, Yuki is going to Hawaii with a future version of me because she for some reason bought a swimsuit (It's January here) and Zest is going to Paris with another future version of me because she wanted to taste some high quality food to be a better maid to me... I can already see myself subduing Zest at the top of Eifel Tower.

The main reason for these dates are just for the sake of it and I need alone time with Chisato to trigger my God blood, my plans start after all of my bloodlines are unlocked I have been studying these races for a good time now and my plan should be plausible.

So three versions of me set out for dates.


First being Chisato we met up at the train station since she can't move in yet. From there we started touring and I kept my attention to her at all times.

She gets jealous easily if I don't pay attention when we're alone, at the end of the day Chisato gave me her blessing and a medicine similar to the one Shella gave me and I took it without hesitation.

With all of my bloodlines open and active my current power reached my main human body even though I don't have much trainings with this one.

Since the serious business was finished early I thoroughly enjoyed my loveable sensei, she actually wanted to sleep with me but I need her to be chaste for my plan.


After I was done with Chisato and brought her back home, I took out my swimwear and go back in time to the designated place where Yuki is waiting for me.

After kissing her for greeting we teleported to Hawaii I already booked up a room for us. Our little escapade wasn't all that thrilling but we calmly enjoyed ourselves Yuki is somewhat similar to Kaguya when it comes to romance unless something triggers her.


With the loveable kuudere is taken care of I traveled back in time for one last time to take Zest to Paris and again I already have reservations for the best restaurants.

I tried to change her mind about this but it didn't work, let's hope I can divert her attention to the date instead of being a better maid.



"Basara-sama! don't stop!" I would like to say I was successful. Also Zest finally maxed her loyalty and her collar turned crimson red, Keikkaku doori.


Currently all three girls are in my enlarged bedroom today is the day which I will be sleeping with them, I would have liked to have this separately but this thing I am trying is going to need their purities...

"So, I am going to something reckless..."

"What do you need from us Basara?" Yuki asks I can see that the three is ready to give me anything at this point.

"I am going to use a power from my other life to merge my bloodlines under my dragon bloodline"

"What do you need from us Basara-sama?"

"Your purity..." I say with a calm face but my cheeks gets redder as the girls get flushed. with their confirmation I use my Semblance to merge the bloodlines I have under the one I got from Ophis's blood.

Girls are needed to balance things out, I have the blood of a hero thus Yuki, I have the blood if a demon thus Zest and lastly I have the blood of a god bringing us to Chisato, Kaleidoscope and Banishing Shift is already countering each other so I don't have troubles there.

Normally they wouldn't be needed but merging under the dragon either requires a berserk slaughter or something to balance things out.

Following the activation of my Semblance my eyes turned reptilian and thankfully I didn't lose myself to lust I would have been pretty sad if I didn't remember this night so without further do I jumped at Zest first since we need to turn her contract to vow...


After a rough night with my girls which they're still sleeping... Chisato even had to unseal her powers to keep up but my new bloodline is nothing in this world can compare

I can call myself Dragon God of Origin due to merging "Infinity" and "Nothingness" without hesitation, my hair went back to being black but my eyes remained green, my powers gone through a qualitative change and to be honest I don't even need to go to a cultivation world for creating a world of my own.

Well, that stuff is for later first I need to save my mothers, with that though in mind I sent a note to my father he shouldn't have reached Divine realm just yet.

"Basara-san, why did you dye your hair" An innocent question from Maria draws the attention of rest of the residents.

"I didn't dye it sit down I will explain" In the meantime me and Cortana are designing wedding rings for the trio sleeping in my room.


Girls got their rings and I was suffocated under their hugs... Now we're in the living room to rescue my mothers.

"So Son how are you going to get your mothers without going to Divine Realm" My father doesn't comment on my hair I guess he's too agitated to notice. He apparently just came back from Vatican and took down the holy king, so there's no end boss type dudes left...

"It's going to be hard healing my cousin her punishment was harsh" Chisato comments on the side.

"Do you guys have anything related to them other than me?" With my question Chisato gives me a brush that belong to Raphealine and Dad gives me a photo of chibi Sapphire... My mom is going to kill us once she learns about this.

With the item for catalyst are ready I drew a circle with my newfound powers. I first summon Sapphire her soul is not separated from her body so her rescue is easier.

With the arrival of her Dad took her to the side she's not awake yet but this is the first time in years he is seeing her.

Now the hard part, for this I wore my wedding ring from Ereshkigal, her authority is going to help.

With another flex of my powers a body and a Jade green soul appears in front of the room drawing my father's attention.

"How are you going to merge them back?"

"First I am going to restore her memories gods are really vicious when it comes to punishments" I say with venom in my voice if not for Kaleidoscope I wouldn't be able to restore her memories...

With the operation done I use Ereshkigal's authority over souls to guide my mother's soul back in her body and after so many years her body breathes once more. Since there's no need to go to divine realm I put a lock on the realm itself, I will sort them out later there are some gods that helped Chisato and supported mom I can't really repay their kindness with destroying their realm.

I got it! I will contact Wilbert and Leohart so they can round up the troublesome people in the demon realm and I will round up the troublesome assholes from Divine realm and than I will trap them in an arena type locked dimension without death laws so they have to fight each other for the rest of eternity. It will be a good entertainment in demon realm as well.

With my explanations done I sat down and closed my eyes, I need to get used to using this power it's so weird, nothing changed with "how to" but there's too many new stuff I noticed that I was doing wrong now that my senses have increased again.

Also I am definitely not telling my parents that I just thought of doing this, let's hope they think I had to merge my bloodlines for me to do this, there's no way I am telling them their son is a stupid lunatic.

I was too busy with my thoughts that I fell asleep on the couch. I was woken up because I started to feel like I am being suffocated but I stopped squirming once I opened my eyes. My both mothers are hugging me to sleep and Dad is watching it with a most peaceful smile I ever saw.

Shrugging to him with my eyes I went back to sleep after making sure I can breathe.


In the next day I was awoken by a bubbly voice that I didn't recognize, opening my eyes I can my mother trying to wake me up.

"Mou I have been trying to wake you up for ten minutes Basara-chan come on Sapphire made breakfast" With that words my mother gives me a kiss before leaving... Oh boy it's going to take a while to get used to three mothers.

After I took a bath(Girls joined in) and got dressed I went down the stairs to find my other mother Sapphire scolding Raphealine because she "tried" to help but put salt inside the cake batter instead of sugar dad is watching them while trying not to laugh... Why are we having Cake for breakfast?

"Good morning" I greet them causing them to turn back to their respective jobs like nothing happened.

"Good morning Basara/-chan" With everything set up and rest of the residents of the house woken up we had a entertaining breakfast with the whole family.

"So we will probably be summoned back to the village" Yuki decided to open the topic.

"Don't worry about it, now that I reached this level of power no one can hurt us" I think I got baited by Yuki... She's giving me a peace sign... After my declaration I had to make another set of explanation to the whole family normally it was just Yuki, Chisato and Dad.

They got over the fact real quick but I did not like their expressions it wasn't enough for me so I connected this house with the rest of my houses, in an instant a curious Kaguya came through the door shocking the household.

Now that's the reaction I wanted to see.


With Kaguya's arrival the rest of the Harem and family slowly came to this side to meet their newest relatives at the end of the day my main body came in causing another wave of shock.

"Yo, I see you got thing settled here" My other body is looking haggard as hell, I honestly don't want to know what happened to him to become like this but we have to merge we don't do multiple bodies.

"Yeah I just need to put the hero village back to where they belong, ready to merge" I ask while we both can see Chisato breathing heavily at the back while muttering "there's two Basara" seeing the other body nod we shake hands and merge.

"Well, now that I am whole once more there's nothing much left..."

"Basara, why did you merge I had plans for multiple bodies!" An indignant voice comes to ears as Chisato complains.

"I am not doing multiple bodies that's just weird"

"At least grow a second dick for me"

"Deal!" I agree on the spot to make her stop it seems she forgot the whole family is here...

"I see that Basara-chan got Afureia really hooked" Raphealine comments on the side with a innocent expression making Chisato realize where she is. I never saw her this red, she ended up running to my room.

"I will look how she's doing" I say to the rest and go ahead to check my loveable sensei.


In the end my power move draw the attention of the four gods and Kouryu and they came to beg me to unlock the path the divine realm...

It was really a spectacular moment seeing elders of the village alongside them begging me, I of course was kind enough to not reject such plea from them but what they didn't know that my plans have already finished and the part of the gods that punished my mothers have already sent to my arena dimension. I also set my Bean Troops to Divine realm and ordered them to conquer it.

I also gave a storage gem that has the bodies of the dead that got "erased" during the incident that happened with Banishing Shift.

I just time travelled and got the bodies, it didn't affect the time line but I think I made the elders even more scared when I breathed life into those dead (I used Ereshkigal's authority) and revived them.

The gods here won't do such things later my mother confirmed that Gods can't revive the dead.

Apparently some girl from Vatican have arrived her name is Celis if I remember right, she's been a childhood friend but knowing her character I didn't want to see her again thankfully after my show of power they didn't dare challenge me, Kurumi and Yuki have already seen through the lies of the village but Kurumi couldn't leave her parents since she didn't get in a relationship with me.

I sent Zest to Archer to learn the secrets of Emiya cooking, Yuki settled to be a housewife like Kaguya, Chisato is still working as a nurse. I finished my Magnum Opus by traveling to Type-moon and getting access to Root for a little while I am not the Dragon God of Origin for show.

My parents (All of them) went on a big adventure that's spanning to four different dimensions.

I on the other hand am working on these papers because the trading hub is working like a whore house...

"To the deserts" I hear a monotone voice of my step daughter, Ophis is currently sitting on my shoulders while I am filling papers.

"Nope, remember Eresh forbidden deserts for today" She pouted.


1 Year Later.

"We're pregnant!"(x8)

All of my wives got pregnant at the same time... Great!

Too bad author has no creativity and the readers won't ever see my children nor read their names...

{Sorry buddy I am all out of ideas, this is the fate of nearly every fancfic on webnovel}






I was originally going to finish after writing a FGO part where MC gets Medea's Reincarnation but even after reading the whole FGO story I can't write about it, it's actually pissing me off but whatever

TurkishJesuscreators' thoughts